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Co-Teaching for Gap Closure Effective Coach Training

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1 Co-Teaching for Gap Closure Effective Coach Training
Lexington, Kentucky June 4, 2013 Cohort 1 Schools

2 Objectives of CT4GC Initiative
To increase… Student engagement Student achievement Teacher’s ability to implement with fidelity Strategic Components Continuous classroom improvement (CCI) Co-Teaching Evidence-based instructional strategies focused on reading/language arts and math Student supports To implement… These are the primary goals of this work and the 4 strategic components that schools will receiving training and support across the next 3 years. This work is designed to capture and measure student engagement and student achievement– that is our PRIMARY objective– and we will train and coach teachers to be able to empower student to become more active and engaged in the learning process. We will train and support teachers to identify and utilized strategies, interventions, and supports to sustain student engagement and ultimately, increased achievement! It is CRITICAL that teachers employ this work with a focus on fidelity and on-going assessment and reflection that will drive the next day’s and the next day’s work to maintain high levels of engagement and achievement. The 4 Strategic Components are and we are going to spend a few minutes on each of these pieces so that you can get a picture in your mind of the work that lies ahead of us. We will go more in-depth at the Kick-off, but again, we wanted you to be a few steps ahead of your teachers in the process. Continuous classroom improvement (CCI) Co-Teaching Evidence-based instructional strategies focused on reading/language arts and math Student supports

3 Today Objectives To increase understanding… In order to implement…
Your role and responsibilities as a coach Effective coaching strategies Change complexity Fidelity of coaching model Evidence-based strategies Processes that support co-teachers Tools and resources that effectively support co-teachers In order to implement… These are the primary goals of this work and the 4 strategic components that schools will receiving training and support across the next 3 years. This work is designed to capture and measure student engagement and student achievement– that is our PRIMARY objective– and we will train and coach teachers to be able to empower student to become more active and engaged in the learning process. We will train and support teachers to identify and utilized strategies, interventions, and supports to sustain student engagement and ultimately, increased achievement! It is CRITICAL that teachers employ this work with a focus on fidelity and on-going assessment and reflection that will drive the next day’s and the next day’s work to maintain high levels of engagement and achievement. The 4 Strategic Components are and we are going to spend a few minutes on each of these pieces so that you can get a picture in your mind of the work that lies ahead of us. We will go more in-depth at the Kick-off, but again, we wanted you to be a few steps ahead of your teachers in the process. Continuous classroom improvement (CCI) Co-Teaching Evidence-based instructional strategies focused on reading/language arts and math Student supports

4 Expectations Fidelity of Implementation Sustainability =
Plan Do Study Act Coaching and Implementation Checks Fidelity of Implementation Sustainability = Closing Achievement Gaps Collaboration, Communication, Customer Service

5 Study was conducted on 90,000 youth grades 7-12
Overriding classroom size, rules, all those structural things, the human element of the teacher making a human connection with kids is the bottom line” Robert W. Blum, Head of Adolescent Health at University of Minnesota and principle researcher for National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health. Study was conducted on 90,000 youth grades 7-12

6 Today’s Plan and Housekeeping
Introductions/Opening Activity 8:30-4:00 (Lunch: 11:30-12:30) Overview of the Day Roles and responsibilities Research-based practices Change Complexity Effective Practices PDSA Plus/Delta

7 Today’s Do Positive Interdependence
Individual and Group Accountability Group Processing Role Play Self-Reflection

8 Today’s Study +/Deltas Reflection Survey monkey

9 Today’s Act Internal Coach External Coach Core Team
Actions needing to occur for you to begin/refine your coaching practices Identify next steps/process needed to implement effective coaching processes and practices Internal Coach External Coach Core Team

10 Introductions and Celebrations

11 Activity: Activity: What personal experiences have you had coaching?
Define/describe what coaching means to you. Identify areas that are a strength and areas for growth? Share with someone that has the same birthday month as you. Record your discussion for later use

