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Iameating Youareplaying Heissinging Sheisstudying Itistravelling Wearetalking Youareshouting Theyarereading.

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Presentation on theme: "Iameating Youareplaying Heissinging Sheisstudying Itistravelling Wearetalking Youareshouting Theyarereading."— Presentation transcript:


2 Iameating Youareplaying Heissinging Sheisstudying Itistravelling Wearetalking Youareshouting Theyarereading

3 IAm noteating YouAre notplaying HeIs notsinging SheIs notstudying ItIs nottravelling WeAre nottalking YouAre notshouting TheyAre notreading

4 AmIeating AreYouplaying IsHesinging IsShestudying IsIttravelling AreWetalking AreYoushouting AreTheyreading

5 Affirmative answers : Are you reading ? Yes, I am. Is he dancing ? Yes. He is. Are they playing soccer ? Yes, they are. Negative answers : Are you reading ? No, I am not / no, I’m not. Is he dancing ? No, he is not. / no, he isn’t. Are they playing soccer ? No, they are not ? / they aren’t.

6 What Why When How Where am are is are I You He She It We You They reading ? playing ? dancing ?

7 Practice : Answer these questions. 1- what are you doing right now ? 2- who is always interrupting you when you speak ? 3- what are your neighbours doing to their house ? 4- Is the train leaving at 4 p.m. ? Possible answers. 1- I’m studying English grammar. 2- My sister is always interrupting me. 3- My neighbours are building an extra room. 4- No, it isn’t. or Yes, it is.





12 Common expressions with the present continuous : At the moment, now, today, this week. For future reference : Tomorrow, next week. Examples : - She is riding a horse at the moment. - She is having a competition this week. - She is going to Paris next week.

13 Do not use the present continuous with state verbs, they describe a state, not an action. ( like – love – want – belong – remember – forget – hate – prefer – need – understand – believe ). Wrong : Right : -I am loving pizza. - I love pizza. -I am needing a friend. - I need a friend. -I am understanding the lesson. - I understand the lesson.


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