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Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … Each of the topics we’ve looked at deal with specific areas… actions, attitudes,

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2 Unprecedented Access

3 … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … Each of the topics we’ve looked at deal with specific areas… actions, attitudes, or mindsets …that we must keep intact lest we lose access intended for usEach of the topics we’ve looked at deal with specific areas… actions, attitudes, or mindsets …that we must keep intact lest we lose access intended for usBut… …our faith is not only independent, it requires a team

4 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another …

5 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … We must have interconnectivity

6 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … Proverbs 27:17 The way “iron sharpens iron” is for one piece to abrade the anotherThe way “iron sharpens iron” is for one piece to abrade the another One piece deburrs the other, removes the rough edges, and makes it “keen”One piece deburrs the other, removes the rough edges, and makes it “keen” A blacksmith shapes iron by putting a piece into the fire until it is moldable and then striking it until the desired shape is formedA blacksmith shapes iron by putting a piece into the fire until it is moldable and then striking it until the desired shape is formed

7 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … It’s the hand of the blacksmith, one who approaches the situation with intentional purpose, who shapes the iron

8 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … “One Another” Romans 12 “be kindly affectionate to one another” Romans 12 “be kindly affectionate to one another” “be of the same mind toward one another” Galatians 6 “bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6 “bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Colossians 3 “do not lie to one another,” and Colossians 3 “do not lie to one another,” and 1 Thessalonians 5 “comfort each other and edify one another.” 1 Thessalonians 5 “comfort each other and edify one another.”

9 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … “One Another” 1 Peter 4 “be hospitable to one another” 1 Peter 4 “be hospitable to one another” “you have received a gift, minister it to one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 John 1 “have fellowship with one another.” 1 John 1 “have fellowship with one another.” Fellowship Kindness Honesty Hospitality Ministering Praying … for one another Fellowship Kindness Honesty Hospitality Ministering Praying … for one another

10 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … “One Another” Roman’s 12 “in honor give preference to one another,” Roman’s 12 “in honor give preference to one another,” Roman’s 13 “love one another,” Roman’s 13 “love one another,” Romans 14 “not judge one another.” Romans 14 “not judge one another.” Galatians 5 “through love serve one another” Galatians 5 “through love serve one another” “provoke one another or envy one another.”

11 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … “One Another” Honor Love Serve Don’t provoke Don’t judge Don’t envy … one another Honor Love Serve Don’t provoke Don’t judge Don’t envy … one another

12 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … “One Another” Ephesians 4 “forgive one another,” Ephesians 4 “forgive one another,” Ephesians 5 “submit to one another in the fear of God,” Ephesians 5 “submit to one another in the fear of God,” James 5 “confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another.” James 5 “confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another.” Forgiveness Submission confession Prayer … for one another Forgiveness Submission confession Prayer … for one another

13 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … “One Another” Romans 15 “receive one another, just as Christ also received us.” Romans 15 “receive one another, just as Christ also received us.” He received you just the way you were!

14 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … We have the same responsibility to receive one another just as they are The sharpening will happen as we move on

15 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another … The purpose of the church family is to release Unprecedented Access in this way – God has us here… accepted as we are…accepted as we are… to be shaped by the hand of the Lord…to be shaped by the hand of the Lord… with intentional purpose as the blacksmith…with intentional purpose as the blacksmith… and then sharpened by our relationships with one anotherand then sharpened by our relationships with one another

16 Unprecedented Access … one another … Unprecedented Access … one another …

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