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NIB – Promoting sustainable growth Saint-Petersburg September 29, 2010 Mr. Igor Kovtun, General Representative in Russia.

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Presentation on theme: "NIB – Promoting sustainable growth Saint-Petersburg September 29, 2010 Mr. Igor Kovtun, General Representative in Russia."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIB – Promoting sustainable growth Saint-Petersburg September 29, 2010 Mr. Igor Kovtun, General Representative in Russia

2 28 November 20152 Iceland Norway Denmark Lithuania Latvia Estonia Finland Sweden Northern Europe's International Financial Institution  Nordic and Baltic countries as owners  Started activities in 1976  Baltic countries joined in 2005 as owners  AAA/Aaa credit rating  Lending in member countries and selected focus countries  Headquarters in Helsinki

3 Financial performance 3 EUR million 2009 2008 Net interest income219212 Core earnings**192189 Profit324-281 Loans disbursed1,9542,486 New debt issues4,1374,681 Loans outstanding13,76313,063 Total assets22,42322,620 Operational Net liquidity3,4993,691 Equity2,0501,730 ** Core earnings consist of the profit before adjustments to hedge accounting, realised and unrealised gains and losses of the trading portfolio and credit losses and reversals of these April 2010

4 Mission and strategy  NIB promotes sustainable growth by providing long-term complementary financing to projects that strengthen competitiveness projects that enhance the environment  NIB puts particular emphasis on projects involving investments in the following sectors environment infrastructure energy innovation  NIB finances large investments by the corporate sector, infrastructure projects, PPPs, investments improving environment in e.g. municipal sector. small and medium-sized enterprises through financial intermediaries. 4November 15

5 28 November 20155 Long-term financing  Co-financing normally up to 50% of the total project cost;  Close cooperation with other international financial institutions as well as commercial banks, export credit institutions and development assistance organisations;  Long-term lending instruments: Sovereign loans to the state or against state guarantees (15-25 years) Subsovereign loans directly to municipalities (10-20 years) Corporate loans (5-15 years) Limited recourse financing including PPP-financing (5-15 years) SME financing through financial intermediaries (5-12 years) Grace period up to 5 years  Institutional strengthening in connection with specific projects;  Support for project structuring and technical assistance.

6 28 November 20156 Iceland Norway Denmark Lithuania Latvia Estonia Finland Sweden NIB in Russia  Northwest Russia is natural focus area for environmental projects for NIB.  Agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation for financial co- operation since 1997.  "No objection" by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to all loans from NIB to Russian borrowers.

7 28 November 20157 Enhancing the environment in Russia  All projects considered for financing undergo assessment of potential environmental impact.  The Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP) – grant financing.  Financed projects include waste water treatment by Vodokanal of St. Petersburg, environmental investments by two Russian pulp and paper factories, pipeline includes e.g. municipal investments in Novgorod and Kaliningrad, Petrozavodsk.

8 28 November 20158 Strengthening competitiveness Projects in the following sectors and areas of economy:  Infrastructure; incl. energy, transport, telecoms, social infrastructure  Strategic capital investments, incl. company acquisitions  R&D and innovation  Financed projects in Russia include mobile phone network investments, investments improving energy generation and distribution undertaken by TGC-1 and Lenenergo, Pulkovo Airport PPP, several credit lines at Russian banks. More on the web: /

9 NDEP Projects with NIB participation  St. Petersburg Vodokanal Waste Water Treatment Plant - completed  St. Petersburg Northern Sludge Incinerator -completed  St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier – final stages  Leningrad Oblast Municipal Services I – final stages  St. Petersburg Neva Collector - commenced  Kaliningrad Water and Environmental Services – commenced  Novgorod Water and Waste Water Rehabilitation - starting  Murmansk District Heating - delayed  Petrozavodsk Water and Wastewater Services – to be signad  Leningrad Oblast Municipal Services II – under preparation 28 November 20159

10 NIB Role  Long term financing;  Modern technologies and know-how;  Environment;  Experience;  Support to SMEs;  Development of cooperation; 28 November 201510

11 Promoting sustainable growth 28 November 201511

12 NIB – Lending in Russia  Soren K. Mortensen, Senior Director, Area Head  Marjo Harri, Senior Manager, Origination (  Jan Johansson, Senior Manager, Origination ( Environmental Projects, NDEP  Igor Kovtun, General Representative for Russia ( Representative office in Moscow Novinsky Garden Building Bolschaya Molchanovka 36/1 +7 (495) 9611031; mob. +7(985) 6432264 28 November 201512

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