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English 10. Review AAAWWUUBBIS Where do the commas go? 1. Taylor really likes The Vampire Diaries, but after she tried watching The Originals she didn’t.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10. Review AAAWWUUBBIS Where do the commas go? 1. Taylor really likes The Vampire Diaries, but after she tried watching The Originals she didn’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 10

2 Review AAAWWUUBBIS Where do the commas go? 1. Taylor really likes The Vampire Diaries, but after she tried watching The Originals she didn’t like it. 2. While playing with his bone Branson accidentally knocked it under the coffee table. 3. Before you go down memory lane you should decide if it’s going to be a happy trip or not. 4. We went to Kings Island after the rain stopped. 5. Although I really liked The Fault in Our Stars and Abundance of Katherines I didn’t like Paper Towns quite as much. 6. They all wanted to watch scary movies while carving pumpkins.

3 Thanksgiving Clip clip 2

4 2.4 Thanksgiving: Changes in Perspective Quickwrite: Write about a Thanksgiving that you have celebrated or seen celebrated on television or movies. Pg. 65

5 “Thanksgiving: A Personal History” Mark the text by highlighting pieces where the writer shifts perspective from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. Complete graphic organizer describing tone and diction towards Thanksgiving during the author’s different perspectives.

6 Reflection: 1. What does the author struggle with as her perspective of Thanksgiving changes? How do the external forces in her life (getting older, moving, others) cause internal conflict? 2. Look back at your own perspective on page 65. Describe your attitude at different ages toward a holiday. Explain why you think you might feel differently.

7 Dashes When you want to emphasize parenthetical information, you may use dashes instead of commas or parentheses. New uses this in her sentence, “This family-suburban, Jewish, bursting with noise and stories- so unlike my own…” Write your own example.

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