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UCM Team Update on 13th UN/CEFACT Forum Senegal November 2008 (condensed from closing plenary) Scott R. Hinkelman.

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1 UCM Team Update on 13th UN/CEFACT Forum Senegal November 2008 (condensed from closing plenary) Scott R. Hinkelman

2 Election Results UN/CEFACT Forum org structure: FMG membership for the 2008-2010 term now includes: Mike Doran (Chair). CERN - Switzerland Anders Grangard (Vice-Chair). GS1 - Belgium Garret Minakawa (Vice-Chair – pending Bureau approval). Oracle - U.S. Mark Crawford (ATG Chair). SAP - U.S. Mike Conroy (ICG Chair). Altos Origin - France Christian Huemer (TMG Chair). University of Vienna - Austria Bart Schermer (LG Chair). ECP - Netherlands Natascha Pottier (TBG Chair). GS1 - France Gordon Cragge (TBG). SITPRO - UK Permanent Group Vice-Chairs for 2008-2010 are: Jostein Fromyr (ATG Vice-Chair). EDISYS - Norway Gait Boxman (ATG Vice-Chair). TIE Holding N.V. - Netherlands Scott Hinkelman (TMG Acting Vice-Chair). Oracle - U.S. David Dobbing (ICG Vice-Chair). SWIFT - Belgium Chris Hassler (TBG Vice-Chair). DCMA - U.S. Michael Dill (TBG Vice-Chair). GEFEG - Germany

3 Election Results…. 2008-2010 Plenary Bureau members include: FMG Chair and Vice-Chair(s) Stuart Feder (UN/CEFACT Plenary Chair) Peter Amstutz (UN/CEFACT Plenary Vice-Chair). DCMA - U.S. Pier Cucino (UN/CEFACT Plenary Vice-Chair). Istituto nazionale per Il Commercio Estero - Italy Arild Haraldson (UN/CEFACT Plenary Vice-Chair). Norstella - Norway Tahseen Khan (UN/CEFACT Plenary Vice-Chair). Ministry of Commerce and Industry - India Allen Bruford (UN/CEFACT Plenary Vice-Chair). World Customs Organization, WCO - Geneva Mika Vepsalainen (Secretary to UN/CEFACT). UNECE – Geneva

4 Status / Accomplishments UN/CEFACT’s CC Library (the CCL) Version 08A Schema developed XML Naming and Design Rules (NDR) Expect ODP5 second review end of November Committed to support eInvoice Project Data Types Requirement from UCM (Context project) for UML expression of Data Types Preliminary consensus on Date-Time issues Anticipate draft in December CCTS 3.0 CCTS 3 is in verfication step and looking for agreement to provide validation statements

5 Status / Accomplishments…. UCM (Unified Context Mechanism) Continued progress on all 3 deliverables being developed: UCM Architecture Document PRIMARY: UCM Classification Scheme Model UCM Glossary Targeting 4/1/2009 to progress to next ODP (4) step (internal draft) UML Profile for Core Components Updated Project Proposal Draft of the Requirements Document to be reviewed by the project team within the next month UMM 2.0 Moved to ODP 6 – Implementation Verification E-Business Architecture (eBA) This group has been restarted in Senegal

6 Status / Accomplishments…. TBG Groups (International Trade and Business Processes Groups) Faced with several issues around the CEFACT library Example: Qualifiers on BIE names Looking to CCTS 3, UCM, and the “three library framework” to address these issues Several TB Groups have increased content submissions, or vérification of Cattle Registration and movement Animal passport Financial Reporting International Trade Facilitation Model Ordering and Invoicing International Forwarding & Transport Accounting and Reporting

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