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Hanson Hosein University of Washington, USA Moderator.

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Presentation on theme: "Hanson Hosein University of Washington, USA Moderator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hanson Hosein University of Washington, USA Moderator

2 OECD Better Life Index Laura Belli OECD

3 Brussels, 9-10 December Measuring beyond GDP at the OECD: how it all started

4 Brussels, 9-10 December The OECD Better Life Initiative Guidelines Publications Working papers Ongoing research Interactive tool: OECD Better Life Index Events Call for papers

5 Brussels, 9-10 December Lessons behind BLI data

6 Brussels, 9-10 December Engaging the public 1 released/year + countries + indicators new features

7 Brussels, 9-10 December What other tools exist at the OECD?

8 Brussels, 9-10 December

9 Telling stories with data: the experience of Luigi Reggi Department for Development and Economic Cohesion Telling the Story – Communicating European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020” Brussels, 9-10 December 2013

10 Environmental projects: the Taranto case ILVA production site EU projects Areas near the ILVA plant

11 Combating organized crime through the re-use confiscated assets

12 Local transportation in Bari and Sassari

13 What do these stories have in common? 1.All financed by EU Regional Policy 2.Citizens tell the story 3.It all starts with data analysis based on OpenCoesione web platform 4.Shared toolkit for citizen monitoring and evaluation 5.Active involvement of local associations and civic communities that cares about projects’ results Management Authorities is needed



16 Managing Authority Open Data portal Citizen monitoring Administrative data Open Data + Visualisation tools Evidence on projects’ results + Suggestions and ideas

17 Thank for your attention @luigireggi

18 Brussels, 9-10 December PPT

19 Brussels, 9-10 December

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