12 What does the research say about Effective Coaching?
Professional Development Strategies That Improve Instruction Annenberg Institute for School Reform In groups of 4-5, discuss and answer the following questions: Identify 3 things from the article that are critical to be an effective coach? What are 3 essential components to sustain coaching at your school? Chart your answers Report out to group We are using this research along with a coaching competency tool to help us build our coaching effectiveness trainings, supports, and evaluation. 30 minutes

13 Building your Coaching System

14 What are your roles and responsibilities?
External Coach- supports the school team to implement CT4GC with high levels of fidelity and success Job embedded coaching using research-based, evidence-based strategies with fidelity of implementation. PDSA On-going support Communication Tools Data analysis Monthly reporting Fidelity of Coaching Model Article on Coaching Competency

15 Coaching Responsibilities
External Coach Internal Coach

16 Coach Roles: Big Picture
External Internal Ensures on-going communication with CT4GC Works with CT4GC team to provide training, support, feedback, guidance Conducts implementation checks in partnership with administrator Analyzes and communicates data Works with administrator and internal coach to share on-going progress with school staff Works with co-teachers to provide training, support, feedback, guidance Conducts implementation checks in partnership with administrator Analyzes and communicates data On-going communication with external coach Works with administrator to share on-going progress with other staff Works with other staff to scale-up CT4GC implementation

17 Team Activity What’s the same. What’s different. What’s missing
Team Activity What’s the same? What’s different? What’s missing? Questions? Capture on chart paper

18 Edmodo Groups ed to YOU– share with your PLC!

19 System Change: Stages of Implementation
Implementation Drivers Selection Training Coaching Performance Assessment Decision Support Data Facilitative Administration Systems Interventions National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) Pre-Exploration Stage………. Full Implementation Stage Anticipate 3-5 Years HANDOUT- Coaching Competency---Blasé and Fixsen Understanding and decision-making at each driver affects quality and effectiveness (purple sheet) Understanding these can make or break a districts ability to implement change for the good of the district

20 Effective Implementation Practices: What are they and how do we ensure sustainability?

21 Metacognitive Model Vision, Goals, Expectations
Sustainability Change Process Implementation Leadership Vision, Goals, Expectations Vision, Goals, Expectations The bottom three piece are essential in order for sustainability to occur

22 8 Elements of Sustainability: Engines that Drive Schools Forward
Moral Purpose Commitment to changing context at all levels Lateral capacity building through networks Accountability and relationships Deep learning Dual commitment to short-term and long-term results Cyclical energizing Leadership at all levels Fullan, 2005

23 Elements of Sustainability Engines that Drive Schools Forward
Moral Purpose Raising the bar and closing the gap of student learning Treating people with demanding respect (supportive, responsive, and demanding) Altering the social environment for the better Commitment to changing Context at All Levels Invest and develop “learning systems” It’s the little things that matter Build a community that nurtures new beliefs and practices Lateral Capacity Building Through Networks Learn best from peers- on-going and purposeful Leadership is developed and mobilized Motivation and ownership is local and deepened Discuss at your table 1, 2, and then 3--- This drives all of the eight The next six are opportunities to build and promote #2 If you increase purposeful interactions and infuse with checks and balances of quality knowledge- self organizing patterns will accrue. Fullan, 2005

24 Elements of Sustainability Engines that Drive Schools Forward
Intelligent Accountability and Vertical Relationships Balance of both to achieve results Continuous, searching, and objective- never a status quo Avoids overload, fragmentation, lack of coherence Deep Learning Collective responsibility Collaborative culture of inquiry Fosters deep learning for students 4. Too much intrusion demotivates people; too little permits drift or worse. Fullan, 2005

