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South-East European Youth Network and the position of youth at the labour market Dijana Šobota.

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Presentation on theme: "South-East European Youth Network and the position of youth at the labour market Dijana Šobota."— Presentation transcript:

1 South-East European Youth Network and the position of youth at the labour market Dijana Šobota

2 Youth at the SEE labour market (quantitative indicators) Source: 2006 Labour Force Surveys (LSMS for Albania), EUROSTAT and ILO Country Stopa sudjelovanja u radnoj snazi Zaposelnost/stanovni štvo Unemployment rateInactivity rate TotalMF MF MF MF Albania 36.641.532.131.933.528.612.814.411.063.458.567.9 B IH 33.440.126.312.515.79.162.360.265.766.659.973.7 Croatia 35.939.931.625.529.121.828.927. Macedonia 35.842.029.314.417.211.459.759. Montenegr o S e bia 35.840.830.618.722.514.847.744.951.764.259.269.4 Kosovo 56.962.851.528.728.029.649.552.845.743.137.248.5 Western Balkans 38.544.032.920.823.218.245.845.646.361.556.067.1 EU 2744.147.440.636.439.433.417.317.017.755.952.659.4

3 Youth at the SEE labour market – qualitative indicators Around 44% of young workers employed in informal economy Around 41% of young workers employed on temporary jobsAround 41% of young workers employed on temporary jobs Self-employed youth 11% vs. 20% adultSelf-employed youth 11% vs. 20% adult 21% young people in family business vs 6% adult21% young people in family business vs 6% adult Average wage of young workers 20% lower than adult workers’ wage; gender pay gap around 20% Almost 26% of young workers works more than 50 hours per week Source: 2006 Labour Force Surveys (LSMS for Albania)

4  Need for transnational partnership → South-East European Youth Network (ICFTU/ITUC; 2000)  19 members in 9 countries: Albania, BIH, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia

5  SEEYN founded at the ICFTU CEE Youth Network meeting in Slovakia, December 2000  Four regional groups: Baltic, CEE, SEE and NIS  October 2001 meeting in Croatia - ICFTU Network for SEE was established

6  May 2005 meeting in Montenegro: SEEYN decided to accept TUs from Romania and Bulgaria  February 2007 Sarajevo meeting: Mina Vukojičić (UGS Nezavisnost) nominated as SEEYN coordinator  SEEYN has one representative in the PERC Youth Committee

7  BSPSH Youth Section (Albania)  KSSH Youth Section (Albania)  SASO SSSBiH (BiH)  SSRS Youth Section (BiH)  UATUC Youth Section (Croatia)  NHS Youth Section (Croatian)  HUS Youth Section (Croatia)  BSPSK Youth Network (Kosovo)  SSCG Youth Network (Montenegro)  UGS “Nezavisnost” Youth Section (Serbia)  CATUS Youth Section (Serbia)  SSM Youth Section (Macedonia)  UNASM Youth Section (Macedonia)  KSS Youth Section (Macedonia)  KNSB Youth Forum (Bulgaria)  Potkrepa Youth Section (Bulgaria)  BNS Youth Section (Romunia)  CNSLR – Fratia Youth Section (Romania)  CARTEL-ALFA Youth Section (Romania) SEEYN Members

8  Improved exchange of information  Joint strategies and concepts  TU solidarity; power through unity  Improve overall position of youth  Strengthen youth sections  Response to challenges facing youth Network objectives

9  Network as a specific structure for youth participation, protection, promotion and decent work  Discuss national and regional issues of interest for young people  Identify cooperation opportunities through cross-border projects aimed at building solidarity  Training/education on recruitment and organizing  Development and analysis of education policies Network objectives

10  Fora  Seminars  Multilateral meetings  Workshops  Conferences  Campaigns  Website ( Network activities

11  July 2007 – June 2008  10 countries: Albania, BiH, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia  Project management, EU + Balkan coordinators; national coordinators; FES, ETOSZ, SEP,  Financed by EU and FES FES-EU Project SEE.Y.NET It’s Time!

12  Aims: -further strengthen SEEYN, -address problems of the youth, -professionalization, -networking -transnational coordination of youth interests in TUs -project management -Capacity building for further projects FES-EU Project SEE.Y.NET It’s Time!

13  Project inovations: -Emphasis on youth and TU youth organizations -Transnational partnership of 10 countries/18 organizations of SEE -Eligible and non-eligible countries; hence: ETOSZ, EU, FES -Dealing with Lisbon agenda goals and youth problems -Promoting dialogue aimed at EU enlargement -Innovative methods -Decentralized activities and realization of different ideas FES-EU Project SEE.Y.NET It’s Time!

14  Skopje Declaration: -comparable problems in 10 countries; -Appeal to authorities -Launch coordinated, focused actions -Joint action day 20 June 2008 -Represent interests through SEE.Y.NET -Methods to tackle problems of youth -Call on the GVTs – horizontal strategies, social dialogue, decent work, involvement of youth in policy-making FES-EU Project SEE.Y.NET It’s Time!

15  Joint Action Day: It’s time! -20 June 2008 -Unique action in the TU movement of SEE, simultaneously in 10 capitals -Method of exerting pressure -Various creative national campaigns -Joint web page and posters/leaflets -Big open air concerts -Info stands -Media coverage FES-EU Project SEE.Y.NET It’s Time!

16 Example of Croatia FES-EU Project SEE.Y.NET It’s time!

17 -Results: -Building alliances -Data basis -Crucial step in the context of EU integration of SEE -Central objective/issue of the project in line with goals of Lisbon strategy -Stabilization of the Balkans region -European framework -Information leaflets and other promo materials -New demands and proposals for national and/or regional projects in the future -Visibility and representation of youth FES-EU Project SEE.Y.NET It’s Time!

18 “We are resolved to develop and implement strategies that give young people everywhere a real chance to find decent and productive work.” United Nations Millenium Declaration, New York, 2000 “Youth is our most valuable asset - our future. We must nurture it.” “Youth is our most valuable asset - our future. We must nurture it. ” Kofi Annan, Summit, Vienna, 2006

19 Thank you! Read more: Contact: Dijana Šobota, UATUC Croatia Philippe Gousenbourger, ITUC

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