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Atmospheric neutrinos

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1 Atmospheric neutrinos
III International Pontecorvo Neutrino Physics School Alushta, Ukraine, Sep. 2007 Atmospheric neutrinos -status and prospect- Takaaki Kajita (ICRR, U.of Tokyo) Production of atmospheric neutrinos Some early history (Discovery of atmospheric neutrinos, Atmospheric neutrino anomaly) Discovery of neutrino oscillations Studies of atmospheric neutrino oscillations Sub-dominant oscillations –present and future-

2 Production of atmospheric neutrinos

3 (Sign of the particles are neglected in this figure.)

4 Calculating the atmospheric neutrino beam
Measured cosmic ray proton flux Flux × En2 En(GeV) + geomagnetic field + (p+Nucleon) int. + decay of p, m or K + …… Total nm+nm flux

5 Some features of the beam (1)
(nm+ nm)/(ne+ ne) nm/ne ratio is calculated to an accuracy of better than 3% below ~5GeV.

6 Some features of the beam (2)
@Kamioka (Japan) Zenith angle cosqzenith Up-going Down Up/down ratio very close to 1.0 and accurately calculated (1% or better) above a few GeV.

7 Comment: Geomagnetic field and the flux
Let’s assume a detector in Kamioka (Japan) Calculate the minimum momentum of a cosmic ray proton directing to Kamioka arriving at the atmosphere. GeV/c Down-going Up-going For this location, flux(up) > flux(down) in the low-energy range

8 Comment: Horizontal flux
now 10 years ago… 3D calculation 1D calculation

9 Horizontal enhancement
For simplicity, let’s assume that the direction of the secondary particles are isotropic (reasonable at low E.) ν C.R.(1D) Target area(1D, 3D) C.R.(3D) G. Battistoni et al., Astropart. Phys. 12, 315 (2000) 1D 3D

10 How accurate is the absolute normalization of the flux ?
Syst error better than 5% Below 10GeV, the flux is predicted to better than 10%. Above 10GeV the flux calculation must be improved. (This statement is for Honda04 flux.)

11 Neutrino interactions
Quasi-elastic CC total Deep inelastic 1p production Eν(GeV) Quasi-elastic 1p production Deep inelastic n lepton n lepton n lepton p p p N* N’ N N N N’ N’

12 Event classification Fully Contained (FC) (E ~1GeV)
Partially Contained (PC) (E ~10GeV) Stopping  (E~10GeV) Through-going  (E~100GeV)

13 Comment: upward-going muons
s(nN) ∝En Range ∝Em, <Em> ∝ En Enhanced sensitivity to high energy neutrinos Wide energy range

14 (discovery of atmospheric neutrinos)
Some early history (discovery of atmospheric neutrinos)

15 Discovery of atmospheric neutrinos
At the depth of 3200 meters (8800 meters water equivalent) in South Africa First observed on Feb. 23, 1965 By F.Reines et al. At the depth of 2400 meters (7500 meters water equivalent) in India (Kolar Gold Field) First published on Aug. 15, 1965 By C.V. Achar et al. photo of the South Africa experiment (nmNmX) Detector for the KGF experiment

16 Zenith angle distribution (from the South Africa experiment 1978)
PRD18, 2239 (1978) Cosmic ray muons Neutrino induced muons Vertical (going up or down) Horizontal going

17 (Atmospheric neutrino anomaly)
Some early history (Atmospheric neutrino anomaly) Idea to study oscillations with atmospheric neutrinos: Bilenky & Pontecorvo, Phys. Rep. 1978

18 The first hint ? (South Africa experiment, 1978)
PRD18, 2239 (1978) Cosmic ray muons Neutrino induced muons Vertical Horizontal Deficit of muon data “We conclude that there is fair agreement between the total observed and expected neutrino induced muon flux …”

19 Proton decay experiments
Grand Unified Theories (in the late 1970’s)  tp=1030±2 years Kamiokande (1000ton) IMB (3300ton) NUSEX (130ton) Frejus (700ton) These experiments observed many contained atmospheric neutrino events (background for proton decay).

20 Selection of atmospheric neutrinos
Example: Kamiokande At 1000m underground, cosmic ray m: 0.3/sec/detector Atmospheric n: 0.3/day/1000ton n 2.7m 3.5m Fiducial region m anti-counter m

21 Detecting Cherenkov photons
Number of Ch. photons with λ= nm emitted by a relativistic particle per cm = 340. Need an efficient detection of the photons Large PMTs Charged particle Photomultiplier tube (PMT) 50cm φ  (Super-K) ν 20cm φ   n (refractive index)=1.34 in water θ=42deg. for β=1

22 Detecting Cherenkov photons and event reconstruction
Super-K n Charged particle PMT Time: vertex position direction Pulse height (number of pe’s): energy Color: timing Size: pulse height

23 Too few muon decays Proton decay background papers: or
IMB: PRL57, (1986) Kamiokande: J.Phys.Soc.Jpn 55, 711 (1986) vmNmX, m(t=2.2msec)enn or nNlepton+p++X, p+m+n, m+e+nn

24 m/e ratio measurement in Kamiokande
electronics Water system 1983 (Kamiokande construction)

25 Electrons and muons Super-K Kamiokande electron-like events
muon-like events Super-K

26 Particle identification
electron-like event muon-like event e: electromagnetic shower, multiple Coulomb scattering m: propagate almost straightly, loose energy by ionization loss Difference in the event pattern Particle ID

27 Particle ID performance
(figures from Super-K) e from μ decay Cosmic ray μ

28 First result on the m/e ratio (1988)
Data MC prediction e-like (~CC ne) 93 88.5 m-like (~CC nm) 85 144.0 “We are unable to explain the data as the result of systematic detector effects or uncertainties in the atmospheric neutrino fluxes. Some as-yet-unaccoundted-for physics such as neutrino oscillations might explain the data.” Kamiokande (3000ton Water Ch.           ~1000ton fid. Vol.) 2.87 kton・year K. Hirata et al (Kamiokande)Phys.Lett.B 205 (1988) 416.