25 Elements of Sustainability Engines that Drive Schools Forward
Dual Commitment to Short-Term and Long-Term Results Short-term results builds trust for long term investments Balance and Design Cyclical Energizing Sustainability is not linear but cyclical- energy and periodic plateaus Be aware of energy levels (overuse and underuse) Strategies need to be ever refined/tuned to continue to meet demands/plateaus The Long Lever of Leadership Leadership at all levels Ability to see the big picture and respond in ways that affect the larger system Fullan, 2005

26 Coaching Through Effective Communication
Listen, Listen, Listen Listen to and for specific needs Write down what you hear and repeat what you “heard”. Don’t automatically assume that the questions/situation is like any you have encountered. Practice Highly Honed Communication Skills for Coaching Listen to hear the specific needs of the manager who seeks your assistance. Don’t automatically assume that this question or this situation is like any other you have encountered. Listen also, for what the individual is not saying verbally. Watch facial expression, body language and movements. Listen to the tone of voice and any expressions of emotion.

27 How can you use the 8 Elements to assist in your role as a coach?
Three Step Interview- Each member of a team chooses another member to be a partner. During the first step, individuals interview their partners by asking clarifying questions and probing for more reflection. During the second step partners reverse the roles. For the final steps, reflect on the process of clarifying questions and probing for deeper answers. Review the 8 Elements Which of these elements can be used in the classroom? Which have you experienced in your school or classroom? Which do you think you can begin to implement? Which do you need more support in order to successfully implement? Ask these questions to each other with follow-up discussion and next steps. Record the responses as you ask the questions and discuss. Review your responses to ensure accuracy and understanding. Include your name and address Set two “dates” for follow-up with each in during the month’s of October and December. --Groups --- Number of pets/not someone at your table or school. Three Step Interview- Each member of a team chooses another member to be a partner. During the first step, individuals interview their partners by asking clarifying questions. During the second step partners reverse the roles. For the final steps, members share their responses another team.

28 Failure is Not an Option
Culture and Climate is the “attitudinal infrastructure of a school” Transforming School Culture, Stolph and Smith, 1995

29 “I’m all for progress, it’s change that I don’t like!”
Mark Twain said it best, “I’m all for progress, it’s change that I don’t like!”

30 Change Complexity

31 Understanding the Change Process
The goal is not to innovate the most. It is not enough to have the best ideas. Appreciate the implementation dip. Redefine resistance. Reculturing is the name of the game. Never a checklist, always complexity. -Fullan 2003

32 Change is Complexity What is Change? Implementation Dip New Materials
New Behavior/Practices New Beliefs/Understanding Implementation Dip -Fullan 2003

33 Understanding the Change Process
Which of these have you experienced OR are currently experiencing at your school? Which of these resonated with you and why? Understanding the Change Process The goal is not to innovate the most. It is not enough to have the best ideas. Appreciate the implementation dip. Redefine resistance. Reculturing is the name of the game. Never a checklist, always complexity. Write the color of your card on a post-it and hold will all can see– once you have found someone, get to work. 3-4 -Fullan 2003

34 Gallery Walk: Risks and Mitigations
Identify potential risks in your role as a coach Chart the most critical and post As a team of 3, read each risks, discuss and offer a solution, guidance, or ask more questions. Risk: Mitigation:

35 Helping Another to Solve Their Own Problems
Mentoring Vs. Coaching Telling (Directive) Asking (Non-Directive) Telling Someone What to Do Giving Advice Asking Questions Solving Someone’s Problems Offering Guidance Helping Another to Solve Their Own Problems As mentoring has evolved, it is also increasingly confused with other development activities, such as coaching. The challenge with confusing these two disciplines is that when used inappropriately, we miss opportunities to leverage their full potential. Human resources professionals and managers must understand the purpose and desired outcomes for both mentoring and coaching to ensure they are used in the most effective way. The visual below shows the different focus of mentoring and coaching. Notice that mentoring is more directive—its purpose is knowledge transfer from the mentor to the protégée, so key activities within the mentoring relationship include sharing expertise and offering advice. Coaching is more non-directive, with a focus on eliciting ideas and thoughts from the participant, hence, the focus on asking questions. Mentoring Coaching

