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Byzantium & Islamic Art Art History Unit Test #2 - Part II.

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Presentation on theme: "Byzantium & Islamic Art Art History Unit Test #2 - Part II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Byzantium & Islamic Art Art History Unit Test #2 - Part II

2 1. Byzantine art is “surface oriented,” lacking both depth & perspective. Mosaics are the most common interior surface treatment. So what are the characteristics of Byzantine art & architecture anyway?

3 Color is WAY important. Color is used in a decorative way, often combined with gold, creating a glittering effect. 2.

4 3. Figures tend to be elongated and in full-frontal position with little or no facial expressions. Classicizing disappears.

5 4. Free standing sculpture is, for the most part, eliminated.

6 5. Most Byzantine architecture utilizes an unpretentious, brick façade. The interiors tend to be highly decorated with mosaics. Central plans are common. One can often see Near-East influences in design motifs.

7 Basilica Plan Central Plan

8 San Vitale Ravenna, c. 530-540

9 San Vitale Ravenna, c. 530-540

10 Justinian and Attendants Mosaic

11 The Hagia Sophia c. 532-537



14 Course Objective: Can you recognize the characteristics of Byzantine style art & architecture ?”

15 1. The use of aniconic (non-figural) ornamentation is the hallmark of Islamic art. 2. Text (Koranic calligraphy) is often mixed in with geometric and floral design motifs. 3. Much of Islamic art can be seen as an interplay between pure abstraction and organic forms. 4. Islamic art excels in surface decoration, using repeating and expanding patterns to suggest timelessness, connect- edness and infinite extension. Characteristics of Islamic Art & Architecture:

16 Islamic Architectural Elements:


18 Dome of the Rock Jerusalem c. 690

19 The Blue Mosque, Istanbul


21 Like Christian churches, Islamic mosques are meant to be seen from both the interior and exterior of the building. Unlike Christian churches, Mosques are designed to accommodate individual prayer and small group study activities.

22 The Great Mosque Cordoba, Spain c. 785

23 Hypostyle Hall

24 Great Mosque Cordoba, Spain c. 785

25 Court of the Lions - The Alhambra Granada, Spain c. 1300


27 Muqarnas dome Palace of the Lions Alhambra Granada, Spain c. 1300

28 Course Objectives: Can you identify the scriptural basis behind and the characteristics of Islamic architecture and design? Can you think of at least two examples of how Islamic design has influenced Western art and /or architecture?

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