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 Cell Processes and Energy.  Pick up a note packet, chapter packet and warm up sheet  I can… differentiate between compounds and elements.  Warm up:

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Presentation on theme: " Cell Processes and Energy.  Pick up a note packet, chapter packet and warm up sheet  I can… differentiate between compounds and elements.  Warm up:"— Presentation transcript:

1  Cell Processes and Energy

2  Pick up a note packet, chapter packet and warm up sheet  I can… differentiate between compounds and elements.  Warm up: What does the term ‘elementary’ mean?

3  PASS THE JAR NOT YOURSELVES  For each jar, use your observation skills to guess the substance. NO TASTING.  Write the chemical name from the jar  Guess the common name  Record what it is composed of  Determine if it is a compound or an element.

4 Jar # Chemical Name Common NameComposed of… Compound (C) or Element (E)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vinegar (acetic acid) Sugar (sucrose) Aluminum Salt (sodium chloride) Baking Soda(calcium carbonate) Oxygen Rubbing alcohol(isopropyl alcohol) Water (dihydrogen monoxide ) Peroxide (dihydrogen dioxide

5  Elements and Compounds o Elements any substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances ATOM an ATOM is the smallest unit of an element ex.) carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur o Compounds two or more elements combine chemically MOLECULE a MOLECULE is the smallest unit of a compound ex.) carbon dioxide

6  Water o compound or element? H2O o makes up 2/3 of your body o most chemical reactions within cells could not take place without water “a cell without water” “a cell with water”

7  Organic Compounds o contain carbon o ex.) methane, butane, acetone, propane  Inorganic Compounds o don’t contain carbon o ex.) sodium chloride (table salt) and water

8  Carbohydrates  Proteins  Lipids  Nucleic Acids

9  energy-rich organic compound carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen  made of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen  Functions:  Functions: store and provide energy and make up cellular parts  Examples:  Examples: potatoes, noodles, rice, bread

10  energy-rich organic compound, cells store energy in lipids for later use carbon, hydrogen, oxygen  made of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen  Functions:  Functions: make up much of the structure of cells and speed up chemical reactions  Examples:  Examples: fats, oils, waxes

11  What do a bird’s feathers, a spider’s web, and your fingernails have in common? PROTEINS carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes sulfur  made of the elements carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes sulfur  Functions:  Functions: store energy, form parts of cell membrane and many cell’s molecules o enzymes: o enzymes: a type of protein that speeds up chemical reactions that are necessary for life in living things  small molecules that make up proteins are amino acids

12  long organic molecules that contain instructions what the cell needs to function  made of the elements  made of the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and phosphorous  Functions:  Functions: contain instructions that cells need to carry out all the functions of life  2  2 types of nucleic acids: o DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)– carries information about an organism and is passed from parent to offspring o RNA (ribonucleic acid)– plays an important role in the production of proteins

13  We learned about one type of mixture today o Solution, which is a chemical compound  What are the three types of mixtures mentioned in the video? o COLLOID, SOLUTION, SUSPENSION o Explain each of them. o Extension: list some examples!  Turn in warm up sheets!! Bin near locker.

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