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Unit 1: Terms  Latitude  Longitude  Prehistory  Hominids  Paleontologist  Archaeologist  Artifact  Radio Carbon Dating  Anthropologist  Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1: Terms  Latitude  Longitude  Prehistory  Hominids  Paleontologist  Archaeologist  Artifact  Radio Carbon Dating  Anthropologist  Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1: Terms  Latitude  Longitude  Prehistory  Hominids  Paleontologist  Archaeologist  Artifact  Radio Carbon Dating  Anthropologist  Culture  Nomads  Hunter-gatherers  Homohaiblis  Homoerectus  Homo sapien

2  7 Continents North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Antarctica, Australia, Africa North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Antarctica, Australia, Africa  4 Oceans Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic


4 Latitude & Longitude  Latitude Run side to side Run side to side Measure North to South Measure North to South Main Line is equator Main Line is equator  Longitude Run up and down Run up and down Measure East to West Measure East to West Main line is Prime Meridian Main line is Prime Meridian Known as parallels Known as parallels

5  AD – Anno Domini (The Year of our Lord)  CE – Common Era &  BC – Before Christ  BCE – Before the Common Era

6  Prehistory – time before writing. 5,000 years ago. In Africa - hominids (humans walking upright) In Africa - hominids (humans walking upright)  Paleontologist – study fossils  Archaeologists – study artifacts (human made objects)  Anthropologist – study culture Culture – way of life (clothes, religion, …) Culture – way of life (clothes, religion, …)

7 Terms  Nomads – move constantly for food (Hunter- gatherers)  Homo habilis – person with ability. “Man of skill”  Homo erectus – walks upright. Develops technology (use fire and language)  Homo sapien – person who thinks. “Wise Man” Neanderthals – first Homo Sapien Neanderthals – first Homo Sapien

8  Neolithic Revolution – Farming use slash- in-burn techniques  Mesolithic Revolution – Animals were domesticated to get food (cows, sheep, dogs)  Communities formed. Plows, fertilizer & irrigation Plows, fertilizer & irrigation  Artisans – skilled workers in a craft  Merchants – specialized trading class

9 5 Characteristics of a Civilization  1 – Advanced Cities  2 – Specialized Workers  3 – Complex Institutions (ex. Religion)  4 – Record Keeping Priests-originate writing for records Priests-originate writing for records Beginning of history Beginning of history  5 – Advanced Technology

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