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Flashback 9-28-12 x, y, z and f are all positive integers. x is bigger than y, and z is smaller than y. Which of the following must be true? Anx = y +

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Presentation on theme: "Flashback 9-28-12 x, y, z and f are all positive integers. x is bigger than y, and z is smaller than y. Which of the following must be true? Anx = y +"— Presentation transcript:


2 Flashback 9-28-12 x, y, z and f are all positive integers. x is bigger than y, and z is smaller than y. Which of the following must be true? Anx = y + z Bx + n is larger than z + n Cny is the average of x and z Dy + n is smaller than x + z Ex + y = 2n – z

3 Joke of the day Where did Christopher Complementary begin his journey?

4 At the Verta Seas.

5 A few definitions Mathematical model- way to approximate data so that future data can be predicted. Numerical Model- Uses raw data and analyzes it to look for trends. Algebraic Model- Uses formulas to approximate data and to predict future values. Graphical Model- Visible representation of numerical and algebraic models.

6 The Minimum Hourly Wage YearMinimum Hourly WagePurchasing Power in ‘96 Dollars 19550.754.39 19601.005.30 19651.256.23 19701.606.47 19752.106.12 19803.105.90 19853.354.88 19903.804.56 19954.254.38 20005.154.69 20055.154.15

7 US Prison Population YearTotalMaleFemale 198031630412 198548045921 199074060941 19951085102164 20001382129092

8 Female percentage of US Prison Population Year% Female 19803.8 19854.4 19905.5 19955.9 20006.7

9 Algebraic model Which is a better deal if pizzas are the same price: rectangular 18” x 24” or round 24”? Model: Area! A= l x w and A=∏r^2

10 Fitting a Curve to data PercentageOf FemalesIn thePrisonPopulationIn years after 1980 T05101520 f3. Use linreg on calculator to find line that fits data.

11 HW: p. 81 Ex. 1-10

12 Exit Slip p. 82 #11, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23

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