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Reduced background pollination? Ulfstand Wennström Curt Almqvist Bengt Andersson.

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Presentation on theme: "Reduced background pollination? Ulfstand Wennström Curt Almqvist Bengt Andersson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reduced background pollination? Ulfstand Wennström Curt Almqvist Bengt Andersson

2 Why bother about BP? 10 %


4 25 %

5 40% of the pollen comes from outside the orchard

6 25 %20 %

7 12.5 %


9 Our idea

10 15 dec 2009




14 28 apr 2010

15 07 maj 2010

16 05 maj 2010

17 06 maj 2010

18 Sex tunnels, three treatments + control TreatmentsAntal Control2 Tunnel2 Tunnel + fan2 Tunnel + suplimental pollination (SP)2

19 Control

20 Tunnel

21 Tunnel + fan

22 Tunnel + supplemental pollen (SP)

23 Same clonal mix in all treatments



26 Temperature

27 Temperature-sum (+5°C) One week

28 Cones and seeds, effect of treatment TreatmentCones/graftSeeds/graftSeeds/cone1000-sw Control39A595A12,7A7,57C Tunnel29A255A6,8B8,51A Tunnel + fan51A501A8,6B8,26AB Tunnel + SP54A685A10,7A8,05BC

29 TreatmentCones/graftSeeds/graftSeeds/coneG141000-sw 2010201120102011201020112010 2011 Control108A39A2013A595A16,0A12,7A98,10A6,66A7,57C Tunnel86A29A1558A255A18,0A6,8B98,20A7,40A8,51A Tunnel + fan130A51A2408A501A18,3A8,6B98,00A7,24A8,26AB Tunnel + SP86A54A1640A685A18,1A10,7A98,40A7,27A8,05BC Cones and seeds, effect of treatment

30 Clone Cones/ tree Filled seeds/ tree (g) Filled seeds/ tree (no)Seedweight Seeds/ cone AC1075111,31708,355,9 AC3015201,31548,894,5 AC3040271,42147,406,5 AC3056535,47217,6512,9 AC3065905,68696,5210,7 Y3012210,6807,463,4 Y3014332,02348,907,2 Z2081596,38457,9016,0 Y410331,31758,3314,9 Z403211315,716289,5614,8 Cones and seeds, effect of clone

31 Pollen (g/graft), effect of treatment TreatmentPollen Control51,5A Tunnel64,3A Tunnel + fan64,6A Tunnel + SP58,8A

32 Pollen (g/graft), effect of treatment Treatment20102011 Control51,5A53,3C Tunnel64,3A67,6B Tunnel + fan64,6A77,3AB Tunnel + SP58,8A59,0BC

33 Data from Xiau-Ru Wang, Torimaru Takeshi and Jinlong Zhang at EMG Umeå University Preliminary results (480 seeds, 4 clones) anlyzed with microsatellites (SSRs) Do the tunnels work? * 48% of the fathers originated from the SP Treatment Background pollination Other than tunnel clones Control23.834.3 Tunnel2.22.1 Tunnel + fan00 Tunnel + SP4.50*

34 Clone20102011 AC107545,551,3 AC301567,577,9 AC304071,683,8 AC305646,548,4 AC306527,925,3 Y301276,072,6 Y301446,572,6 Y410390,899,4 Z208152,072,3 Z403273,739,1 Pollen (g/graft), effect of clone

35 Is it worth it? YearSeeds from tunnels* 2010134 762 201133 309 * The orchard was heavely pruned in sept. 2009


37 Årets behandling?

38 Reduced background pollination, does it work? Yes!


40 Holmen Skog Svenska Skogsplantor Kempestiftelsen

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