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1. 2 3 4 5 What is (RtI)?  Establishes a comprehensive assessment and intervention process to support students in need of academic and behavioral.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 3 4 5 What is (RtI)?  Establishes a comprehensive assessment and intervention process to support students in need of academic and behavioral."— Presentation transcript:

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6 What is (RtI)?  Establishes a comprehensive assessment and intervention process to support students in need of academic and behavioral supports.  Reveals the Multi-tiered systems of support available on your campus.

7 What is the (IAT)?  Works within RtI to coordinate a series of tasks  Universal screenings  Progress monitoring  School-wide data review to trigger the intervention process  Academic and behavioral interventions  Facilitates all referrals for Section 504 or Special education  Even those in which intervention is not needed!

8 8 ARD Students with disabilities 504 Suspected of having a disability RtI Opportunity- rich

9 9 Universal Screening Progress Monitoring Assessment Tier I Tier II Tier III Tiered Instruction

10 10 Universal Screening Progress Monitoring Assessment

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13 Universal Screener Characteristics 13  Administered three times per year  Yields disaggregated data  Identifies at-risk students

14 Possible Data Instruments 14  Istation  Overage reports  Excessive absences  Office referrals  Benchmark/Common assessments  Curriculum embedded assessment  ?

15 15 No data point stands alone.

16 16

17 Schoolwide Screening 17  Jefferson Elementary School  Page 5.4 Confirm a practice Stop a practice Start a practice Consider a practice

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19 19 I. Level of Learning II. Rate of Learning

20 Dual Discrepancy 20  Level of learning  Rate of learning  Is the student deriving similar education benefit from the same classroom as nondisabled peers?

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28 28 Requires accumulation of data

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30 Progress Monitoring 30  Dalton Gardens Elementary School  Page 5.7 Confirm a practice Stop a practice Start a practice Consider a practice

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32 32 Tier I Tier II Tier III Tiered Instruction

33 33

34 What is Response to Intervention (RtI)? Three-Tiered Model  Tier I  Core instruction: ongoing for all students  Foundation  Universal interventions  Differentiated instruction and early intervention  Periodic assessment to monitor growth  80%+ students successful

35 What is Response to Intervention (RtI)? Three-Tiered Model  Tier II  Supplemental instruction/intervention  In addition to Tier I, core instruction  Complement Tier I instruction  Small groups: 3-5 students, homogeneous  Classroom teacher or interventionist  Progress monitoring  8-12 weeks, up to 16 weeks  10-15% students

36 36 Ready- to-go No IAT Scripted Requires planning IAT Required Problem Solving

37 Progress Monitoring & In-class intervention Pull-out /In-class Intervention Pull-out Intervention UNIVERSAL SCREENER IAT Problem- Solving

38 Progress Monitoring & In-class intervention Pull-out /In-class Intervention Pull-out Intervention UNIVERSAL SCREENER IAT Scripted

39 Progress Monitoring & In-class intervention Pull-out /In-class Intervention Pull-out Intervention UNIVERSAL SCREENER IAT Where is Special Education?

40 40 DiscontinueContinueChange

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44 Three-Tiered Model  Tier III  Intensive, individualized, specialized interventions  In addition to Tier I, core instruction  Small groups, one-on-one instruction: 1-3 students  Often interventionist  Progress monitoring  8-12 weeks, up to 16 weeks  5-10% students  Those who fail to respond to Tier III interventions are the best candidates for a Special Education evaluation.

45 45 Ready- to-go No IAT Scripted Requires planning IAT Required Problem Solving

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47 47 Curricular Conflict Curricular Coordination

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49 IAT Chairperson’s Responsibilities 49  Meets with referring teacher prior to meeting  Reviews data  Refines referral issue  Prepares teacher for problem-solving process  Assists with implementation of intervention  Tracks intervention  Records Tier III Intervention in Chancery SMS  Guides examination of exclusionary factors  Updates the IAT

50 Behavior Severe Cognitive Deficits Limited English Proficiency Health Cultural & Economical Factors Visual, Hearing & Motor EXCLUSIONARY FACTORS

51 Parent Referrals  When a formal request for special education evaluation is made by a parent (i.e. in writing) the IAT must respond within 10 school days.  The response should be to either formally REFER or to REFUSE the parent request for evaluation.  Use the Notice of Refusal form located in the Special Education Operating Guidelines if the decision is to refuse a parent request for evaluation.  Refusals are allowed, but must be supported with data.

52 52 DiscontinueContinueChange

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54 Tips for Fidelity 54  Count sessions not weeks  Evaluate student attendance  Evaluate teacher attendance  Count progress monitoring data points  Provide routine training on intervention designs  Monitor computer based usage reports  Evaluate fidelity of progress monitoring method

55 55

56 Tiered Service Delivery 56  Bryanna, Jayden, Lauren, Michael  Page 5.26, 5.31, 5.41, & 5.50 Confirm a practice Stop a practice Start a practice Consider a practice

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58 Parent Referrals 58

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66 TIPS for the IAT Chair  Set aside time with the Campus Evaluation Specialist to understand:  The Referral for Disability Evaluation form  Detailed and overview steps for a Special Education referral  Additional documents needed in the referral process  How to enter referral dates in Chancery SMS to trigger the data transfer to EasyIEP

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