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1. Who composed Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? 2. What mammal in Florida can only survive in water warmer than 68°F? 3. What’s the answer to this: 111,111,111.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Who composed Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? 2. What mammal in Florida can only survive in water warmer than 68°F? 3. What’s the answer to this: 111,111,111."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Who composed Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? 2. What mammal in Florida can only survive in water warmer than 68°F? 3. What’s the answer to this: 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = TURN IN YOUR WARM-UP SHEET!! 12,345,678,987,654,321

2 Warm-up: Describe what happened at Iwo Jima (from video)

3 End of WWII

4  In January of 1942, representatives of 26 nations pledged they would continue fighting the Axis Powers of World War II.  This eventually became the United Nations

5  Functions:  Maintain peace and security for all of its member states  Aims to protect human rights and provide humanitarian assistance when needed  Help with social and economic development


7  In the final months of the war, Allied armies discovered hundreds of concentration camps established by the Nazis throughout Europe.  In the camps Jews, Slavs, and others deemed undesirable by the Nazis had been used as slave labor or murdered.  The Allies also uncovered evidence of mass executions elsewhere.  Altogether about six million Jews and millions of other people were put to death at the hands of the Nazis.

8  d=10005131&MediaId=7826 d=10005131&MediaId=7826 edia_nm.php?MediaId=7825 n/media_nm.php?MediaId=33 71 DachauAuschwitz Liberation of Concentration Camps

9  p?ModuleId=10005129&MediaId=3426 p?ModuleId=10005129&MediaId=3426

10 End of WWII

11  Germany was stripped of its conquests and was partitioned into four zones controlled by the Allied Powers (Soviet Union, United States, Great Britain, France)  The city of Berlin was also divided.


13  The Nuremberg Trials were a series of military trials, held by the Allied forces of World War II.  Most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany.

14  There were other courts that tried individuals responsible at the camp level.  Gas master  Supervisor of “selection Process”  SS staff at various camps  Trial footage: 

15 End of WWII

16  The U.S. occupied Japan from August 1945 to April 1952. (We still have bases in Japan)

17  Japan basically lost all the territory acquired after 1894.

18  War crime trials were held. Over 500 military officers committed suicide right after Japan surrendered, and many hundreds more were executed for committing war crimes. Emperor Showa was not declared a war criminal.

19  A new constitution went into effect in 1947:  The emperor lost all political and military power, and was solely made the symbol of the state.  Universal suffrage was introduced and human rights were guaranteed.  Japan was also forbidden to ever lead a war again or to maintain an army.

20 End of WWII



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