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Project work 1 The Earth Planet is Mortal!. Introduction In this project work I tried to make an album of various types of pollution that human beings.

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Presentation on theme: "Project work 1 The Earth Planet is Mortal!. Introduction In this project work I tried to make an album of various types of pollution that human beings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project work 1 The Earth Planet is Mortal!

2 Introduction In this project work I tried to make an album of various types of pollution that human beings cause to their own planet! With this behavior we are destroying the environment and our planet isn't immortal! It will die!

3 Forest Pollution Pic1 soil pollution in Maladão Un fortunately it is very easy to find this kind of pollution. For example plastic takes too much time to disintegrate. We should take care to recycle plastic. Recycling banks exist so that plastic isn’t left lying around as it can cause serious pollution problems.

4 Iron Scarp and Rubbish Pollution Pic2 Scrap iron on the side of a road in a forest It is illegal to leave iron scrap left lying at the side of the road. This type of rubbish is of no interest to anyone but it is very harmful for our environment and it looks horrible when we drive by. There are adequate places to put this waste and we should place them there as this degrades the soil.

5 Urban Pollution Pic 3 Bairro do Sobreiral Arganil If people took the trouble to take card boxes to the recycling bank, they should have had the decency to place the rubbish inside!

6 Water pollution Pic 4 river in Arganil, Escola Secundária Rubbish that flows down the river accumulates here and looks really bad. If people didn’t throw rubbish into the rivers this wouldn’t happen so much. If is all due to human carelessness;

7 Students Pollution Pic 5 Outside EB 2+3 in Arganil Outside EB 2+3 in Arganil it is visible that students don’t care too much about keeping their school clean. They drop their litter anywhere and this is the aspect of the exterior! Shame on You!

8 David Castanheira, nº9, 11º C Original photos Original texts

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