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Bellwork Please write about whatever you know about the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork Please write about whatever you know about the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork Please write about whatever you know about the following:
Big Bang Age of the Earth Stone Age Neolithic Revolution Civilization

2 Section 2, Unit 1 The Beginning and Early Human Civilizations
World History Section 2, Unit 1 The Beginning and Early Human Civilizations

3 Objectives Relate the timeline of the universe, our solar system, and our planet to the relative history of humanity. Identify the importance of early changes in pre-historic human history, such as the Neolithic Revolution. Explain when and where the first modern humans appeared. Identify and list the characteristics of civilizations.

4 Beginnings of the Universe
Big Bang Most scientists agree that our universe started with a large explosion creating the whole of the universe. This is believed to have occurred 13 billion years ago. The universe should still be expanding and that much of what makes up the universe now is relatively young.

5 Formation of the Solar System
Our solar system is said to have formed around 4.6 billion years ago. The individual planets were formed between gravity and the collection of dust from a debris cloud in the system.

6 The Earth The Earth appeared around 4.5 billion years ago.
In its first billion years, life began to appear in its’ oceans, and over the course of history, land formations began to appear, an atmosphere developed, and it became more of what we know today.

7 The Continents In the world today, there are 7 different continents:
Europe North America South America Asia Antarctica Africa Australia Depending on where you are in the world, the number of continents does change.

8 Age of the Earth In the next few slides, we’re going to look at the age of the earth in relative to the existence of humans. You will need the handout “Reflections by Carl Sagan” at this point.

9 Age of the Earth What if the history of the universe was squeezed into a single calendar year?

10 Look at this Think about that calendar that you were shown in the previous slide. Compare that calendar to the image to the right. This image shows earth from 3.7 billion miles away.

11 Homework Reading Please read the handout “Reflections by Carl Sagan” and, as a group, discuss. Take into considerations these things: All of human history- wars, diseases, triumphs, everything- has occurred on that tiny pixel… and all of our history, in relation to the history of the universe, is equal to approximately 2 hours. Be prepared to think about this reading tomorrow. Carl Sagan

12 Breathe Take a minute to breathe.
Think about this: when did early humans begin to appear?

13 Origins of Humanity Early humans (i.e. those who predate homo sapiens/modern humans) find their origins in Africa and appeared sometime around 4 million B.C. Between 4 million BC to around 30,000 B.C., humanity began to create tools, master fire, and develop language. Other cultural events begin to occur as well. Burying the dead and making art

14 Pre-Historic Age Paleolithic Age- “Stone Age”
During this time in human history, we see early tool use, the developments of language, and mastery over fire. This period occurred between 2.5 million B.C. t B.C. Humans during this time would have been hunter-gatherers- they would have hunted or gathered food.

15 Pre-Historic Age (cont.)
During the Paleolithic age, humans would have began creating new technologies. These groups were also nomadic. Groups of people who moved from one area to another, generally in search of food. Groups very rarely settled in one place for long. This nomadic lifestyle for so long would have resulted in massive migrations across continents.

16 Pre-Historic Age (cont.)
How did humanity begin to change? Over the course of thousands of years, later humans during this time began to move away from simply hunting or trying to just survive. These humans would have begun to make more advanced technology and began to create art. Our ancestors were evolving and becoming more intelligent and self-aware.

17 Neolithic Age Neolithic Age- “New Stone Age”
Occurred between 8000 B.C. and ended around 3000 B.C. Polished stone tools, make pottery, grow crops, and raise animals. The people during this time would have moved away from being hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural societies.

18 Neolithic Revolution Otherwise known as the “agricultural revolution”, humanity began to grow food, instead of hunting for it. It was one of the largest breakthroughs in human history.

19 How did the revolution occur?
Although historians and scientists do not exactly what caused it, they do believe there were several factors that caused the change: Rising climate would have lead to better growing seasons. More food lead to higher populations. Larger populations would have made farming more effective and attractive to early humans, which would have forced them to continue the practice.

20 Change overtime

21 Domestication With the sudden growth in agriculture, early humans would have begun domesticating (taming) animals. Historians believe they did this by forcing animals into human-made enclosures. Over generations, the animals would have become accustomed to humans. Humans would have domesticated animals for two reasons: Simple food source Protection

22 Effects of the Neolithic Revolution
Question: What effect would agriculture have on ancient humans? Settlements would lead into the creation of civilizations.

23 Creation of Civilizations
Agriculture would have led early humans to begin settling in one area for a source of food, rather than moving from one area to another to hunt and gather. These settlements were the early forms of civilizations or communities.

24 Civilizations grow As more stable communities began to appear, people began to create new tools- sickles and plows- to make farming easier. As food became more available, populations began to swell. Villages and cities began to appear.

25 What is a Civilization? Civilizations are complex cultures that are made up of 5 characteristics: Advanced cities Specialized workers Complex institutions Record keeping Advanced technology You do not need to write these characteristics down just yet.

26 Advanced Cities When compared to a village, a city is a complex that is not defined by population, but by how much trade occurs within its area. They are considered cultural centers and are often where entire cultures are brought together.

27 Specialized Workers Civilizations are also defined by having workers who do specialized work- work that requires a special skill. These jobs include artisians (people who make goods by hand), government officials, priests, and more.

28 Complex Institutions Early institutions that rule people define civilizations. Institutions are defined as organizations in a community. These include: government, laws, religion, economy, and so forth.

29 Record Keeping As society became more complex, civilizations began to require that there be records of what occurs. These included purchases done by merchants, government affairs, religious texts, and so forth. These were necessary to help keep track of the society in which these people lived. Early forms of writing also kept records of disasters, wars, life, etc.

30 Advanced Technology As a civilization grew larger, it became more important to create newer and better technologies. These included irrigation systems (systems that spread water through farming areas), technology to produce goods (pottery wheel), and metals such as copper.

31 Bronze Age Due to the growth of technology, around 3000 B.C., humanity began to harvest and use bronze instead of stone and copper. Early humans created the smelting process to fashion tools and weapons out of bronze. The Bronze Age identifies the early time period in which humanity began to not only use bronze, but to also identify the period in which humanity began to show characteristics that define civilizations.

32 Review the Objectives:
Relate the timeline of the universe, our solar system, and our planet to the relative history of humanity. Identify the importance of early changes in pre-historic human history, such as the Neolithic Revolution. Explain when and where the first modern humans appeared. Identify and list the characteristics of civilizations.

33 Questions? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Before we move on to the review, the class is going to watch this video has a final summary of the lesson.

34 In the next lesson In the next lesson, we will be discussing Mesopotamia.

35 Review What are the 5 characteristics of a Civilization? Briefly describe each characteristic using information from your notes. Why did humans domesticate animals? What benefits would humans have gained from domestication? Describe two ways the Neolithic Revolution effected early humans. In your opinion, what might have a beneficial effect of tool usage for early humans? Where did early humans appear and what caused them to migrate so far?

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