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College Greenlight Federal Student Aid’s (FSA) Tools & Resources for College Access Professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "College Greenlight Federal Student Aid’s (FSA) Tools & Resources for College Access Professionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Greenlight Federal Student Aid’s (FSA) Tools & Resources for College Access Professionals

2 Aldanzo L Pratt Program Analyst

3 FSA Tools & Resources Important FAFSA changes Questions Today’s Topics

4 4

5 Introducing the FSA ID FSA is adopting the best practice of using a username and password instead of personal information The FSA ID Requires users to enter less information (2 fields instead of 4) Provides more secure access to user’s information Links to PIN information during registration Offers self – service capability (name change) The FSA ID (username and password) will replace PIN for students, parents and borrowers accessing FSA systems starting May 10, 2015 New FSA ID login Old PIN login The FSA ID will modernize access for students, parents and borrowers to FSA systems Will be updated 5

6 Introducing the FSA ID What happens for new user? Registration requests the same required information as PIN New users will be directed to the registration page to create an FSA ID (username and password) similar to today’s PIN creation page What happens if I have a PIN already? During account creation, the user will be asked for their PIN. As long as the PIN information matches their other information, the account will be linked to the FSA ID account Will the changes affect a user’s ability to access previous FAFSA submissions? If the user links their PIN, they will have access to previous FAFSA submissions 6

7 Introducing the FSA ID Can users still access FAFSA by providing their Last name, SSN and DOB? FAFSA functionality will not change except that the FSA ID will replace the PIN information Users will not be able to sign or correct their application without their FSA ID. Will customer support change? Customer support will not change. Similar to PIN, all users will be directed to call the FSAIC helpdesk for login related issues Will my FSA access to other people’s information require a new username and password? This is only for users who are accessing their own information such as students, parents, borrowers and applicants 7

8 Gift Aid - Federal Grant Programs 8 Federal Pell Grant Program – $5,775 Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant - $5,311 Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant - $4000 Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, or FSEOG - $4000

9 Federal Loan Programs Considerations: Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized Interest rate Grace period Death or Permanent DisabilityKnow: Default – 1 st Borrowers REQUIRED to Entrance Counseling Deferment & Forbearance Loan Repayment Plans Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program Teacher Loan Forgiveness 9

10 Dependency Status If any of the following criteria applies, the student is considered independent: 24 years or older Married Master’s or Doctorate Program Children and you provide more than ½ support In foster care since turning 13, or ward of the court Emancipated minor or was in legal guardianship Homeless Serving Active Duty in U.S. Armed Force 10

11 FAFSA.GOV Must file every year Can file Jan. 1 st of senior year PIN (Parent/Student) Check with college to determine if additional applications need to be completed. I.E. CSS Profile application 11

12 FAFSA.GOV Homepage 12

13 Enhanced IRS DRT Questions The format of the IRS Data Retrieval Tool filtering question will be enhanced Question labels will be improved for clarity 13

14 IRS Data Retrieval Tool 14

15 Federal Student Aid Information Center 15 Contact Us Live help Toll-free number E-mail.

16 Federal Student Aid Tools & Resources

17 Repayment Estimator 17

18 Repayment Estimator 18


20 FAFSA Completion by High School

21 Ordering Publications Order publications from FSA Pubs: 21

22 YouTube 22

23 YouTube Playlists 23

24 Embed Videos into Your Website Instructions: Go to FederalStudentAid Select the video you’d like to embed Click “Share” which will show you a new menu Click the “Embed” option to receive the code Copy and paste code to your site 24

25 Facebook

26 Twitter Homepage @FAFSA 26

27 @FAFSA Twitter Office Hours 27

28 Storify 28 All the Q&As from each #AskFAFSA Office Hours are captured in Storify. This is a good resource for content.

29 Infographics 29



32 Important FAFSA Updates

33 Foster Care Youth (Cont’d) 33

34 Foster Care Youth (Cont’d) 34

35 Citizen or Eligible Noncitizen ? 35

36 Neither Citizen Nor Eligible Noncitizen 36

37 Legal Parent 37

38 38 Legal Parent (Cont’d)

39 Separated 39

40 ? Address Enter the address that matches your Federal Income Tax Return. Entering abbreviations (St, Ln, Ave, Crt, Ct, Rd) in the ‘street address’ field will not impact the retrieval of your Federal Income Tax Information. Your current address may not be the same as the address we have on record for you. Your school address may not be the address you entered on your tax return. Don’t forget to include your apartment number if you entered it on your tax return. The number symbol (#) is not valid for identifying an apartment number. Use the following examples as a guide: 40 IRS DRT Clarification

41 Use the Official website – FAFSA.GOV Have SSN Card when filing FAFSA Use SSN Card name, not Nickname Select Correct Award Year Complete FAFSA early using Estimates After making corrections, Resubmit Don’t Forget State Deadlines - link Don’t Forget State Deadlines - link 7 Best FAFSA Practices:


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