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Creativity J. Brzechwa Primary School No 4 Poland.

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Presentation on theme: "Creativity J. Brzechwa Primary School No 4 Poland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creativity J. Brzechwa Primary School No 4 Poland

2 How we work on creativity: WE RUN VARIOUS PROJECTS, INVOLVING OUR STUDENTS, WHERE THEY NEED TO BE CREATIVE: 1. Christmas fair. Students make Christmas ornaments, cookies, cakes etc. They sell them at the fair.




6  2. India, the Lotus flower project on multiculturalism  Project promotes knowledge and understanding of other cultures  Students create clothes, jewellery, hats.


8 We vote on the best Indian costumes


10 3. European Culture Week  Students perform various tasks regarding European countries and their cultures.  Every year they look at different aspects of those cultures, i.e. cuisines, clothes, geography, etc.

11 This year they had to create hats representing the country of their choice:



14 Students publish and sell the school newspaper. They write the articles, carry out interviews, recipies, interesting facts, jokes, etc.

15 Doodle for Google competition Students create a logo for Google

16 Ecological projects: 1. Students measure the level of noise in the classrooms and other rooms at school. They get together and try to come up with solutions concerning minimizing the noise.

17 2. Protecting wildlife – birds. Students choose a location for a small game reserve for birds They choose plants and plant them in the area of their choice They design the game reserve and fence it off.

18 3. Butterlies garden Students design a butterflies garden. They choose a spot. They study and select the plants which attract butterflies. Finally, they plant the plants thus creating a natural habitat for butterflies.

19 Logotype competition Students work on CIRCLE logotypes with the theme of entrepreneurship. Some of them use computers, others draw or paint.

20 Examples of logotypes:



23 Various classroom activities: Students make their own theatrical production.

24 They choose their costumes, create a plot and write the lines.

25 Then, they direct and perform the play:

26 In the classroom: Students create crosswords. They make their own comic books. They make their own animated cartoons. They plan a trip to the city of Poznań, design the route, calculate the cost, choose sights to see, etc.

27 Students make a video reflecting on their involvement in CIRCLE project.

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