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Introduction to Management

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1 Introduction to Management
AB 140: Unit 1 Kaplan University Joyce Boone, Facilitator

2 Welcome Greetings and welcome to the Unit 1Seminar! I am your instructor, Ms. Boone. The purpose of this seminar is to share some things with you that will help you to recognize what to expect in the course. Seminars are one hour in duration. If you are attending a live session, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss any issues that you need clarification about at the end of each section of the presentation. If you are viewing an archive, you can me with any questions at

3 Agenda Introduction to seminar format A typical week in the course
Types of Assignments Readings Discussion Questions Homework Quizzes Exams Seminars The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with Instructor Communication with Peers Questions and Answers

4 Introduction to Seminar Format
A typical week in the course Types of Assignments The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with Instructor Communication with Peers Questions and Answers Introduction to Seminar Format

5 What we're in now is called a Seminar.
Seminar Format… What we're in now is called a Seminar. Seminar transcripts are automatically created at the conclusion of each session. They can be accessed throughout the term. To open transcripts (archives): Click “Enter KHE Seminar”. If no seminar is in session, you'll see links for previous seminar archives. Seminars may include presentations such as this or they may be text-based only.

6 Seminar Format Q & A (Questions and Answers) We’ll pause here for you to type in any questions that you have at this time about the seminar format

7 A Typical Week in AB 140 Introduction to Management
Introduction to seminar format A typical week in the course Types of Assignments The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with Instructor Communication with Peers Questions and Answers A Typical Week in AB 140 Introduction to Management

8 A Typical Week in the Course…
Each course is broken down into 10 parts, called Units. Each course is 10 weeks in duration; there is a Unit for each week. Units run from Wednesday through midnight on the following Tuesday. Your task is to complete the assignments within each Unit during the Wednesday—Tuesday midnight timeframe. Don’t confuse your seminar time (also called class time) with the Wednesday through Tuesday Unit schedule.

9 A Typical Week in a Kaplan Course…
There are Buttons (links) running on the left of the screen for each Unit. Clicking the button for each unit will open a list of all of the assignments for that Unit week. Clicking the icons that appear on the larger portion of the screen will show all information for completing each assignment (both graded and non-graded assignments) within each unit.

10 A typical week in the Course
Q & A (Questions and Answers) We’ll pause here for you to type in any questions that you have at this time about the layout of a typical week in the course.

11 Types of Assignments Types of Assignments
Introduction to seminar format A typical week in the course Types of Assignments The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with Instructor Communication with Peers Questions and Answers Types of Assignments

12 Readings Discussion Questions Dropbox Assignment Quiz Exam Seminar
Types of Assignments Within each Unit's assignments, you'll typically have several of 6 items: Readings Discussion Questions Dropbox Assignment Quiz Exam Seminar

13 Readings Types of Assignments
The readings for this course are located in the DocSharing link of the course. You will need to complete the readings to do well on the assignments. Start each new Unit on Wednesdays with the Readings

14 Weekly seminars Types of Assignments…
There is a seminar day and time for each course. Our seminars will be held the same time and day each week. If there is any change in our regular schedule, you will be notified in advance. If this course has non-graded seminars, attendance in seminar does not result in a direct grade, although everyone is expected to attend. If this course has mandatory, graded seminars, contact the instructor for information for making up missed seminars.

15 Weekly seminars… To prepare for the seminar, view the questions in the seminar link; prepare responses. You don’t have to turn in your responses to these questions, but you are expected to have prepared some responses to the seminar questions and offer them during the discussion. You and your classmates will discuss the questions and responses together with me during the seminar hour.

16 Types of Assignments Discussion Assignments Minimum of 3 posts are expected each unit week on the discussion board, meeting the following requirements. These are: Your response to the question and comments to at least others on the discussion board. Response to discussion question should be at least 100 words in length. First post should be made by Saturday. Posts should be spread across at least 3 separate days in the unit week. Complete details are on your syllabus.

