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The Tennessean, 1/31/10 1. Misrepresentation 2. Fellowship – Ezr.4:1-3; Mt.15:14 3. Progressive – Ga.1:14; 2 Jn.9 “to move ahead or in front of, go before,

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Presentation on theme: "The Tennessean, 1/31/10 1. Misrepresentation 2. Fellowship – Ezr.4:1-3; Mt.15:14 3. Progressive – Ga.1:14; 2 Jn.9 “to move ahead or in front of, go before,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tennessean, 1/31/10 1. Misrepresentation 2. Fellowship – Ezr.4:1-3; Mt.15:14 3. Progressive – Ga.1:14; 2 Jn.9 “to move ahead or in front of, go before, lead the way, precede” (BDAG, 864)

2 I. What Is Restoration?

3 Restore: buildingpainting government To give back (something lost); bring back to a former condition, as a building, painting, etc. To reestablish something that has passed away, as a custom, system of government, etc. Restoration : Putting or bringing back into a former, normal, or unimpaired state or condi- tion (Webster)

4 Art, Model T, the Constitution Mt.17:11 (Mal.4:6; Lk.1:17) Restoration: God’s plan Ac.3:21 –  Fulfills God’s plan to reclaim fallen men, culminating in end of the age, 24 Wife Gn.20:7, 14 Job Gn.40:13 Thief 1 Sm.12:3

5 Restoration: God’s plan Ac.15:16, two words: rebuild; set up  Rebuild its ruins, restore. *Required descendant of David on throne (Ac.2). (Ga.6:16) (L-N 14.3)  Build something up again after it has fallen, restore (L-N 14.4)

6 I. What Is Restoration? II. What Is Restored?

7 movement Some are committed to a restoration “movement” Three problems: 1. Wrong foundation Mt.4:4 2. Lead astray Mt.15:14; 1 T.1:3 3. No unity or stability 1 T.1:4

8 Biblical commitment Commit to word of God, 2 T.3:16-17 Emphasis in NT: restoration to right relationships. Hb.10:32-35 Individuals Ga.6:1 Ja.5:19-20 Churches 2 Co.12:21 Rv.2:4-5 1 Always correct 2 All sufficient

9 I. What Is Restoration? II. What Is Restored? III. Case Study: Jeroboam

10 1 K.12, Jeroboam’s... 26a, authority: own heart (Jer.10:23) 26b-27a, motivation: people 27b, unbelief: God’s promise (11:38) 28a, advisors: idolaters 28b, idolatry: golden calves 28c-29, appeal: “It is too much for you”

11 Results of Jeroboam’s errors 29-31a, wrong places 31b, wrong priests 32-33, wrong periods 33, wrong purpose (26) 13:1-5, wrong persistence (33-34)

12 I. What Is Restoration? II. What Is Restored? III. Case Study: Jeroboam IV. Responses To Spiritual Jeroboams

13 1. They substitute their way for God’s, Jer.6:16 God’s plans are ‘outdated’ Grow tired of God’s way, 2 T.4:3-4  Old paths  Old paths = God’s revelation  We don’t believe in Alexander C.

14 2. Emphasize Scripture, Lk.10:26 25 And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?“ 26 He said to him, "What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?" Implies two things:  His word is the standard  We can understand it

15 3. Is it arrogant to correct errors? 2 Co.13:5 Ac.2; 3; 4-5; 6-7; 8:21-23; 15:1-5 Ro.16:17 Haughty?Helpful? Haughty?Helpful?

16 Adam Clarke, Methodist “However sincere a man may be in a wor- ship of his own invention, or of man's commandment, yet it profits him nothing. Christ himself says it is in vain. To con- demn such, may appear to some illiberal; but whatever may be said in behalf of sincere heathens, and others who have not had the advantages of Divine Reve- lation, there is no excuse for the man who has the BIBLE before him” (Mt.15:9)

17 Charles Spurgeon, Baptist “Religion based on human authority is worthless; we must worship the true God in the way of his own appointing, or we do not worship him at all. Doctrines and ordinances are only to be accepted when the divine Word supports them, and they are to be accepted for that reason only. The most punctilious form of devotion is vain worship, if it is regulated by man’s ordinance apart from the Lord's own command” (Mt.15:9)

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