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PWT Co-Chairs Meeting October 3, 2012. Agenda  Welcome and Logistics  Expectations and Updates  Federal Formula Funds Pre-proposals  Stakeholder Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "PWT Co-Chairs Meeting October 3, 2012. Agenda  Welcome and Logistics  Expectations and Updates  Federal Formula Funds Pre-proposals  Stakeholder Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 PWT Co-Chairs Meeting October 3, 2012

2 Agenda  Welcome and Logistics  Expectations and Updates  Federal Formula Funds Pre-proposals  Stakeholder Consortium  Rapid Response  Sharing Ideas and Experiences  Wrap Up/Final Comments

3 Welcome & Logistics Celeste Carmichael



6 Status of PWTs  48 formed between 2001 and 2012  31 known to be currently active  At last PWT census (2010): 435 total members (average:19 members/PWT)  40% campus-based  40% off-campus educators  20% stakeholders

7 Annual Calendar  October: PWT co-chair meeting  January 15: Report deadline for previous fiscal year  August 1: Cutoff for special funds requests for current fiscal year


9 Strategic Plan Update PRIMARY MISSION AREAS  Agriculture and Food Systems  Natural Resources, Sustainable Energy, and Climate Change  4-H Youth Development/Children, Youth, and Families  Nutrition, Food Safety and Security  Community and Economic Vitality

10 PWT & IPART - Expectations Jennifer Tiffany

11 Expectations  Stakeholder involvement  Studying needs and identifying issues  Highlighting areas needing research  Creating educational materials and designing learning experiences  Many models for how…

12 Expectations  Annual report – due by January 15  Name of PWT  Co-chairs names and contact info  Membership list  Activities, accomplishments, outcomes, and impacts

13 Expectations  Stakeholder Consortium  showcase your work  & network  More on this later in the meeting

14 We know…  PWTs come and go  Petition for new PWTs (see web site)  Sometimes work is done

15 What you can expect from us  Special Needs funding for PWTs is currently being reviewed due to the concern about budgetary sequestration. Stay tuned for updates as the budget picture becomes more clear. Information will go out to PWT co- chairs. Note that the links on the PWT website pwts/Pages/ProgramCouncilsandTeams.aspx related to special needs funding are not currently active. pwts/Pages/ProgramCouncilsandTeams.aspx

16 What you can expect from us  Special funds to support PWT activities  Special consideration of formula fund requests that are substantively linked to an active PWT  On-going efforts to:  Communicate the work of PWTs to the Program Council  Simplify/integrate reporting

17 Federal Formula fund Pre-Proposals Margaret Smith

18 Tentative Submission Dates  Similar to last year  Open early November  Deadline for submission early December  Reviews begin in late January  Decisions underway in March

19 Strong Campus-county connections are noted….particularly PWT involvement  Preference will be given to proposals with a substantive link to an active PWT, all other factors being equal  No guarantees!

20 OLD! But important  If integrated, objectives, budget and personnel need to show both Extension and Research  Application will ask for research and extension objectives separately & specifically  Both components need to be substantive  Preference given to Smith-Lever pre-proposals that include CCE educators (from counties) in program and budget

21 Tips, guidance, instructions  All available on submission Web site along right hand side  Includes information on allowable expenses

22 A new way of connecting - Stakeholder Consortium Rod Howe

23 External Stakeholders and PWTs  Stakeholder input is key  Variety of methods for meaningful stakeholder input  External stakeholder involvement on PWTs is one important avenue  CCE/CUEAS/NYSAES: Applied Research and Extension Program Council An open, fair, and accessible process by which individuals, groups, and organizations may have a voice, and one that treats all with dignity and respect.

24 Spring 2013 Consortium for PWTs and Program Council:  Tentative Date: March 22  Location: Cornell Campus  Plenary session, time for PWTs to meet individually, lunch and displays  Interactive and facilitated discussion with external stakeholders  What PWTs should do now

25 Rapid Response Deb Grantham

26 Rapid Response Teams  Purpose: to enhance system ability to respond to emergencies  Already respond to emergencies: NY EDEN, CCE educators, campus faculty  Usually acute emergencies (major storm, flood, power loss, food contamination)  Preparation for “slow motion” emergencies harder (drought, for example)  To participate: contact Deb Grantham, dgg3

27 Development of model team  Convened small group that agreed to develop drought rapid response team as model  NY EDEN, NE Climate Center, NYS WRI, others  Collecting some guidance materials and some resources related to drought  Many materials archived by NY EDEN  Possible planning session at Ag Inservice  Will expand efforts beyond initial small group

28 Your Ideas - What works? Suggestions? Deb Grantham

29 Sharing Ideas and Experiences  Stakeholder Engagement Approaches  Projects and Activities  Uses of Special Needs Funding  What would support and facilitate your work?  Maximizing benefits; minimizing costs

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