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Welcome to English Language Arts Mr. Geraci 6. I'm sorry that I am unable to be here with you tonight. I am in Albany attending the NYS Ed. Dept. "NTI"

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English Language Arts Mr. Geraci 6. I'm sorry that I am unable to be here with you tonight. I am in Albany attending the NYS Ed. Dept. "NTI""— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to English Language Arts Mr. Geraci 6

2 I'm sorry that I am unable to be here with you tonight. I am in Albany attending the NYS Ed. Dept. "NTI" conference.

3 A little about me... - Been teaching in Penfield for 27 years - Have taught all core subjects - Taught at Harris Hill for 8 years (grades 2,3,5). -Love my job!

4 -I have a fantastic son who is in 8th grade and a wonderful wife. -I also have 2 dogs (Cavaliers) whom I am training for TDI Pet Therapy program. - I am the BT girls FP umpire. I also help with the varsity basketball clock.

5 The first week I always tell my students that the rules have been the same since you were in Kindergarten. Please follow them.

6 We focus mostly on class PROCEDURES to make class flow smoothly.They are posted on my site. So far, I have been thrilled with all of my classes. No major behavior issues at all! *I will contact you if there are any problems.

7 These procedures are posted on my site.

8 I use HOME time to work with students who need more support with ELA.

9 *You can use my site to access all of House B 6th grade core subjects and homework! Just type "Mr. Geraci" in the address bar and click on the first site you see.

10 email= best way to contact me Type: Mr. Geraci

11 Click

12 All House B Core teachers!

13 I have also posted information about ELA "Common Core" on my site:

14 Penfield has "Content Standards" What is taught in ELA?


16 All three 6th grade ELA teachers focus on teaching the "Common Core" standards. I am the lead teacher.We meet as a team 1-2 hours per week to go over curriculum, lessons,and student work.

17 "... they reflect the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers." Common Core Standards

18 District and teachers decide HOW the standards are met.

19 Standards : 80 more pages!

20 GradeLiteraryInformational 450% 845%55% Distribution of Literary and Informational Passages by Grade : 12 30% 70% One of the major "shifts" with common core :


22 We use some information from the "Modules" from "ENGAGE NY". Most of what we use is Penfield teacher- developed curriculum, aligned to Common Core standards. What is taught in ELA 6?

23 ·· CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1a Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly. o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1b Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1c Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s) and reasons. o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1d Establish and maintain a formal style. o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1e Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the argument presented. Writing Strand: ARGUMENTS The ability to write logical arguments based on substantive claims, sound reasoning, and relevant evidence Example: We do use parts of the module for this area of study.

24 Example: Teacher-developed unit: Joint ELA- Science research/presentation unit on Environmental Issues taught in May-June. (Notice some of the projects from last year around the room... electric cars/ hydropower/ fuel cells...)

25 NYS has a site called "Engage NY"

26 State Ed. has released some annotated test questions...

27 Students were asked to read a poem. Then they had to answer m/c and short and extended response questions... Example of what 6th graders are expected to be able to do:

28 Notice the type of m/c questions now being asked...


30 The questions require students to think about what they have read and often return to the text...

31 A sample short response question… :

32 Finally, a sample extended response question :

33 *I won't just "test prep" your children all year! They will be taught the aligned ELA units we have created. *We will review the format of the April exam and go over a few released items.

34 Other information about Bay Trail...

35 We have MANY "Clubs and Activities" at Bay Trail (listed on the BT site):


37 I encourage you to have your child participate in one or more after school activities at Bay Trail! My Rubik's Cube club is always very popular!

38 One of my students solved the cube in 15.32 seconds last year...Ten years ago, that would have been a world record!

39 PLEASE contact any of us if you have any concerns at all about school issues. We want to help if there are problems!


41 Thank you for the opportunity to work with your children this year. They are fantastic!

42 Please remember that you can always contact me with questions/concerns. Email is best: I do check this often and try to respond the same day.

43 Again, I appreciate your understanding, and am sorry I am unable to be here and talk with you in person. Have a great evening!

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