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‘ Creating conditions and instruments for lower educated workers and handicaped people with a distance to the labourmarket with the aim of a regular position.

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Presentation on theme: "‘ Creating conditions and instruments for lower educated workers and handicaped people with a distance to the labourmarket with the aim of a regular position."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘ Creating conditions and instruments for lower educated workers and handicaped people with a distance to the labourmarket with the aim of a regular position on the labour market’ The role of the mentor Module 1 Exercise 1.1.1, attachment 1

2 The Tutor/Mentor characteristics - weaknesses - strengths THE ROLE 2 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

3 Variables and expectations connected to the role of the Tutor/Mentor of the Inside–out Project Role of the Tutor/Mentor EXPECTATIONS OF OTHER ROLES CLIENTS’ EXPECTATIONS PERSONAL EXPECTATIONS EFFECTIVE BEHAVIOUR 3 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

4 Plenary exercise CLIENTS’ EXPECTATIONS ROLE In your opinion, what are the main perceived expectations of your role as Tutor/Mentor that influence how the role itself is carried out that are conveyed by clients? In brief, what do you feel the companies, institutions, the organisation that set up the Project expect from you in your role as Tutor? 4 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

5 Clients’ expectations of your role as Tutor 5 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

6 Plenary exercise EXPECTATIONS OF OTHER ROLES ROLE In your opinion, what are the main perceived expectations of your role as Tutor/Mentor that influence how the role itself is carried out that are conveyed by other roles and internal and external professional figures? 6 In brief, what do you feel the Project Managers, the employers, other people in charge, etc. expect from you in your role as Tutor? Role and characteristics of the Tutor

7 Other roles’ and professional figures’ expectations of the role of Tutor 7 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

8 Plenary exercise PERSONAL EXPECTATIONS ROLE In your opinion, what are the main perceived expectations of your role as Tutor/Mentor that influence how the role itself is carried out that are conveyed by yourself? 8 In brief, what do you personally feel, what aspects do you feel most about in your role as Tutor? Role and characteristics of the Tutor

9 Your personal expectations in your role as Tutor 9 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

10 Identify: a)The typical and recurrent activities that represent your role as Tutor; b)The positive aspects of your role as Tutor; c)The weak points, the difficulties, etc. of your role as Tutor. Objectives: the role – self-perception of one’s role Plenary exercise 10 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

11 1. What are the typical and recurrent activities that represent your role as Tutor? Plenary exercise 11 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

12 Exercise The typical and recurrent activities are: (use verbs) 1. What are the typical and recurrent activities that represent your role? 12 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

13 Plenary exercise 2. What are the positive aspects of your role as Tutor? 13 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

14 Exercise The positive aspects are: 2. What are the positive aspects of your role as Tutor, of your activity? 14 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

15 3. What are the main weak points in carrying out your role as Tutor? Plenary exercise difficulties obstacles blockages resistance 15 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

16 Exercise The main weak points are: 3. What are the main weak points in carrying out your role? 16 Role and characteristics of the Tutor

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