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David R. Ciardi NExScI/IPAC/Caltech 2014 August 29.

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Presentation on theme: "David R. Ciardi NExScI/IPAC/Caltech 2014 August 29."— Presentation transcript:

1 David R. Ciardi NExScI/IPAC/Caltech 2014 August 29

2 Kepler/K2iPTF Telescope1m Schmidt Field of View10 o x 10 o (100 sq. degrees)3.5 o x 2.3 o (7.26 sq. degrees) Postage stampsFull frames Pixel Scale4”/pixel1.01”/pixel Observing Cadence 30 minutes for most targets 1 minute for ~10% targets 60 seconds integration time but flexible. Sampling flexible but typical experiments have been 90 seconds to 5-days sampling Field Duration~70 – 80 daysFlexible but generally any one field is available for months depending on declination. Data availability Pixel data available a few months after end of campaign Data available in real time OrientationAligned with eclipticAligned in equatorial coordinates 8/28/20142

3 18-20 iPTF Pointings 8/28/20143

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 FieldObserved by Kepler R.A.Dec.PTF gPTF rDates Observed by PTF Kepler2009 - 201419:22:40.00+44:30:00.0119503/16/11-9/27/12 K2 02014 Apr 3006:33:11.14+21:35:16.417163/28/10-3/26/14 K2 12014 Jul 2211:35:45.51+01:25:02.30225/24/13-3/8/14 K2 22014 Oct 1416:24:30.34-22:26:50.3022/26/10-2/26/10 K2 32015 Jan 0522:26:39.68-11:05:48.00216/26/09-8/28/10 K2 42015 Mar 2903:56:18.22+18:39:38.10478/24/10-2/18/14 K2 52015 Jun 2008:40:37.84+16:49:46.60691/18/09-5/19/14 K2 62015 Sep 1114:01:11.20-13:16:02.800null K2 72015 Dec 0319:34:16.22-22:38:23.40197/27/11-6/16/13 K2 82016 Feb 2401:04:43.18+05:11:52.20387/8/10-11/2/12 K2 92016 May 1718:23:35.72-24:12:12.80237/3/14-8/15/14 8/28/20147

8 FieldGalactic Longitude Galactic Latitude Notes Kepler7613Original Kepler Field K2 01916Low latitude, anti-center K2 126458North Galactic Cap K2 235418Near Galactic Center, rho Oph, U. Sco K2 351-52South Galactic Cap K2 4172-25Pleiades, Hyades K2 520932M44, M67 K2 632746North Galactic Cap K2 716-20Near Galactic Center K2 8129-57South Galactic Cap K2 98-5 Galactic Center, Baades Window –  lens!! All fields at low ecliptic latitude (< 1 degree from ecliptic) – good for solar system! 8/28/20148

9 Campaigns start a maximum of 52 days before each date and end no later than 30 days after each date. 8/28/20149

10  Northern Fields easier to do  Most southernly fields (declination ~ -25 o ) just barely get above airmass of 2 (Fields 2, 7, 9)  Fields 3 and 6 climb above 2 airmass but not for long (declination ~ -12 o )  Amount of time fields are available for simultaneous observations depends upon field but is typically 10 - 30 days at the beginning of a campaign 8/28/201410

11  Started 22 Aug  Because of low declination, never gets above 2 airmass during the K2 observation window 8/28/201411

12  Starts early/mid- February  Because of higher declination available with PTF for first 30-40 days depending on exact field start with Kepler 8/28/201412

13  Winter fields most accessible – but they precede the K2 observations.  Otherwise, fields are available about 6 – 7 months after K2 campaign  Good timing for enabling of follow- up 8/28/201413

14  Hard to do preparatory observations because of time cycle of proposals  Targets for Fields 4 and 5 due now (late September)  Fields 6 and 7  First observable Feb/Mar 2015  Proposals due end of Feb 2015  Fields 8 and 9  First Observable  Field 8: Jun/Jul 2015  Field 9: Apr/May 2015  Proposals due end of July 2015  But Field 9 is special 8/28/201414

15  Points ahead of the Earth  Field available from ground throughout the campaign   lens events observed from Earth and Kepler yields parallaxes  5 sq deg. dedicated to  lens; 15% to other GO targets 8/28/201415

16  Wide-field multi-band photometry  High cadence time series photometry  Seeing-limited resolution  Pre or Post SED characterization  Pre or Post or Simultaneous time series data complementary to K2  Photometric Deblending of K2 targets 8/28/201416

17  K2 observing about 10 clusters  Need supporting observations to determine  Need wide-field of view  Deep observations to get to end of the main sequence  Cluster membership (color- magnitude diagram)  Deblending (higher resolution imaging)  Pleiades  Hyades  M44  M67 …  To Name a Few 8/28/201417

18  K2 Fields are all in the ecliptic!  NEOs and asteroids move too much between discovery, K2 proposal process, and start of K2 observations  Slow moving objects discovered by PTF may stay in field long enough to be remain in K2 Field (e.g., Trojans, KBOs, trans-Neputunian objects)  Colors and rotation periods 8/28/201418

19  Quicker time cadence than K2  Multiband, wide-field photometry: deeper and better resolution than K2  All K2 fields observable with PTF  Only northern fields have realistic chance of simultaneous PTF/K2 observing  Except for Field 9 which is the  lensing field  PTF may be good for identification of variable objects worthy of K2 following – if PTF observes the field soon enough (older data?)  PTF is probably better at following up K2 targets discovered to be interesting 8/28/201419

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