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Envirotech – Fort Frye Technological Design Grades 9-12 Fort Frye High School Mr. Andy Ring.

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Presentation on theme: "Envirotech – Fort Frye Technological Design Grades 9-12 Fort Frye High School Mr. Andy Ring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Envirotech – Fort Frye Technological Design Grades 9-12 Fort Frye High School Mr. Andy Ring

2 Envirotech Project Comparing compact fluorescents to incandescent. – Environmental and personal health issues Research and Lab activity Personal home inventory and cost savings by switching to CFL’s Educating parents and the community with PowerPoint presentations.

3 The next several slides are a sample of student work as well as sample activity sheets.

4 CFL’s + use 75% less energy + last ten times longer + create less heat - contains mercury - takes longer to warm up Parts of a CFL 5/11/09 [image] ex.cfm?c=cfls.pr_cfls_about Student- Matt Lang

5 Incandescent bulbs + brighter + used for heating + no mercury - use more energy - don’t last as long Light bulb structure 5/13/2009 [image] Student – Matt Lang

6 INCANDESCENT Heats tungsten filament to produce light Cheaper per bulb More expensive to use More energy required to run Efficiency as low as 10% Same technology as the year 1871 Student- Allen Bolden



9 Differences Between CFL’s and Incandescent Bulbs Student – Derek Bartmess

10 The Envirotech Light Bulb Test Student – Ricky Arbaugh


12 My Lighting Cont’d Currently there are 23 incandescent bulbs in my house. If these were replaced with CFL’s, the savings would equate to a savings of 175.46 dollars per year. Savings calculated at Calculator/LightCalcCSP.asp Student – Allen Bolden


14 My Own Lighting My home currently uses only fluorescent and CFL lighting Student – Quentin Bloomfield

15 How We Can Help The Ohio Department of Natural Resources maintains a map of recycling and waste management services. OSU offers guidance on how to properly dispose of household hazardous waste Office of Compliance Assistance and Pollution Prevention gives a fact sheet on mercury in the household Student – Quentin Bloomfield

16 The class studied alternative energy and then constructed one source- a Wind turbine.

17 Student built wind Turbine

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