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3 (1485-1509) HENRY VII (1485-1509) (1509-1547) HENRY VIII (1509-1547) (1547-1553) EDWARD VI (1547-1553) Lady Jane Grey (1554) (1553-1558) MARY I (1553-1558) (1558-1603) ELIZABETH I (1558-1603)

4 Henry VIII’s CHildren 1510 Daughter - died 1511 Son - died 1513 Son - died 1514 Son - died 1516 Mary - survived 1518 Daughter - died 1533 Elizabeth - survived 1534 Son - died 1535 unknown - died 1536 Son - died 1537 Edward - survived


6 Henry VIII – Catholic 1521 – Defense of the Seven Sacraments – against Luther Pope Leo X (1515- 1521)– “Defender of the Faith” “Good Catholic”

7 Henry’s attitude became more extreme over time Originally, he did not intend to change the doctrines at all. He just wanted to be the head of the church and not subject to the Pope’s authority. Once the separation began, many reformers in England saw this as a welcome move

8 Henry VIII was in love with Anne Boleyn— this gave him another excuse to pursue the separation from Rome

9 Anne would not become his mistress. She wanted to be Queen or nothing else Their courtship went on for almost seven years. Henry VIII risked all for his lust of Anne Boleyn

10 “New Monarch” Divorce – “The Matter” 6 Years Series of Legislation - Act of Supremacy (1534) “Head of the Church and State” Six Wives

11 Lesson: Never lose your mind over a woman. Or you will keep these people in business

12 Henry VIII confiscated monastic lands and church wealth as the English Reformation ensued

13 The monasteries were dissolved. The land and wealth was passed out to Henry’s loyal followers

14 Many monasteries and abbeys fell into disrepair and ruin Their ruins inspired the Romantic poets of the early 19 th century

15 Other church buildings were saved when they became Protestant Churches

16 Many churches suffer vandalism when their statues and windows are smashed in an anti-Catholic reaction

17 The landed classes will continue to support the Kings and Queens of England

18 Henry marries Anne Boleyn in 1532

19 They have a daughter, Elizabeth, in 1533 Henry moves quickly to eliminate Anne when she gives birth to a still born son a year and a half later

20 Anne was put on trial, and the accusations against her were solicited under torture.

21 Anne was executed by a French Swordsman at the Tower of London in 1536


23 She left the baby Elizabeth who will eventually become England’s greatest Queen

24 Henry goes on to have four more wives. His third wife, Jane Seymour will finally give him son. She will die ten days later

25 MODERN NATION STATE Laid the foundation for the MODERN NATION STATE Centralized Power Dissolved the Monasteries / Sold Land Controlled Nobility / Church Executed those who opposed – Treason Sir Thomas More (1475 -1535) Sir Thomas More (1475 -1535) Mary Rose (1545) 1 st Battle ship – Mary Rose (1545)

26 (r. 1553-1558) Daughter of Henry VIII & Catherine of Aragon Devout Catholic Married Philip II (Spain) 1555 “Bloody Mary” “Bloody Mary” Burned 300 Protestants

27 (r. 1558-1603) Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn “I may not be a lion, but I am a lion’s cub, and I have a lion’s heart” “Virgin Queen” The Last TUDOR

28 ABSOLUTISM????Politique Parliament – Legislation Religious upheaval – 30 years RELIGIOUS UNITY = POLITICAL UNITY ANGLICAN CHURCH

29 “Great Council” Evolutionary Process Bi-Cameral Legislature House of Lords House of Commons

30 (1542-1587)Stuart Cousin of Elizabeth I Queen of Scotland (1542-1567) Queen of Scotland (1542-1567) Catholic = heir to the throne Catholic = heir to the throne Imprisoned 19 years Beheaded


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