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 starter activity You will be given a series of cards charting the evolution of the Labour Party. Sort them on a sheet of A4 paper. On the paper, next.

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity You will be given a series of cards charting the evolution of the Labour Party. Sort them on a sheet of A4 paper. On the paper, next."— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity You will be given a series of cards charting the evolution of the Labour Party. Sort them on a sheet of A4 paper. On the paper, next to each card write the approximate date of the event.  Extension task. Which event was the turning point?

2 What are the ideological differences between the parties? (Cons) To be able to explain the origin, ideological characteristics and recent policy changes within the Conservative Party To compare the similarities & differences between the modern day Labour & Conservative parties  Learning objectives

3  Your task Read p.83-7 and note down the following in your table: Read p.83-7 and note down the following in your table: Origins and early history of the Conservatives Origins and early history of the Conservatives Party ideology Party ideology Recent developments Recent developments  Extension. Can you spot any similarities between Conservatives and other political parties?  Extension. Can you spot any similarities between Conservatives and other political parties?

4 Origins Opposed to radical reform & violent change, e.g. opposed French Revolution, Edmund Burke – father of modern conservatism Opposed to radical reform & violent change, e.g. opposed French Revolution, Edmund Burke – father of modern conservatism Supported national institutions & traditions, e.g. monarchy & parliament Supported national institutions & traditions, e.g. monarchy & parliament Belief in firm government and law & order Belief in firm government and law & order Pragmatic – need to win elections by appealing to broad range of people led to 66 years in power in C20th Pragmatic – need to win elections by appealing to broad range of people led to 66 years in power in C20th Edmund Burke

5 Party ideology One Nation Conservatism – origins Disraeli; preservation of NHS & Welfare State; consensus politics One Nation Conservatism – origins Disraeli; preservation of NHS & Welfare State; consensus politics Economic liberalism – free market economics; ‘rolling back the frontiers of the state’; growth of New Right in USA (Reagan) Economic liberalism – free market economics; ‘rolling back the frontiers of the state’; growth of New Right in USA (Reagan) Thatcherism – anti-trades unions; privatisation of state- owned industries; anti-communist (Cold War) Thatcherism – anti-trades unions; privatisation of state- owned industries; anti-communist (Cold War) Thatcherite legacy – successors struggled to move away from her influence, including John Major, Hague, IDS & Michael Howard Thatcherite legacy – successors struggled to move away from her influence, including John Major, Hague, IDS & Michael Howard

6 Recent developments Compassionate Conservatism – Cameron’s ‘hug a hoody’ & green credentials Compassionate Conservatism – Cameron’s ‘hug a hoody’ & green credentials Repositioning – move towards centre ground, ‘heir to Blair’, support for frontline public services, e.g NHS, pupil premium Repositioning – move towards centre ground, ‘heir to Blair’, support for frontline public services, e.g NHS, pupil premium Big Society – reduction in size of state; ‘broken society’ rhetoric Big Society – reduction in size of state; ‘broken society’ rhetoric

7  Extension task Visit the Conservative Party website and get the latest updates on Conservative policy on: Visit the Conservative Party website and get the latest updates on Conservative policy on: Education Education Public services Public services The economy, e.g. tackling the deficit The economy, e.g. tackling the deficit Foreign policy Foreign policy Big Society Big Society

8  Your task Imagine you are holding a press conference with Margaret Thatcher. Choose someone to represent the Iron Lady. The rest of you should think of appropriate questions to ask her using your role cards. Imagine you are holding a press conference with Margaret Thatcher. Choose someone to represent the Iron Lady. The rest of you should think of appropriate questions to ask her using your role cards.

9  Homework Complete the reading activities on the article from ‘Politics Review’ Complete the reading activities on the article from ‘Politics Review’ Cameron – compassionate Conservatism?

10 Plenary Plenary Origins of Conservative Party? Origins of Conservative Party? Impact of Thatcher? Impact of Thatcher? Recent developments? Recent developments?  Extension. Do you think Thatcher was a good or bad thing for British politics/  Extension. Do you think Thatcher was a good or bad thing for British politics/

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