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BRENSCOMBE 2011. Welcome to our 2011 Brenscombe Meeting 6pm on 15/11/2010 The Brenscombe trip this year is from Monday 27 th June to Friday 1 st July.

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Presentation on theme: "BRENSCOMBE 2011. Welcome to our 2011 Brenscombe Meeting 6pm on 15/11/2010 The Brenscombe trip this year is from Monday 27 th June to Friday 1 st July."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to our 2011 Brenscombe Meeting 6pm on 15/11/2010 The Brenscombe trip this year is from Monday 27 th June to Friday 1 st July.

3 2011











14 Your handouts The programme for 2011 A suggested kit list A medical form A paying in card

15 The Cost In total the cost is £280 before fund raising. Paying in cards are now available for those who would like to begin contributing. Support is available for those on income support etc (please see Sue Butchers)

16 Fundraising Each year the PTA give the year 6 class £50 to start their Brenscombe fundraising activities. Last year the pupils, parents and staff formed a fund raising committee and organised an Easter bingo, a stall at Stalbridge Late Night Shopping evening and a swim team for the Blackmore Vale Lions Swimathon. Last year the initial cost was £271. Fundraising reduced it to £243.

17 What next ? You will receive a letter in the next 2 weeks with a reply slip to be returned, reserving your child a place on the Brenscombe trip. You can commence payment using your paying in card as soon as you like. A letter will go out in the new year requiring a £50 deposit by March 1 st 2011 and updating parents on the trip and fundraising progress. A final letter will go out in May 2011 containing trip details and the final cost figure.

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