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How would you feel if you were sent to school each month without any sanitary protection? Unfortunately this is a reality for millions of girls world.

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Presentation on theme: "How would you feel if you were sent to school each month without any sanitary protection? Unfortunately this is a reality for millions of girls world."— Presentation transcript:


2 How would you feel if you were sent to school each month without any sanitary protection? Unfortunately this is a reality for millions of girls world wide who are living in third world countries and are unable to attend school during their menstrual cycle.

3 The location of Sage in Kenya’s schools


5 For hundreds of girls is a dream come true. Sage takes its “Break the Cycle” campaign into the poor rural areas and slum districts every month to give each of the girls in their final year of primary school:- 2 packets of sanitary towels Underwear (If you don’t have underwear then you can’t use the sanitary towels!) A one hour lesson based on PSHE – often including boys. Individual counselling for girls who find themselves in difficult situations (forced marriages, pregnancy, abuse and family situations etc)

6 Break the Cycle Campaign 2015 Our aim is to raise £50,000 in 2015 to enable 2015 girls to attend their final year of primary school. (Under the Kenyan school system girls are 14+ years old when they leave primary school.)


8 A typical street scene in a poor area of Kisumu - Kenya

9 A primary school in Kenya

10 How successful is Sage in Kenya?

11 A mother expresses her thanks for helping her daughter stay in school. “It’s really difficult to find the funds to buy sanitary towels so my daughter felt like she was a burden to me by asking for what I could not afford, but because of SAGE she was free.”

12 A father’s appreciation of Sage and “Break the Cycle” Campaign. “It’s really hard for me as I am on a low income so I have to decide whether to buy food or sanitary towels. We have to eat so my daughter had to stay at home for the 3 – 4 days of her period. Sage’s programme has really helped us, my daughter stayed in school and achieved good marks. Thank you.”

13 On behalf of the millions of girls in the world who do not have sanitary protection - we thank you for giving us a voice.

14 How can you help these girls? £2 a month will keep a girl in school. £100 a month will enable a class of girls to attend school during their menstrual cycle. Could you and your class help to keep a girl in school?

15 Go to for fundraising ideas and more information. E-mail us your fundraising photos and we can put them and your school on our website. Thank You


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