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River Valley Civilizations Postcards: Create-by-hand Directions: Pick two of the civilizations/locations listed below. After you have picked your civilization,

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Presentation on theme: "River Valley Civilizations Postcards: Create-by-hand Directions: Pick two of the civilizations/locations listed below. After you have picked your civilization,"— Presentation transcript:

1 River Valley Civilizations Postcards: Create-by-hand Directions: Pick two of the civilizations/locations listed below. After you have picked your civilization, write a message back home to a friend or loved one about your experience in this civilization. Be sure to include at least 4 important facts about the civilization using your notes(ex. Why your civilization was important, What is unique about your civilization, where is it located, etc.). On the other side, label the civilization, draw a geographic picture (map), as well as a cultural picture (religion, society, political, economic, technology, etc.), and include a motto/slogan. [You will be graded on use of color, neatness, creativity, and content] Civilizations/Locations: Aryans Indus River Valley Gupta Empire Mauryan Empire Egyptians Persians Hebrews Phoenicians Mesopotamia

2 River Valley Civilizations Postcards: PASS Laptops Directions: Pick two of the civilizations/locations listed below and create an electronic postcard at Once you are at the website, click-on the postcards tab at the bottom-center of your screen. Once you are in the create-mode, click-on the tab at the top of your screen labeled “single-sided” and change to “double-sided.” Create a slogan/motto for your civilization at the top of the card, beneath the motto write the name of your civilization, at the bottom of the card include interesting information about your civilization based on your notes (religion, society, politics, economics, technology, contributions, geography etc.), then upload a geographic or cultural image. On the back of the card include your name, address (doesn’t have to be your actual address), a brief message, and a another geographical/cultural image of your civilization. [You will be graded on creativity, effort, and content] Civilizations/Locations: Aryans Indus River Valley Gupta Empire Mauryan Empire Egyptians Persians Hebrews Phoenicians Mesopotamia

3 Examples:

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