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Covering WTO Gokarna Awasthi. International Trade International trade – the free flow of goods, services and capital across the border- affects the lives.

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Presentation on theme: "Covering WTO Gokarna Awasthi. International Trade International trade – the free flow of goods, services and capital across the border- affects the lives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Covering WTO Gokarna Awasthi

2 International Trade International trade – the free flow of goods, services and capital across the border- affects the lives of the people around the world. cGt/fli6«o Jofkf/ kqsf/ x?sf nflu ;'Vvf laifo /xg] u/]s]f lyof]. - ;g\ !((% eGbf cufl8 _ ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7gsf] l;of6n / sfgs'g dGqL:tl/o a}7s kl5 of] laifon] klg k|fyldstf kfof]. g]kfndf ;g\ @))@ b]lv ltj|tf.

3 World Trade Organization ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7g lgodx?df cfwfl/t ;+:yf. cGt/fli6«o :t/df :jR5 Jofkfl/s ultljlwnfO{ k|f]T;fxg. ;g\ !((% df :yflkt ;+u7g eG;f/ / Jofkf/ ;DalGw ;fdfGo ;Demf}tf Uof6sf] kl/lis[t ?k xf]. clxn] ;+u7gdf !%@ d'n's ;b:o 5g\.

4 Principles of WTO Most favored nations. National Treatment. Market Access. Transparency.

5 Functions of WTO Administering WTO trade agreements Forum for trade negotiations Handling trade disputes Monitoring national trade policies Technical assistance and training for developing countries Cooperation with other international organizations

6 Nepal in WTO !(*( df Uof6sf] ;b:otfsf nflu k|of; !((% df ;+u7gsf] :yfkgf ePb]lv g} ko{j]Ifs. !((* df Jofkf/ ;DalGw lj:t[t b:tfj]h ;+u7gdf k]z u/]s]f sl/a ^ r/0fsf] cf}krfl/s jftf{ kl5 ;g\ @))# sf] ;]K6]Da/df sfgs'gdf cfof]lht dGqL:tl/o a}7sdf ;b:otf k|fKt ;g\ @))$ clk|n @# tfl/sdf g]kfn ljlwjt ?kdf ;b:o jGof].

7 Nepal's commitment g]kfnn] s[lif IF]qdf cf};t $@ k|ltzt / u}/ s[lif IF]qdf cf};t @$ k|ltzt eG;f/ b/jGbL l;dfÍg u/]sf] 5. ;]jf Jofkf/ tk{m ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7gsf !@ If]q / Ps ;o % pkIf]q dWo] !! If]q / &) pkIf]q ljb]zL nufgLstf{x?sf nflu zt{ ;lxt v'nf ul/g] k|ltj4tf g]kfnn] hgfPsf] 5. l6«K; ;DalGw sfg'g @)!# ;Dd agfpg'kg]{5.

8 Nepal's Commitment !) j6f gof sfg'g lgdf{0f ug]{, @% j6f ljBdfg sfg'gx?sf] ;+;f]wg ug]{, tLgj6f cGt/fli6o ;lGwsf] cg'df]bg ug]{ / b'Oj6f ;"rgf s]Gb|sf] :yfkgf ug]{ k|ltj4tf klg hgfPsf] 5. clxn];Dd $ gof sfg'g / * j6f sfg'gx?df ;+;f]wg ePsf] ;"rgf s]Gb| :yfkgf ePsf]

9 Four years of WTO Membership g]kfnn] ;+u7gsf] ;b:otf lnPsf] aif{ cyf{t cfly{s aif{ @)^).^! df *@ ca{ ?kof /x]s]f Jofkf/ 3f6f cfly{s aif{ @)^#.^$ df Ps ;o #) ca{ ?kof k'u]s]f 5. cfly{s aif{ @)^).^! df s'n Jofkf/sf] %& k|ltzt Jofkf/ ef/t;+u x'g] u/]s]fdf clxn] of] c+z ^* k|ltzt k'u]s]f 5. o;n] Jofkf/ lj:tf/ / Jofkf/ ljljlws/0f b'j} ck]Iff ul/P x'g g;s]s]f ;+s]t ub{5.

10 Doha Development Agenda DDA ;g\ @))! df bf]xfdf ;DkGg ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7gsf] dGqL:tl/o a}7sdf lasf;f]Gd'v d'n'sx?nfO{ ;x'lnot lbg] laifodf ePsf] ;xdlt kl5 ;g\ @))$ h'nfOdf ePsf] yk 5nkmnn] o;nfO{ yk rrf{df Nofof]. h;nfO{ h'nfO Kofs]h klg elgG5. s[lif If]q(AOA)M lasl;t d'n'sx?n] cg'bfg 36fpg] / lasf;f]Gd'v d'n'nsx?n] eG;f/ b/jGbL 36fpg] s[lif If]qM clxn] s'g kmd'{nfaf6 cg'bfg / eG;f/ b/jGbL 36fpg] df]8flnl6 tof/ x'g ;s]s]f 5}g\. clxn] k|ToIf rf;f]sf] laifo 5}g\. t/ u}/ eG;f/ cj/f]w x6fpg

