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Geography, Social Classes, Religion, Government, Expansion, and Empire.

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1 Geography, Social Classes, Religion, Government, Expansion, and Empire

2  You know how they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day?”  Well, in this class, it is.  Getcha’ popcorn ready. You’ll be responsible for the underlined words from here on out.

3  According to myth, Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus, twin sons the god Mars (Ares) and a Latin princess.  Raised by a she-wolf!  Also, Romulus ended up killing Remus (that’s why it’s ROME and not REME.  (insert laughter/hearty chuckling)  In reality, the city is going to be founded by men because of its GEOGRAPHY: strategic location and fertile soil.

4  Center of the Italian Peninsula  Few harbors, but 2,000 miles of coastline  Mild, moist climate. Very similar to Greece (Duh, they’re right next to each other).

5  Polytheistic like most other cultures at this time.  In reality, they just “borrowed” the Greek gods and goddesses. [This, yet again, is an example of cultural diffusion.] Prepare yourselves, I may say this word every day in class. You may dream about it.  Roman Values: discipline, self sacrifice, devotion to family/government.

6  Yes. Yes they are.  Many of the laws, governments, arts, architecture, etc. of Ancient Greece and Rome will be similar.  Also like the Greeks (aka Alexander) they’re going to create a massive empire covering parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia.  Look for the similarities and differences!

7  Early on, Rome was ruled by Etruscan Kings (what type of government?)  When one became a tyrant, the people rose up and got rid of the king in favor of a republic = power rests with citizens who vote for their leaders.  The United States is a republic (senators/representatives)  Why wouldn’t direct democracy work in the United States?]

8  Executive – Enforce laws across country/empire  Ex. Consuls – commanders-in-chief of the army  Legislative – Senate – foreign and financial policies $$$.  Ex. Senators, Tribal assemblies.  Our ideas in the USA for legislative and executive branches come from here

9  2 groups are going to struggle for political power. First are the  PATRICIANS: wealthy aristocrats, held most power.  plebeians : commoners; farmers, artisans. Much larger than Patricians, but little power. Citizenship reserved for adult, MALE landowners only.  Eventually, the two classes will create laws that attempt to make both sides happy.

10  Tribunes: representatives protecting plebeians  They wanted a written law code so patricians couldn’t change the law for themselves  Twelve Tables: first written law code  All free citizens have a right to the protection of these laws.  Foundation for later laws in Rome and eventually United States law. (Constitution).

11  Free entertainment – Colosseum  rome#rome-engineering-an-empire--- coliseum rome#rome-engineering-an-empire--- coliseum

12  Work out your hands. I know it’s a lot of writing.

13  Like Alexander, Rome is going to expand and conquer other nations while leaving their local customs mostly intact.  How?  Rome has superior army: Legions = organization  Punic Wars = Rome defeats Carthage in a series of wars between the cities from 264 – 146 BC.  2 nd Punic War – The Carthaginian general Hannibal will try and conquer Rome. He wins an incredible battle at Cannae in 216 BC, but eventually loses at Zama near Carthage.

14  After defeating Carthage, Rome conquered most of Mediterranean world.  By 70 BC, Rome had essentially made the Mediterranean Sea a Roman lake.  Mare nostrum – “our lake”

15  Write next to Triumvirate  2 problems: Social Struggles – classes aren’t meshing well  Loyalty to commanders rather than Rome itself.  1 st Triumvirate – Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus. After a civil war, Caesar = 1 st dictator of Rome.


17  Never lost a war  Invaded Britain  Centralized bureaucracy  Great speaker  Brought many new laws to society

18  Caesar is assassinated on The Ides of March (March 15) by a group of Senators led by Brutus and Cassius. “Et tu, Brute?”

19  After Caesar dies, more civil wars break out (Why?)  A 2 nd Triumvirate takes power – Octavian, Mark Antony, and Ledipus  Octavian wins, becomes Augustus. This begins the peak of Rome’s Power from 27 BC– 180 AD.


21  Literally, peace of Rome, or Roman Peace  Period of Peace and Prosperity. *****

22  Augustus hires full time workers, government stability, and one set of laws  What are some ways you would govern a massive empire?

23  Government Projects – builds Appian Way: Roman road/infrastructure.  engineering-an-empire---appian-way#rome- engineering-an-empire---appian-way engineering-an-empire---appian-way#rome- engineering-an-empire---appian-way

24  Free entertainment – Colosseum  rome#rome-engineering-an-empire--- coliseum rome#rome-engineering-an-empire--- coliseum

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