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Adding in Race, Culture and Ethnicity (Powell 17-36)

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Presentation on theme: "Adding in Race, Culture and Ethnicity (Powell 17-36)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding in Race, Culture and Ethnicity (Powell 17-36)

2 The changing organization Thing centered People centered Old structure

3 The changing organization cont. Middle management cut out –More interaction between workers and boss –Levels now flow together (showing that other ideas are important beyond the boss’s ideas) Workplace is now a community Is the airline industry a community? –No…many strikes lately between the bosses and the workers


5 Benefits of the “Community” feeling Less time looking busy and more time being busy Sprint-pause cycle –More teamwork production because people feel they are on a common level –Less stereotypes, less distinctions between workers

6 Problems with lack of diversity Public welfare –People who run the system probably have never been on the system –Boiled Frog Need for evaluation and accountability –Comment cards Stereotyping professions –Occupational segregation (blue vs. pink collar jobs)

7 Why doesn’t everyone diversify? Must deal with the differences May call present actions into question May require changes in the existing structure

8 III. The Economic and Societal Context Powell ( 37-46)

9 Changes in the Labor Market in the past 30 years Increases in women’s Labor Force Participation Rates –More divorces –Change in social norms and attitudes Increases in technology –More “things” to make housework less time consuming Increases in information processing –E-mail, internet…

10 Gender Equity Versus Equality Equality (same) –impossible –Were the two sexes equal there would not be two sexes, but rather one. Equity (fair) is possible.

11 Impacts of changing workplace Women are seen as flexible in their working lives –More part time, less experience, more discontinuity in work lives Women are seen as more attractive employees –Part time workers are less expensive (lower wages and no benefits)

12 Changing view of management Past: structured, rigid, those to be feared –Male traits Present/Future: approachable, able to communicate, sensitive to worker’s feelings –Female traits

13 Division of Labor between work and household responsibilities Old ideology: the person with the least amount of time spent “at the office” will do more of the housework Problems: –Women still viewed as secondary. Thus equal hours doesn’t mean equal work. –Virtual organizations

14 Gender Gap in Earnings Since 1955 earnings has been tracked to see if there is a “cost of being female” This “cost” has been found no matter how you break income down (median, average, weekly…) Exists across occupations, over the life-cycle, across cultures… The only thing that has changed is the number

15 Important Points If gender gap = 64% then women earn $0.64 for every $1.00 a man earns Must be comparable jobs

16 How calculate???

17 Example Female wage = 24561 Male wage = 32472 Gender earnings ratio? –76% (women earn 76% of what a comparable man earns or $0.76 of every man’s $1.00) Gender wage gap? –24% (women earn 24% less than a comparable man)

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