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1 Innovation networks and alliance management Assignment 2 + Exam: Info & questions.

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1 1 Innovation networks and alliance management Assignment 2 + Exam: Info & questions

2 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 2 Feedback assignment 2 What makes it more likely that an entrepreneur introduces a new product or service to the market? case: Uganda at least 2 hypotheses about SN one hypothesis has to use “structural holes”

3 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 3 Feedback assignment 2 Good ideas H1: “The effect of the number of family members (strong ties) on innovation in the early stage of an enterprise is larger than the effect of the number of non-family members (weak ties).” H2: “The effect of non-family ties (weak ties) on innovation in the later phase of an enterprise is stronger than the effect of family ties (strong ties).”

4 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 4 Feedback assignment 2 Good ideas Effect of density/structural holes dependent on uncertainty (need of trust in unsecure economic situation) Replication of unexpected findings under different cultural circumstances

5 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 5 Feedback assignment 2 What went wrong? copy & paste parts of the assignment as an intro “entrepreneurs who have a denser network have more homogeneous contacts” “the density is not significant” “there is a relationship between innovation and the structure of the network”

6 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 6 Feedback assignment 2 Compare possible ties with actual number of ties! look at descriptives, e.g. distribution of density (dichtomous tie values): Why could this be a problem? What to do?

7 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 7 Feedback assignment 2 if you use efficiency, consider using network size as well if you use arguments of structural holes theory, why do you use density? abstract (if at all): highlight some results!

8 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 8 Information about the exam Date of exam: January 20, 2009 (Tuesday) Time: 10:30 – 12:00 Where: see Repetition: March 12, 2009 (Thursday) Time: 9:00-12:00 Where: see

9 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 9 The final grade Two (three, for 0EE10) assignments + written exam Grade = 50% assignments + 50% exam. All assignments and the exam should be at least a 4. Final grade should be at least 5.5.

10 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 10 The (written) exam Grade: at least 51% of maximum number of points for a “6” (passed) It is not allowed to use any helping devices (laptop, books, mobile phone, written notes) with the exception of a pen.

11 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 11 The (written) exam types of question: -multiple choice -open text questions -simple calculations of basic network characteristics

12 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 12 The (written) exam we expect from you knowledge about: -the lectures / transparencies -the obligatory literature -familiarity with /routine in applying network arguments to problems of alliance management and innovation science

13 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 13 The (written) exam typical questions: -multiple choice Which of the following are examples of business alliances? Joint Ventures Co-marketing agreements Licensing Mergers

14 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 14 The (written) exam typical questions: -multiple choice What is the rough average success rate of alliances? 35% 50% 80% 90%

15 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 15 The (written) exam typical questions: -open questions What are the strengths and weaknesses of ego- centered versus complete network data collection? What is the main message of Granovetter’s (1973) article on the “strength of weak ties”?

16 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 16 The (written) exam typical questions: -open questions Why is according to Coleman the closure of a social network an important network characteristic? Provide one example that applies Coleman's arguments. That is, give one example of how closure can help solving problems of innovation or alliance management and describe in detail why closure should have an effect.

17 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 17 The (written) exam typical questions: -simple calculations Consider the following network: What is the density of this network? Explain your answer.

18 TU/e - Innovation in networks and alliance management, 0ZM05/0EE10 18 The (written) exam Good luck! Questions?

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