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Baela Raza Jamil Director Programs ITA & IPL. Pakistani Educational Leadership Project & Institute – or the art of the possible We gather today to bid.

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Presentation on theme: "Baela Raza Jamil Director Programs ITA & IPL. Pakistani Educational Leadership Project & Institute – or the art of the possible We gather today to bid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baela Raza Jamil Director Programs ITA & IPL

2 Pakistani Educational Leadership Project & Institute – or the art of the possible We gather today to bid farewell to the 8 th Cohort of Pakistani educators ready for the 4 week Summer Institute at Plymouth State University (PSU) sponsored by the US State Department Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA) we must recognize that this is truly a microcosm of what Pakistan symbolizes : Diversity of Landscapes - 9 Areas from FATA to Sindh Diversity of Languages - 12 Languages Diversity of Educational Experiences and Challenges Bonding through rich, highly professional and caring shared experiences in USA & Pakistan as the Pakistani Education Leaders

3 PELI Coverage 2004-2011 35.0% 14.7% 10.7% 12.2% 9.6% 9.1% 4.6% 4.1% Funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

4 PEL Project & Institute launched Launched in FY 2003. In 2004 Pakistani Educational Leadership Institute (PELI) was the inaugural program superseding the 9/11 Commission Report that included a recommendation to “strengthen long- term U.S. international commitments to the future of Pakistan. An open competition award in FY2007, an ECA grant supported institute implementation phase in Pakistan was added, creating a more robust & meaningful project.

5 Our Partners in Pakistan Departments of Education – Public Sector Universities & Higher Education Institutions – Public and Private Sector Education Foundations Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)NGOs An opportunity to network, scale up and multiply the PELI impact…..upgrade the diploma to a formal degree and share best practices widely and implement widely

6 Pakistani Educational Leadership Institute (PELI) & Project The Pakistani Educational Leadership Project is a hybrid- takes place in both US and Pakistan Professional development in: a) educational leadership for Pakistani educators and b) a cross-cultural and –educational exchange for Pakistan and U.S. citizens. A Four Weeks Intensive US Phase of Professional development program for secondary level educators housed at Plymouth State University (PSU). Follow-on professional development and implementation activities in Pakistan demonstrate impact and outcomes of institute training

7 Key players Sponsors: The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA): grant funded the project Hosts: Plymouth State University : hosts the externally funded project and project director Pakistan Service Providers: Idara-e- Taleem-o- Aagahi (ITA) /Institute for Professional Learning (IPL): sub-award organization Supported by: The US Embassy in Pakistan : For Visa Process & In-country Alumni and other relevant activities/programs

8 Cross Cutting Areas in PELI Science, English, Mathematics, Leadership; Research and Evaluation; ICTs, Environment, Citizenship, Conflict Resolution and Communication

9 The 8 th Pakistani Educational Leadership Institute (PELI) 2011 Leadership in a Climate of Change “Leadership in a Climate of Change” Project will support development of leadership skills and enhance literacy, specifically in environmental education skills. It will enable citizens to help build a sustainable future as part of a global learning community in the 21 st century.

10 Leadership in a Climate of Change Goals: Examine tenets of leadership that address change for adaptation to Pakistan’s education reform Explore environmental education models and standards that identify challenges and implement solutions in curricula and community Provide enriched English immersion for enhancement of linguistic skills and cultural understanding Translate Institute content, highlighting best pedagogical practices, into culturally and geographically appropriate initiatives to affect positive change and growth in literacy in communities in Pakistan Share activities and outcomes with the global learning community Foster respect amongst the diverse cultures of Pakistan and the United States by building relationships through cross-cultural and – educational exchanges that transcend boundaries

11 Teams For the PEL Project’s Summer Institute 2011 Project Team: Project Director: Ms. Blakeman H. Allen Pakistan coordinator: Ms. Riffat Ayesha Assistant to the Project: Ms. Sally Kilfoyle Graduate Assistant: Adam Sheetz Institute Team: Institute Coordinator: Andrea Ladd Mary Lyon Residence Director: Julie Crisafi Mary Lyon Residential Community Advisors: Lisa Dalzell; Deo Mwano; Sam Wisel Educational Leadership: Christie Sweeney, Leo Sandy, Kathleen Technology: Jo Ann Guilmet, Norm Shippee. Master Action Portfolios: Julie Tallman, Kim Sychterz as leads. Environmental Education : Mary Ann and Marguerite Crowell

12 Overall Gender Profile for PELI PELI Alumni Gender Profile 2004-2011 YearFemaleMaleTotal 200419625 200517320 200612820 200710515 200814620 200911920 2010281240 201129837 Total14057197 Overall % of Women (2004-11) = 72 % Percentage of Women 2011= 82.3 % Female-Male ratio (2004-11)= 2.53:1 Female-Male Ratio (2011)= 4.7:1 PELI 2011 28 females (82%) and 6 males (18%) from Pakistan for the Summer Institute 2011 3 Visas are still being processed. For 2011 cohort

13 PELI Alumni Coverage Across Pakistan 2004-10 YearPunjabSindhBaluchistanICTAJKKPKFATA Gilgit- Baltistan Total Participants 2004130010200025 200509650000020 200611000900020 20076303300015 200811203121020 20094332143020 20107773164540 20118863261337 Total69292124191898197 % by Area 35.014.710.712. % by Area (2011) 21.6 *3 Visas are still under process for the 2011 cohort

14 Criterion for Selection in PELI Age: 30-50(Exceptional Cases below 35 and up to 55 or 5 years to retirement). Gender:At Least - Female: 70% and Male: 30% Qualification:Minimum BA, BSC, preferably MA/MSC with B.Ed & M.Ed with B.Ed & M.Ed. Experience:At least 5 years of experience as a teacher/teacher trainer/head teacher in Govt. or Non Govt. sector; demonstrated abilities as a dynamic educational leader. Language:Speak, comprehend and write English fluently. IT skills:Preferred as the entire program is IT led. An overwhelming 85% - 90% of the candidates are from the public sector institutions each year

15 Supplementary Criteria Qualified candidates who have not attended trainings outside Pakistan previously. Equity consideration for candidates in disadvantaged districts/areas. Positive inter-personal and communication skills. High possibility to extend learned skills to maximum teachers/educators upon return from USA. Healthy and not in the family way (due to health complications in travelling). Agree to sign an institutional commitment form for the institute and the post institute work.

