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Everything in Blue you write in your planner or notebook for this class. Procedures in 404 Mrs. Belin I am available Thursday after school until 3:00

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Presentation on theme: "Everything in Blue you write in your planner or notebook for this class. Procedures in 404 Mrs. Belin I am available Thursday after school until 3:00"— Presentation transcript:

1 Everything in Blue you write in your planner or notebook for this class. Procedures in 404 Mrs. Belin I am available Thursday after school until 3:00 School number, connection=1, then voice mail: 799-7870-1 for English, then 0436-3404

2 1. Bathroom passes: Sign out/in for pass, only one student permitted to leave at a time. If you abuse the privilege by unnecessarily staying too long, or going someplace other than the bathrooms across the hall, you will be given a limited amount of passes per quarter, if you run out of those passes and require new ones, then 20 points will be deducted from your overall homework / class work grade for each extra pass. 2. No Food and Drink (other than water) in class. 3. Tardy: sign the tardy sign in sheet, if you have a pass, place it on my desk and I will change your absence to a tardy. If you have over 3 consecutive tardies, you will be referred to the Dean’s office.

3 4. If you are not in dress code, you will be asked to correct the situation or be sent to the Dean’s office. 5. If there is extra time at the end of class, you may talk quietly with your neighbor, but you need to be in a seat, NOT THE DOORWAY.

4 6. Attendance: There is not an attendance impact on grading, if you are absent you have one week to make-up the work. 7. Participation: Classroom participation is encouraged and you are expected to work in class. On occasion you are given homework /class work points for working in class.

5 8. Notes: My notes are either fill in the blanks or you have to copy them down into a notebook. If you do fill-in the blanks, sometimes you will turn it in either at the end of the period or end of unit (before taking a test) for points unless otherwise told. 9. Homework: Due the next class period when the bell rings at the beginning of class, unless given a specific date. 10. Grammar and Spelling: Any projects or papers required in this class are given a grading rubric that identifies how the student will be graded. Plagiarism: if you write something that is not common knowledge, you need a bibliography reference to accompany it. All papers turned in without reference, if needed, will not be accepted for a grade.

6 11. Passes: Each quarter you will receive a free homework pass. The pass can be used for any homework assignment that is incomplete. It cannot be used for labs, tests, quizzes, or projects. You will receive full credit for the assignment by turning in the pass. Just write your name, period, and what the name of the assignment was called on the pass. Place the pass in the homework basket in place of the assignment. I am looking forward to a great year with all of you!

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