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Title Sub-title PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE European Commission Enterprise and Industry October 9 th 2015 Breda Fox.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Sub-title PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE European Commission Enterprise and Industry October 9 th 2015 Breda Fox."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Sub-title PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE European Commission Enterprise and Industry October 9 th 2015 Breda Fox

2 Enterprise Europe Network ? – the largest support network for SMEs and combine international business expertise with local knowledge to help you take your innovation into new markets. How ? –Tailored support, –New business and technology partnerships, –Commercial opportunities: licensing deals, partners searches for EU funded R&D.

3 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› EEN Services & Support Regional and local events organised: Information events Awareness Network > EU topics / new EU funding etc. Instructive events & workshops Internationalisation > Innovation > Intellectual Property Rights etc. Individual Advisory services: Innovation – IPR – business & technology audits, ideas testing, competitiveness, access to markets Access to finance, EU funding & programmes, mentoring, calls and project proposals EU legislation, compliance, energy efficiency

4 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› EEN Services & Support Cross-border Partnering Brokerage events / Company missions Company Profiles / Business & Technology EOIs – Expression of Interest Received / Made Company Profiles Business or Technology Offer / Request Visible on the Network Database to all 600 Partners/ 50 countries. EOIs presented to clients before deciding who to engage with. Helping clients finalise deals/ manage any IP / licensing issues.

5 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Bring your ideas to market Identify partners for R&D projects Identify potential partners to join a consortium for a research project under a specific call to be funded by the EU then we can help by  EEN has the reach, expertise and tailor-made support services to find the right international partners for your business.  Attend Networking Events & Trade Fairs  Access Market Research Learn how to protect and exploit your IP Do you have a new idea, product, service or process ? Ready to take to market? EEN will help you work out how best to protect your firm’s ideas and technologies.

6 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Successes Nvolve Limited – Market leading LMS provider for companies with an Hourly Paid workforce. Platform is ‘Group Learner@ and helps clients lower their training cost, improving training compliance and reduce training workload. Training for Hourly Paid workers can be very difficult to arrange and Group Learner provides an e-learning platform which does not need access to a laptop/PC Through EEN Nvolve entered into a JV with Staffline Group in the UK and has helped the business grow throughout the UK and into other European markets. EEN supported with: information about patenting; negotiation of the agreement; culminating Head of Terms and business strategy.

7 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Successes GroupNos Connected Health company who have developed software that reduces costs for health insurers and health service agencies by helping identify patients who are at risk of dropping out of treatment services or who continue to receive unnecessary or ineffective services. Patients submits Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and receives appointments/tips. Helps reduce dropout rates by 40%. EEN supported with: market research on potential partners in Europe and began discussions with a number of Dutch companies. Collaborative agreements were agreed with this companies. Support and advice was provided by EEN throughout the process.

8 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Successes Seprex Technologies Utilises pyrolysis in a batch type of tyre recycling technology. A prototype was designed and built in Japan, provisionally patented and shipped to Ireland for further testing. EEN in Northern Ireland and Republic supported: partnership with Queens University to bring the prototype closer to productisation and was developed into an Inter-Trade-Ireland FUSION project. EEN supported: Seprex to get an Innovation Voucher which was used with University of Limerick to analyse the gas outputs associated with the pyrolysis system bringing it closer to manufacturing; support on IP and due-diligence; developing a road map for the technology. Orders have been received already from the UK and Ireland.

9 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› An extensive database of current partnering opportunities: 13787 Opportunities in totalOpportunities in total  3735 Technology OpportunitiesTechnology Opportunities  9428 Business OpportunitiesBusiness Opportunities  580 Research Partner searches EEN – Secure Database platform

10 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Main Points  Services designed for SME’s but available to all businesses, research centres, universities and Business Support Organisations  Does not fund any projects but assist in finding funding programmes and sources for finance  Unique in terms of geographical reach and range of services provided. Up to 10,000 live Business and Technology Opportunities  SERVICES ARE FREE OF CHARGE

11 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› Who can use EEN services? Small and Medium Enterprises Business Start-ups Entrepreneurs Research Centres Universities & Institutes of Technology Business Support Organisations Industry Clusters

12 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› 600 partner organisations in 56 countries Geographical Spread of the Enterprise Europe Network Recent - USA, Mexico Russia, China South Korea Tunisia Japan Brazil Canada India

13 Title of the presentation | Date |‹#› What’s Next? Take a form and fill it out. Set up a 1 to 1 meeting with us Contacts:  Breda Fox  Caroline McDonagh Email: Tel: 091 50 90 90

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