36 What qualities make them successful?

37 Coaching Effective coaching is a skill that requires an understanding of human motivation and behavior It is a relationship… It is a partnership… It is trust and safety It is meeting individual needs through a change process All leaders and managers need to be coaches. Effective coaching is a skill that requires an understanding of human motivation and behavior as well as plenty of practice. Your role as coach is to stimulate the employee to look within himself or herself for the requisite skills for job performance. You are to help that person learn by unlocking his or her potential to maximize effectiveness. Take the performer beyond your own limitations. You should believe that the person being coached possesses more capability than is currently exhibited and must think of the person in terms of potential.

38 Differentiated Coaching
“Changing beliefs touches on the very essence of how teachers see themselves. The information teachers receive much help them reevaluate their core believes while validating who they are. Only then can deep change take place.” Jane Kise

39 Activity: How do you work??
How you work activity– use diving coach– pg. 33 Kise

40 The Coach Is Always an Educator
“the essence of coaching is helping someone learn to think better.” Your goal is to make the teacher self-sufficient. Give them the tools they need to be successful. Assist by supplying a process they can follow to build their skills. “The test of a good coach is that when they leave, others will carry on successfully.” Author Unknown The Coach Is Always an Educator As an HR professional, you educate managers and supervisors as you work with them as a supportive partner and coach. Your goal is to make them self-sufficient. You give them the tools they need to be successful in their business-related and interpersonal functions. You assist by supplying a process they can follow to build their skills. A manager should leave an HR professional feeling stronger, more knowledgeable and more capable of addressing the opportunities in the future. “There is a great man who makes every man feel small. But the real great man is the man who makes every man feel great. --G.K. Chesterton

41 Defining the Boundaries
The effective coach defines the boundaries of the relationship. The coaching role is a mutual agreement between both parties. Set the tone so the person asks for help, rather than it being forced upon the person. A masterful coach is someone who is a vision builder and value shaper. You Need Permission to Coach The effective coach defines the boundaries of her relationship with each manager. Is she a trusted advisor and friend? Does she listen and provide feedback? Or, does she help the manager obtain 360 degree feedback and develop action plans to increase his capability as a leader? The agreement the HR professional develops with each manager can be different. The coaching role must be agreed upon to work. Most importantly, the HR specialist pushes the window with each manager to assist her to grow professionally to promote the success of the organization and of the individual. Christine Zelazek, SPHR, Director of HR at the Mennonite Home of Albany, Oregon, offers her key strategy for the HR coach. “Set the situation up so the person asks for help, rather than me forcing the help upon her.”

42 Guidelines for Effective Coaching
Keep commitments Keeping commitments provides not only reinforcement but also recognition of improvement. People who are recognized for improving are more likely to continue to improve than those whose improvement goes unnoticed. Good coaches know that loyalty is earned through trust. An effective coach creates a win-win situation for the teacher, the student, the school , and himself or herself.

43 Be Knowledgeable and Resourceful
Recognize when reassurance is being sought… ask what they think and confirm whenever the answer/solution is correct. Your role is to strengthen their competency NOT demonstrate that you know the answers. Tell the truth when you don’t know the answer– don’t jeopardize your reputation and undermine your credibility as a coach forever. Be a Knowledgeable Coach and Resource - Tell the Truth When You Don’t Know the Answer A manager or supervisor seeks input from you most frequently when she is uncertain about how she handled a particular situation. Or, she seeks input prior to making a mistake in her handling of an issue. More recently, managers seek targeted assistance from a coach with their own growth as managers. This means you will most often receive the most difficult and delicate questions. After all, why consult you when she knows the answer? Recognize too, that sometimes the manager is seeking reassurance and confirmation and already may know the answer to the question she is asking. You will enhance her capabilities and self-esteem if you ask her what she thinks, and where possible, confirm that her answer is the correct path. Your role as a coach is to strengthen her competency, not to demonstrate that you know the answers. When you don’t know the correct answer or are speculating about the right course of action, tell the truth. It is far better to say you don’t know, that you will check and find out, than to appear to have all the answers, and give bad advice. You will ruin your reputation and undermine your credibility as a coach forever.

