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“Achieving world class returns by managing the supply of forest and wood products to preferred global customers” Health and Safety Expo 2015 Leading Health.

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Presentation on theme: "“Achieving world class returns by managing the supply of forest and wood products to preferred global customers” Health and Safety Expo 2015 Leading Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Achieving world class returns by managing the supply of forest and wood products to preferred global customers” Health and Safety Expo 2015 Leading Health and Safety to Improve Business Performance Les Bak, Health and Safety Facilitator Nelson Management Limited

2 2 Why is the message confused ?

3 3 What the safety manager thinks is going on!

4 4 What actually happens in the workplace!

5 5 What do we need to do Risk Identification and Controls Right Equipment in good condition Clean and tidy workplace Proper PPE Good Proactive Planning Productive Workplace?

6 6 Why do people take risk? Most of the time risk taking results in a positive outcomes !  Risk taking is normal behavior  We believe its for the benefit of the business  We think it will make the job easier or less demanding  Routine behavior becomes a habit  The “Safety Triangle” has been debated for a number of years. One fact that cannot be ignored is that lagging measures can be used to predict future performance.  The problem is by the time we get the information it is to late!

7 7 Example - Speeding Rare consequence Most of the time consequence

8 8 Ultimate consequence BUT…… You will never know when your luck has run out!

9 9 So how do we change culture?

10 10 What is Culture? Let’s make this simple! Culture is how work gets done around here.

11 11 Safety culture “Maturity Model”

12 12 Reactive Safety Culture; “I have to” culture Develop rules and policies Create behavior changes Get compliance Causes people to work in this zone!

13 13 Proactive Safety Culture; “I want to” culture! People Engagement Business Intelligence Create Innovation Good Culture works in this zone!

14 14 Safety Leadership Leadership drives the process, workers engage in the process ! The most dangerous phrase !

15 15 Safety Leadership Leadership drives the process, workers engage in the process The Role of Leadership “Leadership is infinitely more important than policy. A leader through his or her actions and decisions sends clear messages to the organization which policies are important and which are not.” — Dr. Dan Petersen

16 16 Creating the culture change; Leadership Visibility  Senior management team completed auditor training  Each manager engaged with three crews  Completed initial audit then supported the crew to implement improvements  2 year program Gaining engagement and intelligence

17 17 Creating the Culture Change; Understanding Rules Engaging workforce to improve practical application of the rules! Follow the New Zealand road code, the posted speed limit and never use a handheld cell phone while driving. Retreat to and maintain a safe position from equipment, rigging, log loading/unloading operations and a tree drag. Use and wear the required PPE Always report and intervene when you observe a breach of a critical safety rule or a serious harm incident

18 18 Creating the Culture Change; Good Reporting Communicating for intelligence and engagement  Need accurate information from reported incidents and near misses  This information identifies high risk trends  Reporting must be easy and not blame workers

19 19 Creating the Culture Change; Caring and Trust Training workforce to engage with each other  Workers look out for each other  Develop skills on how to do this effectively  Create a common approach to intervene  Leadership demonstrates this during operational visits

20 20 Creating the Culture Change; Self Awareness Developing worker intelligence around risk  Developed a simple approach for people to trigger when they were at risk.  This was developed by the workers not leadership

21 21 Using the Culture Change; Focus on high risk to get results

22 22 Using the Culture Change; Innovation to eliminate high risk

23 23 Culture Change; The results Sustained reduction in severity of injuries

24 24 In the end it’s all about……… THE COURAGE TO INTERVENE I chose to look the other way!


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