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Implementation of Creativity in Schools By Priyanka Kotak.

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1 Implementation of Creativity in Schools By Priyanka Kotak

2 Should Schools Implement Creativity? Do schools implement creativity or encourage different styles of thinking and learning? Do schools actually provide students opportunities to act creatively, or do they stifle that kind of involvement? Sir Ken Robinson hit the nail on the head in his video “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” where he discussed the issue of school ruining the natural creative mindset of students. More schools and educators should focus on encouraging creativity and original-teaching techniques to mold together creativity and regular disciplined schooling to arrive at a fair balance.

3 How Schools Stunt Creativity Sir Ken Robinson’s video “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” brought about the point that everyone is born with the ability to be creative, but schooling often stunts that potential. Instead of focusing on being innovative and enjoying the educational experience, students are forced to focus wholly on literacy. For example: reading books for an English class. Reading is fun to me, but can be reduced to a chore if the focus rests solely on analyzing the work. School is considered to be the stepping-stone to “the real world.” Skills that are needed in the workplace are mostly taught, like Math and English, but not subjects that would fall under the category of humanities and arts such as culinary arts, dancing, sewing, or music. Those skills aren’t considered to be necessary even though they can be used in daily life as well. Life is not that simple though: “we think about the world in all the ways that we experience it. We think visually, we think in sound, we think kinesthetically, we think in abstract terms, we think in movement.” Students begin their schooling by having many different ways of thinking and ideas of their own, but by the end it is debatable that their individuality is lost. Some students are even too intimidated to participate in class because the notion of being wrong is frightening to them. As Robinson correctly states, children aren’t scared to use their voice, it is after they grow up they become afraid to put forth their opinion, because the perception is that “mistakes are the worst things you can make.”

4 Example Lesson: Commas 1.) _______, ____SUBJECTVERB_______. (Introduce an oncoming clause) 2.) ___SUBJECT____, __________, ____VERB______. (Insert information between subject and verb) 3.) ____SUBJECTVERB_______, ________SUBJECTVERB_______. (Coordination. Separates clauses.) 4.) ___SUBJECTVERB____________, _______. (Signals added information at the end of subjectverb.)

5 Practice Oil which is lighter than water rises to the surface. After surviving this ordeal the trapper felt relieved. The problems involved in this operation are I think numerous. Susie my friend is coming over for lunch.

6 Answers Oil, which is lighter than water, rises to the surface. After surviving this ordeal, the trapper felt relieved. The problems involved in this operation are, I think, numerous. Susie, my friend, is coming over for lunch.

7 Is it Effective? Children come equipped with different skills and interests so it is futile to teach them all the same things in the same exact way. No value placed on the art of being social. No innovative technique to balance learning and creativity.

8 The Solution Generate different learning techniques to achieve a higher level of understanding. Implement pop culture into lessons to make them relatable. Encourage imaginative and social experiences to unify the classroom. Push learning and knowledge instead of memorization and regurgitation. How to: are&utm_medium=copy are&utm_medium=copy

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