44 Effective Coaching “The ultimate leader is not afraid to develop people to the point they surpass him or her in knowledge and ability.” Fred A.

45 Coaching Through Effective Communication
Give your full attention and take in information that will lead to insightful, personalized responses. Watch facial and body language. Listen to tone and expressions of emotion. Give your customer your full attention and take in information that will lead to insightful, personalized responses to the manager’s questions. Ask open-ended questions to draw out the manager, such as, “tell me what you are considering doing". Questions that appear to seek out motives such as, “why did you do that?” will shut discussion down.

46 Foster Ownership and Involvement
Provide options and resources How do you think the situation should be handled? What have you considered doing? What do you think you need to do to move to the next level? Help them to think through a situation and develop a plan of action. When asked for advice, suggests two or more options. Share experiences and feelings- helps you to define the kind of behaviors you expect– be careful to avoid role of expert. Ruts and Rivers…. If you want to change the way someone thinks, don’t tell them what to think, give them a tool. Help the Manager Develop her Own Solutions People generally know what is the right or appropriate thing to do. Often your job is to draw the answer out of the individual. If you give the person the answer, the manager is less likely to “own” and fully enroll in the solution or answer. Winston Connor suggests the coach say to the manager, “Let’s explore the possibilities. What is it that you really want?” He feels the “result will be stronger and richer because we fostered ownership.” You can provide options and recommend resources. You can give your opinion. You can answer questions, but ultimately, the answer must be the manager’s. (How do you think the situation should be handled? What have you considered doing? What do you think you need to do to move to the next level?) Rut or River Stories--- River stories convey personal growth, self-renewal and transformation. Rut stories are defensive, protective…

47 Guidelines for Effective Coaching
Develop opinions and ideas based on observable facts. Check the accuracy of information before sharing it. Present ideas honestly, and don’t manipulate, play games or deceive. Consider the opinions of others with an open mind. Be accessible when people need to talk about problems or make recommendations. Explain the reason for a decision. This permits the teacher to know when their ideas and recommendations have been taken into consideration and why those ideas were accepted or rejected. Guidelines Effective coaching will be aided with these three guidelines: 1) Develop opinions and ideas based on observable facts. Check the accuracy of information before sharing it. Present ideas honestly, and don’t manipulate, play games or deceive. Consider the opinions of others with an open mind. Be accessible when people need to talk about problems or make recommendations. Explain the reason for a decision. This permits staff to know when their ideas and recommendations have been taken into consideration and why those ideas were accepted or rejected. 2) Maintain confidence. Subordinates are expected to identify problems and pinpoint their own performance shortcomings, developmental needs and career goals. Don’t betray these trusts. Doing so damages relationships and the coaching process. Integrity requires that you: (a) correct in private, (b) don’t discuss problems of one employee with another, (c) don’t discuss employee problems with other coaches, (d) keep personnel file information confidential, and (e) keep any necessary disclosures as confidential as possible. 3) Keep commitments. Keeping commitments provides not only reinforcement but also recognition of improvement. People who are recognized for improving are more likely to continue to improve than those whose improvement goes unnoticed. Many managers have an unwritten standard: they expect their subordinates to be loyal to them. Good coaches know that loyalty is earned through trust. In his book Effective Coaching, Marshall J. Cook maintains that effective coaching moves an employee from WIIFM (What’s in it for me?) to WIIFU (What’s in it for us?). In other words, an effective manager creates a win-win situation for the employee, the organization, and himself or herself.

