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Carried out by. I L.O. im. ppor. Emilii Gierczak Nowogard, Poland coordinator Małgorzata Juszkiewicz.

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Presentation on theme: "Carried out by. I L.O. im. ppor. Emilii Gierczak Nowogard, Poland coordinator Małgorzata Juszkiewicz."— Presentation transcript:

1 carried out by

2 I L.O. im. ppor. Emilii Gierczak Nowogard, Poland coordinator Małgorzata Juszkiewicz

3 Istituto Magistrale "N. Tommaseo" Venice, Italy coordinator Elena Travaini

4 We have been working on the project since 2007 in the English language

5 Aims of the project Improving our language skills Using IT in education Learning about culture and lifestyle of teenagers from Poland / Italy Having fun

6 How do we do it? We work on materials (e.g. questionnaires, interviews) and put them on the project’s website


8 We make presentations about our schools


10 We talk on Skype There is a web magazine about the project created by the Italian students


12 In recognition of creativity and high quality of the project the Italian school was awarded with the European Quality Label.

13 Please visit the websites of our schools

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