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Taking stock of the market for flexible postgraduate accredited CPD Stephen Gomez, Mel Joyner, Rebekah Southern, Valeria Arzenton & Melanie Strickland.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking stock of the market for flexible postgraduate accredited CPD Stephen Gomez, Mel Joyner, Rebekah Southern, Valeria Arzenton & Melanie Strickland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking stock of the market for flexible postgraduate accredited CPD Stephen Gomez, Mel Joyner, Rebekah Southern, Valeria Arzenton & Melanie Strickland University of Plymouth

2 Shell framework Provides demand-driven learning opportunities Uses credit accumulation and transfer Promotes part-time & flexible learning ‘Accredits’ work-based and other experiential learning ‘Joins up’ diffuse & diverse CPD provision

3 Learners can… relate all of some of their learning to their current employment or future career aspirations study PT or without attending formal teaching sessions be qualified by experience rather than by academic qualifications

4 Benefits to employers flexible systems to facilitate learning tailored to employer need opportunities to update knowledge and skills of their workforce opportunities for the learners they support to relate their learning to the workplace opportunities for learning to be delivered in a number of different ways (eg short courses, in-house training, university provision, on-line learning or a combination)

5 Market Research Methodology Telephone interviews Involving 253 employers (>50 employees) Devon, Cornwall and Somerset On-line survey of 600 members of the public (eligible to take part in the programme)

6 Key findings Two thirds of survey groups (employers and general public), were ‘very’ or ‘fairly interested’ in CPD degree. Most employers would support staff undertaking a flexible programme of study. Level of interest  Employers/general public most interest: Management, Leadership and Business units; least interest: Accountancy and marketing  Employers want employees specialise in Interpersonal Skills &Self Management; Computer/IT skills are popular amongst employers.  General public interest in Computer/IT skills, Interpersonal Skills & Self Management; least popular – Tourism/Hospitality Subjects of interest

7 Key findings cont’d Mode of delivery of learning  Distance/e-learning tools alone,  or through a combination of in class (once a week) and distance and e-learning, are the most popular methods amongst both employers and members of the public.  Less clarity on the price people will pay for learning units.  Majority of employers said that they are ‘not certain’.  Where responses to this question were given, both employers and members of the public tended to opt for a price below £250. Price for delivery of learning

8 Sector distribution of employers

9 Employers: Importance Attached to Accredited Training

10 Employers Interest in Topic Areas

11 Employers Interest in Areas of Specialisation

12 Preferred Methods of Delivery

13 Preferred Place of Delivery

14 Amount Respondents Would be Willing to Pay/module

15 Usefulness for Employees to Take a Flexible Programme of Study

16 Respondents’ Working Status

17 Respondents’ Highest Level of Education

18 Respondents Interest in a Number of Broad Areas

19 Percentages of Respondents Interested in Specialist subjects

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