48 Student-Centered Coaching
Diane Sweeney

49 It is my firm belief that educators are more comfortable when the conversation puts student learning front and center. When this isn’t the case, we tend to feel attacked or vulnerable to the judgments and opinions of others—entering into what Jim Knight terms a “vicious cycle” of blame. Diane Sweeney, Student- Centered Coaching Student Centered Coaching, Sweeney

50 What is Student-Centered Coaching?
Setting specific targets for students rooted in standards and curriculum Working collaboratively to ensure that the targets are met “In most cases, program effectiveness is judged by an index of participants’ satisfaction with the program or some indication of change in their professional knowledge. Rarely is the change in professional practice considered, and rarer still is any assessment of impact on student learning” Thomas Guskey Student Centered Coaching, Sweeney

51 Student-Centered vs. Teacher-Centered Coaching
More Impact on Student Learning Less Impact on Student Learning Student-Centered Coaching Teacher-Centered Coaching Relationship-Driven Coaching Focus is on using data and student work to analyze student learning and collaborate to make informed decisions about instruction Focus is on what the teacher is or is not doing and addressing it through coaching. Focus is on providing support to teachers in a way that doesn’t challenge or threaten them. District curricula or programs are viewed as tools for reaching student learning objectives. Implementing a specific curriculum or program is viewed as the primary objective of the coaching. District curricula or programs are a part of the conversation and are shared as possible resources for teachers. Trusting, respectful, and collegial relationships are a necessary component for this type of coaching. Congenial relationships are more common for this type of coaching. Coach is viewed as a partner that supports the teacher to meet his or her goals for students. Coach is viewed as a person who is there to hold teachers accountable. Coach is viewed as a friendly source of support. Student-Centered Coaching: A Guide for K-8 Coaches and Principals by Diane Sweeney 2011

52 How can you support these as a coach? How can these be measured?

53 Language for Student-Centered Coaching
What is it we want all students to learn? How will we know when each student has mastered the essential learning? How will we respond when a student experiences initial difficulty in learning? How will we deepen the learning for student who have already mastered the essential knowledge and skills? In a perfect world, describe to me what the learning would look like among your students? What is your goals for student in this lesson? How will that look? How will we collect evidence to see what they can do? What are our next steps based on the evidence we collected? Student Centered Coaching, Sweeney

54 Debrief Using Student Work
What does it look like if your students are successful? Clear, measurable outcomes… Example: The students will be able to recognize where they get confused. The student will be able to verbalize what is confusing them. The students will be able to _________ Types of student work: Written responses Writing samples Assignments Formal and informal data Interim or benchmark assessments Anecdotal records Conferring notes Student observations Student Centered Coaching, Sweeney

55 Guidelines for Effective Coaching
Maintain Confidence and Confidentiality Teachers are expected to identify problems and pinpoint their own performance shortcomings, developmental needs and career goals. Don’t betray these trusts. Doing so damages relationships and the coaching process. Integrity requires that you: correct in private; don’t discuss problems of one teacher with another; don’t discuss teacher problems with other coaches; keep personnel file information confidential; keep any necessary disclosures as confidential as possible.

56 Practice Scenarios Pick a scenario, read your background
Use the best practice information from today to guide your discussion Role play for 3 minutes Debrief, what was hard, what did you want to change, what worked well? Pick a second scenario and repeat the first 4 steps Share out Pick 5 observers….

57 On-going Coaching and Training on Effective Coaching: Next Steps
On-gong professional learning on effective coaching HOW?? Face-to-Face Monthly WebEx Conference Calls On-site Regional Trainings What else?

58 Plus / Delta The purpose of the plus delta is to identify the positive feedback of the initiative and the delta is used to identify the areas that you need further information or support. This needs to be ed to Due to this being the first cohort we do not expect to have all of the intended outcomes met by the end of this cohort training. We do expect that we will begin to see impact across teaching practices and culture.

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