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Star and Planet Formation Sommer term 2007 Henrik Beuther & Sebastian Wolf 16.4 Introduction (H.B. & S.W.) 23.4 Physical processes, heating and cooling,

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Presentation on theme: "Star and Planet Formation Sommer term 2007 Henrik Beuther & Sebastian Wolf 16.4 Introduction (H.B. & S.W.) 23.4 Physical processes, heating and cooling,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Star and Planet Formation Sommer term 2007 Henrik Beuther & Sebastian Wolf 16.4 Introduction (H.B. & S.W.) 23.4 Physical processes, heating and cooling, radiation transfer (H.B.) 30.4 Gravitational collapse & early protostellar evolution I (H.B.) 07.5 Gravitational collapse & early protostellar evolution II (H.B.) 14.5 Protostellar and pre-main sequence evolution (H.B.) 21.5 Outflows and jets (H.B.) 28.5 Pfingsten (no lecture) 04.6 Clusters, the initial mass function (IMF), massive star formation (H.B.) 11.6 Protoplanetary disks: Observations + models I (S.W.) 18.6 Gas in disks, molecules, chemistry, keplerian motions (H.B.) 25.6 Protoplanetary disks: Observations + models II (S.W.) 02.7 Accretion, transport processes, local structure and stability (S.W.) 09.7 Planet formation scenarios (S.W.) 16.7 Extrasolar planets: Searching for other worlds (S.W.) 23.7 Summary and open questions (H.B. & S.W.) More Information and the current lecture files: and Emails:,

2 Summary last week - The “first core” contracts until temperatures are able to dissociate H 2 to H. - H-region spreads outward, T and P not high enough to maintain equilibrium, further collapse until H gets collisionally ionized. The dynamically stable protostar has formed. - Accretion luminosity. Definition of low-mass protostar can be “mass-gaining object where the luminosity is dominated by accretion”. - Structure of the protostellar envelope and effects of rotation. - Stellar structure equations: follow numerically the protostellar and then later the pre-main sequence evolution. - Convection and deuterium burning. - End of protostellar/beginning or pre-main sequence evolution --> birthline. - Pre-main sequence evolution in the Hertzsprung-Russel (HR) diagram. - Connection of HR diagram with protostellar and pre-main sequence class scheme.

3 Star Formation Paradigm

4 Discovery of outflows I Herbig 1950, 1951; Haro 1952, 1953 Initially thought to be embedded protostars but soon spectra were recognized as caused by shock waves --> jets and outflows

5 Discovery of outflows II - In the mid to late 70th, first CO non-Gaussian line wing emission detected (Kwan & Scovile 1976). - Bipolar structures, extremely energetic, often associated with HH objects Bachiller et al. 1990 Snell et al. 1980

6 HH30, a disk-outflow system

7 Outflow multiplicities in Orion Stanke et al. 2002

8 The prototypical molecular outflow HH211

9 Jet entrainment in HH211 From Hirano et al. 2006, Palau et al. 2006, Chandler & Richer 2001, Gueth et al. 1999, Shang et al. 2006 - Warmer gas closer to source - Jet like SiO emission has always larger velocities than CO at the same projected distance from the driving protostar

10 IRAS 20126+4104 Lebron et al. 2006

11 Mass vs.velocity, energy vs. velocity Lebron et al. 2006 - Mass-velocity relation exhibits broken power-law, steeper further out - Energy at high velocities of the same magnitude than at low velocities

12 Outflow/jet precession Stanke 2003 Fendt & Zinnecker 1998

13 Jet rotation in DG Tau Bacciotti et al. 2002 blue red Testi et al. 2002 Corotation of disk and jet

14 General outflow properties - Jet velocities 100-500 km/s Outflow velocities 10-50 km/s - Estimated dynamical ages between 10 3 and 10 5 years - Size between 0.1 and 1 pc - Force provided by stellar radiation too low (middle panel) --> non-radiative processes necessary! Mass vs. L Force vs. L Outflow rate vs. L Wu et al. 2004, 2005

15 Wu et al. 2004 Collimation degrees Collimation degrees (length/width) vary between 1 and 10 HH211, Gueth et al. 1999

16 Collimation and pv-structure Lee et al. 2001 HH212: consistent with jet-driving VLA0548: consistent with wind-driving - pv-structure of jet- and wind-driven models very different - Often Hubble-law observed --> increasing velocity with increasing distance from the protostar

17 Outflow entrainment models I Basically 4 outflow entrainment models are discussed in the literature: Turbulent jet entrainment model - Working surfaces at the jet boundary layer caused by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities form viscous mixing layer entraining molecular gas. --> The mixing layer grows with time and whole outflow gets turbulent. - Broken power-law of mass-velocity relation is reproduced, but velocity decreases with distance from source --> opposite to observations Jet-bow shock model - As jet impact on ambient gas, bow shocks are formed at head of jet. High pressure gas is ejected sideways, creating a broader bow shock entraining the ambient gas. Episodic ejection produces chains of knots and shocks. - Numerical modeling reproduce many observables, e.g. Hubble-law. Raga et al. 1993 Gueth et al. 1999

18 Jet simulations I Rosen & Smith 2004 3-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, including H, C and O chemistry and cooling of the gas, this is a pulsed jet.

