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1 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Some considerations for future developments.

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Presentation on theme: "1 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Some considerations for future developments."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Some considerations for future developments for the INIS and ETDE database

2 2 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET INIS and ETDE Data Base Developments Immediate –Enhance access to full text –Improve coverage and in particular conference coverage, determine priorities –Improve indexing quality (organise member cooperation for the CAI system) –Improve the display format for Journal articles and offer an export format from the Internet interface with all possible fields (in text format) in order to facilitate integration of references in other systems Long-term developments –Not discussed

3 3 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Enhance access to full text For NCL various cases are encountered: –the document is in the INIS repertory and accessible for all via the pdf icone – very appreciated by the users –the document is in the INIS repertory but not accessible for all via the pdf icone, only internally for the IAEA, it is though accessible for all on the Internet in some institutional repository – could be treated differently, with another link for instance –the document is in the IAEA repertory and accessible for all but not via the pdf icone – could also be treated with another link –the document is in some other institutional repository - could also be treated with a link

4 4 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Example

5 5 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET

6 6 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET The case of Journal Literature

7 7 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Considerations: how to achieve easier access to full text for the user Simplify the access for the user; all cases of NCL should be treated in a way that provides an icon for the link, transparent for the user. For conventional literature, continue to add elements like the DOI which allow access to journal literature and try to present them in a homogeneous way, best in form of links; for this verify cataloguing rules, changes could be beneficial. Study the possibility of a treatment for the DOI elements or provide a corresponding functionality with the input tool. Provide the possibility to institutions which have electronic subscriptions to link directly to journal full text with the aid of tools like Open URL/ Link resolvers,… ( ompel.html).

8 8 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Example of use of a Linkresolver with the ISI WOK database at the CEA

9 9 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Improve coverage and in particular conference coverage, determine priorities Journal Literature –Comparison of an author search in INIS and ISI-WOK – between 1993 to the present there are 4 items in INIS and 10 in the ISI- WOK database

10 10 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET

11 11 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Coverage of Conference Literature Conference literature informs often about ongoing research and contains quite a few contributions from industry, who is not much publishing elsewhere; it is a very valuable part of information. It is difficult to find because editing organisations change, they can be published in journals (sometimes only partially), books or as NCL - sometimes on Internet only and in this case acces is often not perennial. –Enquiry of some of our senior executive officers about conferences they judged as important yielded the following tables

12 12 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET List of some international conferences mentioned as important by our users

13 13 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET List of some international conferences mentioned as important by our users - suite More specific scientific conferences Short nameDeveloped name or topicPeriodicityOrganisersComments NURETHinternational topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics ~ 2ANSSometimes also published in journals LWR Fuel Performance ANS, AESJ and ENS Specific for nuclear fuel (see also ENS TopFuel) TopSealRadioactive waste management ENS RRFMResearch reactor fuel management annuallyENS/IAEA

14 14 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Some examples of INIS coverage (approximate) - ICONE Name of conference YearConference locationNumber of refs. in INIS Country of input Conference Organiser ICONE-152007 Nagoya,Japan ICONE-142006Miami/USA1USASME ICONE-132005Beijing/China200CNASME ICONE-122004Arlington/USA108FRASME ICONE-112003Shinjuku/Japan471JPASME ICONE-102002Arlington/USA24USASME ICONE-92001Nice/France585FRSFEN+? ICONE-82000Baltimore/USA25USASME ICONE-71999Tokyo/Japan448JPJSME ICONE-61998San Diego/USA12+US +

15 15 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Some examples of INIS coverage (approximate) - ICAPP Name of conference YearConference location Number of refs. in INIS Country of input Conference Organis er Comments ICAPP 20072007Nice/FranceFRSFENWill be treate d by CEA ICAPP 20062006Reno/USA1ANS ICAPP 20052005Seoul/Korea1 ICAPP 20042004Pittsburg/USA1 ICAPP 20032003Cordoba/Spain0ANS ISBN 0- 8944 8- 675-6 ICAPP 20022002Hollywood/USA4

16 16 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Some examples of INIS coverage (approximate) - GLOBAL Name of conference YearConference locationNumber of refs. in INIS Country of input Conference Organiser/ Comments GLOBAL 2007 2007Boise/USA GLOBAL 2005 2005Tokyo/Japan469JapanAtomic Energy Society of Japan GLOBAL 2003 2003New Orleans/US8USANS / Title: atoms for prosperity GLOBAL 2001 2001Paris/France185France

17 17 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Improvement of coverage Considerations: –Establish a list of missing core journals and try to treat them, perhaps with the help of members ready to prepare voluntary input –Establish a list of core conferences and try to treat them systematically with the help of members ready to prepare voluntary input

18 18 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Improve Indexing Quality Example : Search for laser isotope separation

19 19 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Improve Indexing Quality Often observed: over-indexing (minor aspects of the treated topic), sometimes main concepts lacking –Specifically with the CAI: system: lack of recognition of specific multi-term descriptors and the context of terms. Consequences : diminished relevance Considerations for the CAI system: –Rules which would permit to select more relevant words for indexing, (multiple occurrence of a term in TI or AB text, …. –Participation of members to propose synonyms

20 20 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Improve display and export formats Example – Journal articles on SP CD-ROM

21 21 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Improve display and export formats Example – Journal articles on IAEA Internet

22 22 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Improve display and export formats Example – Journal articles on ETDEWEB

23 23 11th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting – Vienna, November 6-11, 2007 CEA/DSM/DPI/STI – C. BRULET Improve display and export formats Considerations: –Display formats - the source field should permit the user to find the piece of literature easily – journal name and report number are the most important elements for those publications and should figure first. –A tagged txt format with as much granularity as possible would be of great use for reuse of INIS data in specific in- house databases

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