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How Many Skittles Are In a 2.17 Ounce Bag? By: Ryan Riling & Tom Dougherty.

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2 How Many Skittles Are In a 2.17 Ounce Bag? By: Ryan Riling & Tom Dougherty

3 HistoryHistory -Skittles production originated in England -First introduced to United States in 1974 -Owned by Mars Inc. -Skittles factories are located in U.S, Victoria, Australia, and New Zealand -Advertising campaigns are associated with rainbows -“Taste the Rainbow”

4 PurposePurpose -We wanted to determine whether or not Mars Inc. (producer of Skittles) was fairly filling their bags with the claimed amount. -We decided to purchase 35 standard sized bags of Skittles (2.17 ounce) and test to determine if Skittles consumers are getting their money’s worth.

5 Retail Stores -Acme  Five 2.17 oz. Bags -Genuardi’s  Five 2.17 oz. Bags -Giant  Five 2.17 oz. Bags -Redner’s  Five 2.17 oz. Bags -CVS  Five 2.17 oz. Bags -Wawa  Five 2.17 oz. Bags -7-11  Five 2.17 oz. Bags TOTAL = 35 BAGS

6 DataData

7 GraphsGraphs

8 Graphs (Cont.) 5254565860626466687072 Five Number Summary Minimum = 53 Quartile 3 = 63 Quartile 1 = 56 Maximum = 68 Median = 59 Number of Skittles

9 Stem Plot 5 53 54 5 5 5 56 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 58 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 60 62 2 2 3 3 3 64 4 5 66 6 68 Shape = Roughly Symmetric Center = 59 Spread = Minimum – 53 Maximum – 68

10 1 Var Stats x = 59.4286 Σx = 2080 Σx² = 124110 Sx = 3.8293 n = 35 Minimum = 53 Quartile 1 = 56 Median = 59 Quartile 3 = 63 Maximum = 68

11 Assumptions 1). SRS 1). 2). Normal Population 2). 35 ≥ 30 OR n ≥ 30

12 HypothesisHypothesis -Ho:  = 60 Skittles per 2.17 oz. Bag -Ha:  ≠ 60 Skittles per 2.17 oz. Bag

13 TestsTests One Sample T-Test Test Statistic: t* = x - µ s/ √n = P-Value: 2 * P(µ > -.8828) =.3835 Degrees Freedom: Df = n-1 = 34 -.8828

14 Tests (Cont.) Conclusion: We fail to reject the null hypothesis because our p-value is greater than  =.05. We have sufficient evidence that the mean number of Skittles per 2.17 oz. bag is 60 Skittles.

15 Confidence Level (95%) Confidence Level = x ± t*(s/ √ n) = (58.113, 60.744) We are 95% Confident that the mean number of Skittles per 2.17 oz. bag is between 58.113 and 60.744 Skittles.

16 Personal Opinions -We felt as though it was very tedious to count the amount of Skittles in each of the 35 bags -It was time-consuming to travel to each of the 7 stores to obtain the required amount of samples -We agree with our T-Test results and feel as though where ever you choose to buy your Skittles from, you are getting a fair amount per bag for the price.

17 ApplicationApplication -Although Giant had the greatest average number of Skittles per bag, we feel as though it is unnecessary to go out of your way just to buy Skittles at Giant. -We feel as though Mars Inc. fairly manufactures and packages their Skittles bags. - 7-11 Skittles bags are packaged most fairly and have an average of 60.2 Skittles per bag.

18 Bias/ErrorBias/Error -Incorrect Skittles count -Mistake entering data into lists -Obtaining Skittles at various stores  chose the first available bags -Counting broken or deformed Skittles

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