19 Jet simulations II: small precession Rosen & Smith 2004

20 Jet simulations III, large precession Rosen & Smith 2004

21 Outflow entrainment models II Wide-angle wind model - A wide-angle wind blows into ambient gas forming a thin swept-up shell. Different degrees of collimation can be explained by different density structures of the ambient gas. - Attractive models for older and low collimated outflows. Circulation model - Molecular gas is not entrained by underlying jet or wind, but it is rather infalling gas that was deflected from the central protostar in a region of high MHD pressure. - This model was proposed to explain also massive outflows because it was originally considered difficult to entrain that large amounts of gas. Maybe not necessary today anymore … Fiege & Henriksen 1996 Shu et al. 1991

22 Outflow entrainment models III Arce et al. 2002

23 Jet launching - Large consensus that outflows are likely driven by magneto- centrifugal winds from open magnetic field lines anchored on rotating circumstellar accretion disks. - Two main competing theories: disk winds X-winds - Are they launched from a very small area of the disk close to the truncation radius (X-wind), or over larger areas of the disk (disk wind)?

24 Jet-launching: Disk winds I Collapse: 6.81 x 10 4 yr 5 months later 1AU~ 1.5x10 13 cm - Infalling core pinches magnetic field. - If poloidal magnetic field component has angle larger 30˚ from vertical, centrifugal forces can launch matter- loaded wind along field lines from disk surface. - Wind transports away from 60 to 100% of disk angular momentum. Banerjee & Pudritz 2006 Recent review: Pudritz et al. 2006

25 Jet-launching: Disk winds II Banerjee & Pudritz 2006 1AU~ 1.5x10 13 cm Toroidal magnetic field t=1.3x10 5 yr t=9.66x10 5 yr - On larger scales, a strong toroidal magnetic field builds up during collapse. - At large radii (outside Alfven radius r A, the radius where kin. energy equals magn. energy) B  /B p much larger than 1 --> collimation via Lorentz-force F L ~j z B 

26 X-winds Shu et al. 2000 - The wind is launched magneto-centrifugally from the inner co-rotation radius of the accretion disk (~0.03AU)

27 Jet-launching points and angular momenta Woitas et al. 2005 r 0,in corresponds approximately to corotation radius ~ 0.03 AU - From toroidal and poloidal velocities, one infers footpoints r 0, where gas comes from --> outer r 0 for the blue and red wing are about 0.4 and 1.6 AU (lower limits) --> consistent with disk winds - About 2/3 of the disk angular momentum may be carried away by jet. Spectro-Astrometry

28 Impact on surrounding cloud - Entrain large amounts of cloud mass with high energies. - Potentially partly responsible to maintain turbulence in cloud. - Can finally disrupt the cores to stop any further accretion. - Can erode the clouds and alter their velocity structure. - May trigger collapse in neighboring cores. - Via shock interactions heat the cloud. - Alter the chemical properties.

29 Outflow chemistry Bachiller et al. 2001

30 Summary - Outflows and jets are ubiquitous and necessary phenomena in star formation. - Transport angular momentum away from protostar. - The are likely formed by magneto-centrifugal disk-winds. - Collimation is caused by Lorentz forces. - Gas entrainment can be due to various processes: turbulent entrainment, bow-shocks, wide-angle winds, circulation … - They inject significant amounts of energy in the ISM, may be important to maintain turbulence. - Disrupt at some stage their maternal clouds. - Often point back to the forming star

31 Star and Planet Formation Sommer term 2007 Henrik Beuther & Sebastian Wolf 16.4 Introduction (H.B. & S.W.) 23.4 Physical processes, heating and cooling, radiation transfer (H.B.) 30.4 Gravitational collapse & early protostellar evolution I (H.B.) 07.5 Gravitational collapse & early protostellar evolution II (H.B.) 14.5 Protostellar and pre-main sequence evolution (H.B.) 21.5 Outflows and jets (H.B.) 28.5 Pfingsten (no lecture) 04.6 Clusters, the initial mass function (IMF), massive star formation (H.B.) 11.6 Protoplanetary disks: Observations + models I (S.W.) 18.6 Gas in disks, molecules, chemistry, keplerian motions (H.B.) 25.6 Protoplanetary disks: Observations + models II (S.W.) 02.7 Accretion, transport processes, local structure and stability (S.W.) 09.7 Planet formation scenarios (S.W.) 16.7 Extrasolar planets: Searching for other worlds (S.W.) 23.7 Summary and open questions (H.B. & S.W.) More Information and the current lecture files: and Emails:,

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