11 DDA…… ;]jf If]q(GATS)M ljZj Jokf/ ;+u7g cGtu{t ;]jfsf] cGt/fli6«o Jofkf/nfO{ rf/ k|sf/n] kl/eflift ul/Psf] 5. h;dWo] rf}yf] k|sf/df Ps b]zsf] JolQm csf]{ b]zdf sfdsf nflu hfg;Sg] pNn]v 5. of] sfof{Gjog x'g;s] g]kfnsf nflu Psftk{m ;|f]t d'n'sx? a9g hfg]5g eg] csf]{tk{m sfdbf/x?sf] JolQmut / sfdsf] ;'/Iff ;'lglZrt x'g]5. xfd|f] ;/f]sf/M cGt/fli6«o :t/df eO/x]sf] jftf{sf] lgu/fgL, j}b]lzs /f]huf/ g]kfnLsf nflu slt ;'/lIft 5. of] ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ug{ ul/g'kg]{ kxn.

12 DDA Jofkf/ ;xhLs/0f(Trade facilitation)M clxn] h]g]efdf 5nkmn rln/x]s]f 5. g]kfn clt sd lasl;t d'n'sx?sf] g]t[Tj ul//x]s]f 5. xfd|f] ;/f]sf/M cGt/fli6«o :t/df eO/x]sf] jftf{sf] lgu/fgL, k'jf{wf/ lasf;sf nflu kfpg ;lsg] ;xof]u / o;sf] sfof{Gjogn] xfdLnfO{ k'Ug] kmfObf u}/s[lifhGo j:t'sf] ahf/ kx'r(NAMA)M eG;f/ b/jGbL s'g ;'qaf6 ug]{ laifodf 5nkmn xfd|f] ;/f]sf/M k|ToIf ;/f]sf/ 5}g\. Preference erosion

13 HongKong Ministerial a}7sdf to ePsf] clt sd lasl;t ;b:ox?sf] s[lif tyf u}/ s[lifhGo j:t'x?sf] nflu lasl;t /fi6«x?sf] ahf/df sDtLdf 6\ofl/km nfOgsf] (& k|ltzt eG;f/ Pj+ sf]6f /lxt ahf/ kx'rsf] lbOg]. ;/n / nlrnf] pTklQsf] lgod nfu' ug{ klg ;xdlt ePsf] 5. xfd|f] ;/f]sf/M (& k|ltztleq g]kfnsf] nfe ePsf j:t'x? ;dfj]z ug{ kxn, h:t} ufd]{G6

14 Aid for trade Aid for Trade comprises aid that finances trade-related technical assistance, trade- related infrastructure and aid to develop productive capacity. Nepal has formed high level committee to manage foreign assistance

15 IF and EIF The Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical assistance to Least Developed Countries, established in October 1997, when it was officially inaugurated by six multilateral institutions (IMF, ITC, UNCTAD, UNDP, World Bank and the WTO). Diagnostic trade integration study - 2003

16 Issues for Journalists ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7gsf] ;b:otfsf] c;/ b]lvof] ls b]lvPg < b]lvPdf s'g If]qn] sdfof] s;n] u'dfof] < /f]huf/L u'Dof] ls a9\of] < s'g j:t' lgof{tof]Uo 5. o;sf] lgof{tdf b]lvPsf] jfwf jf c8rg pkef]Qmfn] s] kfP < PlG6 8lDkË sfg'gsf af/]df s] eO/x]s]f 5 < cGo sfg'gx?sf] lgdf{0f / ;+;f]wg k|lqmof sxf k'Uof]. sfg'g gx'bf kg]{ k|efj

17 Issues for Journalists clxn] eO/x]s]f 5nkmndf g]kfnsf tk{maf6 s;n] efu lnO/x]s]f 5. pgLx?sf] Ifdtf s] 5 < ljleGg dGqfnox?df WTO Focal Point /fVg] elgPsf] 5. tL Point x?sf] Ifdtf. P; lk P; / l6lal6 ;"rgf s]Gb|x?sf] cj:yf g]kfnsf] k|ltikwf{Tds wf/ ePsf j:t'x?sf] lgof{tdf jfwf 5 eg] s] slt sf/0fn] 5 < o;sf] pkfo s] x'g;S5 <

18 Issues for Journalists WTO vs. BTA and FTA WTO and Indo Nepal Trade treaty Aid for trade, how much we have received so far, what are the needs and what is happening around. Trade related infrastructure, both legal and physical. Situation of information centers.

19 Issues for Journalists Banking sector after 2010, Bassel 2 Farmer's Right, Registration of Biodiversity and traditional knowledge. Anti-Dumping Duty and other safeguard measures. Food Security.

20 News Sources MOICS and other ministry's WTO focal point. INGO' and NGO's Nepal Rastra Bank. Experts Research Reports Web sites

21 ( for journalists) trade report. ( center for global dev.)

22 Thank You

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