29 Let’s write the atmospheric nm deficit by (m/e)data/(m/e)MC
However, … Let’s write the atmospheric nm deficit by (m/e)data/(m/e)MC

30 First supporting evidence for small m/e
IMB experiment also observed smaller (m/e) (1991, 1992).

31 Finally, … Let’s write the atmospheric nm deficit by (m/e)data/(m/e)MC

32 Atmospheric neutrinos and neutrino oscillations
Cosmic ray p, He, …… Detector Detect down-going and up-going n nmnt oscillation Cosmic ray p, He, …… Down-going Atmosphere Up-going

33 Zenith angle distributions
Kamiokande (Evis <1.3 GeV) IMB (<1.5GeV) e-like m-like Consistent with no zenith angle dependence...

34 Angular correlation n q (CC ne samples) lepton Nucleon (CC nm sample)
(MN= 1GeV/c2) (CC nm sample) q Lepton momentum (MeV/c)

35 Next: zenith angle…(Kamiokande,1994)
multi-GeV m-like events No oscillation Dm2=1.6・10-2eV2 nmnt Up-going Down-going Up/Down= (2.9 σ) Deficit of upward-going m-like events Not high enough statistics to conclude …

36 Discovery of neutrino oscillations

37 Super-Kamiokade detector
50,000 ton water Cherenkov detector (22,500 ton fiducial volume) Exit 11200 PMT(Inner detector) 1900 PMT(Outer detector) 42m 39m 1000m underground

38 Around Super-K Entrance to the mine

39 Super-Kamiokande (under construction, Dec. 1994)

40 Super-Kamiokande under construction
Early summer 1995

41 Super-Kamiokande with pure water
Jan. 1996

42 Event type and neutrino energy
Fully Contained (FC) Partially Contained (PC) Stopping  Through-going 

43 Various types of atmospheric neutrino events (1)
・Both CC ne and nm (+NC) ・Need particle identification to separate ne and nm FC (fully contained) n Outer detector (no signal) Single Cherenkov ring electron-like event Single Cherenkov ring muon-like event Color: timing Size: pulse height

44 Various types of atmospheric neutrino events (2)
Signal in the outer detector PC (partially contained) n ・97% CC nm

45 Various types of atmospheric neutrino events (3)
Upward going muon ・ almost pure CC nm ν Upward stopping muon Upward through-going muon

46 Atmospheric neutrinos and neutrino oscillations
Cosmic ray p, He, …… Detector Detect down-going and up-going n nmnt oscillation Down-going Cosmic ray p, He, …… Atmosphere Up-going Up/down ratio measurement is essentially free from systematics

47 Fully contained, 1-ring events with Evis > 1.33GeV plus partially contained events SK concluded that the observed zenith angle dependent deficit (and the other supporting data) gave evidence for neutrino oscillations.

48 Super-Kamiokande data now
@Neutrino98 (535 day) Now (2290 day) No oscillation nmnt oscillation Up-going Down-going

49 Results from the other atmospheric neutrino experiments
Soudan-2 MACRO MINOS (Atmospheric neutrinos only in this lecture)

50 Soudan2 nm CC quasi-elastic 1 kton fine grain tracking calorimeter
ne CC nm CC deep inelastic

51 Soudan2 e μ e μ 5.9 kton・yr exposure
Partially contained events included. L/E analysis with the “high resolution” sample Upward stopping muons included. hep-ex/ Phys.Rev. D68 (2003) Zenith angle Reconstructed Lν/ Eν dist. e μ e Up-going Down-going μ No osc. nm  nt osc. Upward stopping muons

52 Upward stopping m + down-going PC
MACRO Upward through-going m Upward-going PC 10m 77m 12m Down-going cosmic ray m Upward through-going m Upward stopping m down-going PC

53 MACRO No osc. Oscillation Upward horizontal No osc. or Osc.
PLB 566 (2003) 35 EPJ C36(2004)323 No osc. or Osc. No osc. Oscillation Δm2 =2.5×10-3 Upward horizontal

54 MINOS (atmospheric) 5.4 kton tracking detector with magnetic field
PRD73, (2006) kton・yr (418days) nm zenith-angle L/E Separation of nm and anti-nm hep-ex/

55 nmnt oscillation parameters
nmnt, 90%C.L. MINOS (Atmospheric) Kamiokande Soudan-2 Super-K MACRO Also, consistent results from long baseline experiments (K2K & MINOS)  Lecture by K.Nishikawa

56 Summary of Atmospheric Neutrino-1
Experimental studies of atmospheric neutrinos started in the mid. 1960’s. Different type of atmospheric neutrino experiments started in the 1980’s (proton decay experiments). Study of the background for proton decay found unexpected atmospheric nm deficit. In 1998, the nm deficit was concluded as evidence for neutrino oscillations. Various atmospheric neutrino experiments give consistent results.

57 End

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