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Induction Case Study Department of Chemistry Dr Lynne Bayley 10/07/2015.

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1 Induction Case Study Department of Chemistry Dr Lynne Bayley 10/07/2015

2 Purpose of Induction  Purpose of induction: Enable students to make a successful transition to university.  After induction students should;  Be aware of expectations and processes involved in academic study at university level.  Understand how to engage with timetabled sessions, independent study, assessment and feedback.  Be able to use administrative and technical systems.  Be aware of the opportunities available.  Know how to access help and support.  Be socially integrated.

3 Definition of Induction: The action or process of inducting someone to a post or organization. Inducting: to introduce, especially to something requiring special knowledge or experience; initiate (usually followed by to or into). Contradiction of Induction: Definition of Induction: Introduction implies at the beginning Purpose of Induction Understanding / awareness / ability to carry out tasks should be delivered when required

4 Timing: Activity Pre-arrival Term 1 First Half Term 1 Second Half Christmas Term 2 First Half Term 2 Second Half Easter Term 3 First Half Term 3 Second Half Required

5 KnowledgeAwarenessAbility I know the course weightings of each year I am aware that each year in the course is weighted differently I am able to locate and retrieve information about the course weightings for each year. Knowledge vs Ability

6 Strategies for Enabling Students through Induction  Interactive  Questioning  Clickers  Quizzes  Face-to-Face  Low-stake assessment  Accessible  Personalised  Media Options  Lecture Capture  Signposting

7 Example Interactivity  Previous Induction:  Information about interactive map given in first induction lecture  Information about academic room locations given in first induction lecture.  Problem:  A significant number of first year students arrive late or do not turn up for sessions due to difficulties finding rooms.  Revised Induction: Orienteering activity  Bingo card of rooms  Student groups given 1 hour to find as many rooms as possible (prizes awarded)  Mentor stationed at each location to give out stamps and help groups to find next location  Additional benefit – assists social integration.

8 Activity: Enabling Students How could you introduce students to the following topics in an interactive manner that enables them to access during their university life?  Degree and module structure  Monitoring points and absences  Assessment and feedback  Penalties and extensions  Student support and personal tutor system  Library facilities  Careers support

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