16 Selection of the Candidates Institutions are formally approached from geographical areas as per Grant Specifications from the Project USA, for nominations of preferred and alternate candidates (post 9/11 visa regime is strict). Professional/institutional documents are submitted and vetted. Written Tests and interviews of nominated candidates by a panel from ITA, target institution and PELI Alums. Shortlisted candidates’ details are sent to the PELI Committee for review. Successful candidates (both preferred and alternate) are notified for visa processing.

17 Alumni of the Program- Defining Features The 160 PELI Alums have trained at least over 200,000 teachers/educators since their return – the MULTIPLIER EFFECT OF TEACHERS WITHOUT FRONTIERS. A majority promoted since returning from the PELI experience. The alumni are armed with attitudinal changes, research designs and master action plans (MAPs) to implement the knowledge skills and attitudes that they have acquired over the 4 week Summer Institute. The alums are facilitated by the ITA-PELI secretariat in Pakistan for (a) MAP or research support grant disbursement and (b) follow up through field monitoring, on-line conversations and documentation. The thematic master action plans of the 2008 -2011 alumni documented available on the websites of ITA/IPL and PELI- PSU.(, and or

18 Professional Network of PELI Alums The alumni from 2004-2010 encouraged to work through virtual and face-to-face alumni networks ITA has been encouraging PELI alumni to become members of this wider community and to benefit from continuous professional development, professional networking and opportunities for innovation. The Alums of 2010 have just established a registered PELI Alumni Network in Pakistan housed at the Institute of Professional learning (IPL)/ITA. The alumni are being tracked rigorously by ITA/IPL and linked to other networks such as the Professional Teachers Association Network (PTAN) in Pakistan. The PELI Network has just produced its PELI Directory 2004- 2010 to be updated each year for outreach to teachers without

19 Resources Available for Alumni of U.S. Department of State All alumni are encouraged to join the Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network, an umbrella organization of over 8,000 U.S. government-funded alumni of exchange and English language programs, which actively promotes and funds alumni-organized community activities.

20 Celebrating & Valuing Diversity Each year since 2004 the PEL Project & Institute is best symbolized by local and cross cultural diversity Pakistani educators selected from all corners of the county through a very transparent process- the best and most deserving – who experience excellence of learning at PSU They spend 4 weeks with each other not just reaching out to their counterparts in USA but also to each other within Pakistan – they rarely have an opportunity to meet across provinces – this Program provides them with just that First Time for Many at USA & Pakistan : Not just the Great Lakes of New England, New Hampshire & Washington but for many it is also Taxila & Islamabad for the first time – experiencing heritage, rich contexts and value of diversity

21 Proposal - I for the Future PELI II To be Simultaneously Held in PAKISTAN in Collaboration with PSU Multiplying Education Leadership & Environmental Stewardship for Pakistani Educators in USA & Pakistan Expand the PEL Project & Institute through a two pronged sustainable approach Summer Institute & Follow On Program in Pakistan for 30- 40 participants annually – simultaneously on the same pattern as at PSU and in collaboration with PSU Summer Institute in USA /at Plymouth State University & Follow On Program in-country in Pakistan Annual Conference of selected high performers in Pakistan with publishable learning materials for wider usage in Pakistan schools and universities

22 Proposal II : From PELI Diploma to Masters Program- 15 Graduate Credit Hours by PSUs – A Case of Pioneering Professional Up gradation! Strategic conversations at PSU by 2009 cohort finally led to professional up gradation.. PSU’s College of Graduate Studies (CoGS) supported by its President & Provost have generously decided to award 15 Graduate Credit Hours for the PEL experience in USA & Pakistan. The participants need to enroll in this option upon arrival. In Pakistan the Institute for Professional Learning (IPL), ITA’s subsidiary & its partner universities will provide facilitation in Pakistan for support to the in-country work. We, at IPL can offer blended courses for the extra 15 credit hours to take it to a Masters Program, expanding enrolment in higher education for Pakistan..for our educators especially women in this case

23 An Opportunity to Earn Graduate Credit Hours- details Options the On-Campus work: EP 5400 – Educational leadership and Planning (3 cr) – This will be the on-campus MAP course, for which Kim would be the instructor of record (i.e., the person who can enter grades). EP 5430 – Intercultural Human Relations (3 cr) – This will be the work done with Christie, Kathleen, and Leo. Christie would be the instructor of record. EP 5430 – Environmental Stewardship and Intercultural Collaboration (3 cr) – Faculty will be Mary Ann, Warren and Marguerite; Mary Ann will be the instructor of record. Options MAP – Master Action Plans – Post Summer Institute in Pakistan EP 5440, The work completed after the return to Pakistan (the full MAP) would be worth 6 credits. If it is allowed by the way the course was set up and approved, participants would register for 6 credits of EP 5440, EP 5410 Capstone Experience. If that is not permitted, they would register for 3 credits of EP 5410, Special Topics in Intercultural Education, as well as 3 credits of EP 5440. George Tuthill would be the instructor of record, and grades would be entered after the final MAPs are received and evaluated by a team of faculty here at PSU.

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