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Congress Simulation. Committee Rules 1.Elect chair by vote (they will lead the hearings) 2.If a member’s bill is in your committee, they have the opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "Congress Simulation. Committee Rules 1.Elect chair by vote (they will lead the hearings) 2.If a member’s bill is in your committee, they have the opportunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress Simulation

2 Committee Rules 1.Elect chair by vote (they will lead the hearings) 2.If a member’s bill is in your committee, they have the opportunity to explain and respond to questions directly 3.Committee will discuss and debate each bill 4.Committee may propose changes or merge bills if similar 5.Voice vote must be conducted to approve any amendments (write amendments in blue pen on bill) 6.Motion to end debate must be second by another member—then vote to end debate—majority rules. 7.Chair conducts voice vote to determine if bill has passed through committee: 1.Tie vote = failed bill 2.Do not get to all bills = stalled bills 3.Majority vote passes bill = write APPROVED on top of bill and submit to Ms. Greco

3 Congress Simulation Reflection At least one paragraph addressing the following questions: –What did this exercise teach you about the legislation process? –Did your bill pass? Why do you think that is? –What would you have done differently (pertaining to your bill, committee deliberations, full house debate, etc.)? –What struck you the most about this simulation?

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