17 Dropbox Assignments Types of Assignments These are graded assignments
Submitted to Instructor directly via the Dropbox (instructions for using Dropbox will be with assignment) Click grades in Gradebook for instructor comments

18 Quizzes Types of Assignments
Can be retaken until you get the score you want; you can see your score at the time you submit the quiz. Score will show in your gradebook one week after the close of the unit. Your scores are visible in my Gradebook Avoid the deadline. Take your quizzes early!

19 Exams This course includes three Exams. Exams are unique in two ways:
The exams are in Units 5, 6, and 10 Exams are unique in two ways: They can only be entered once They are timed (2 hours limit)

20 Types of Assignments Q & A
Please type in any questions that you have at this time about the types of assignments: Readings Seminars Discussion Questions Dropbox Assignments Quizzes Exams

21 The Grade Book The Grade Book Introduction to seminar format
A typical week in the course Types of Assignments The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with Instructor Communication with Peers Questions and Answers The Grade Book

22 Grade Book At the conclusion of each Unit, I will begin grading your discussion and dropbox assignments. My goal is to have your gradebooks updated by Saturday night or Sunday morning of each week. I will include comments for your Discussion and Dropbox assignments. Click grade to see comments You will be able to monitor your current average throughout the term by referring to the grade book. Your quizzes and exams are scored electronically. The scores show up in your gradebooks automatically one week after each unit ends.

23 The Grade Book Q & A Please type in any questions that you have at this time about the Grade Book

24 Kaplan’s Late Policy Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit
Introduction to seminar format A typical week in the course Types of Assignments The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with Instructor Communication with Peers Questions and Answers Kaplan’s Late Policy

25 Kaplan’s Late Policy I will leave comments in Grade Book with instructions for submitting late assignment Point deductions will apply to late work according to the syllabus. Work more than 2 weeks/Units late is 0; score will will not be adjusted. No Late Work Accepted After Unit 9 Deadline

26 Kaplan’s Extra Credit Policy
The School of Business does not accept or use Extra Credit assignments. If you miss a seminar, there is no makeup assignment required; however, you are encouraged to read the archive to update yourself on what was discussed.

27 Late and Extra Credit Policies
Q & A Please type in any questions that you have at this time about the School of Business’ Late and Extra Credit Policies

28 Communication with Instructors and Peers (Classmates)
Introduction to seminar format A typical week in the course Types of Assignments The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with instructor Communication with Peers Questions and Answers Communication with Instructors and Peers (Classmates)

29 Communication with Instructors
Once classes begin, there are 4 methods to contact me. They are: (my preferred method) AIM: ProfessorBoone Virtual Office Weekly Seminar

30 Communication with Peers
Introduction to seminar format A typical week in the course Types of Assignments The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with Instructor Communication with Peers Questions and Answers Communication with Peers

31 Communication with Peers
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) or other instant messenger

32 Introduction to seminar format
A typical week in the course Types of Assignments The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with Instructors Communication with Peers Questions and Answers Q & A about Communicating with Others, or about anything else that we’ve covered? Feel free to make your comments or ask questions. If you have questions later, feel free to them to me at

33 Class, I will communicate with you regularly to touch base with you and guide you as we go. You can do it! Remember to encourage and support each other also. I encourage you to exchange addresses with at least one colleague in the class and touch base with each other during the course. It’s going to be a great term. Let’s get to work! When you’re ready, click the Unit 1 link and follow those links within that, from top to bottom. You will be completing Unit 1’s assignments. Unit 1 ends on Tuesday midnight. You should have completed Unit 1 well before then and feel free to move on to Unit 2. –Ms. Boone

34 Introduction to seminar format
A typical week in the course Types of Assignments The Grade Book Kaplan’s Late Policy and Extra Credit Communication with Instructors Communication with Peers Questions and Answers This concludes our Unit 1 Seminar for Introduction to Management. Thank you for coming! I’ll be seeing you in the coming days on the Discussion Board.

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