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The Chandra/SWIRE Survey: Radio Properties Of X-Ray Selected AGN Manuela Molina INAF/IASF Milano AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 In collaboration with:

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Presentation on theme: "The Chandra/SWIRE Survey: Radio Properties Of X-Ray Selected AGN Manuela Molina INAF/IASF Milano AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 In collaboration with:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Chandra/SWIRE Survey: Radio Properties Of X-Ray Selected AGN Manuela Molina INAF/IASF Milano AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 In collaboration with: M. Polletta, L. Chiappetti, L. Paioro (INAF/IASF-Mi), G.Trinchieri (OA Brera), F. Owen (NRAO) and Chandra/SWIRE Team.

2 Talk Outline  The XMM-Chandra/SWIRE Survey  Description of the XMM Sample  X-Ray Variability (Chandra vs. XMM)  X-Ray Variability vs. Obscuration and X-Ray Absorption THE DATASET X-RAY PROPERTIES OF THE XMM SAMPLE  Criteria for identifying AGN-driven radio activity  Some examples of peculiar sources RADIO PROPERTIES OF THE XMM SAMPLE SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS

3 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Open Questions & Objectives AGN FEEDBACK AG N Host Galaxy AG N Star Formation Signatures of AGN feedback Identify efficiently radiating AGN and radio-active AGN Study and comparison of their properties GOALS: STRATEGY: Study of Radio and X-Ray Properties of an X-Ray Selected AGN Sample with deep multi-frequency radio coverage QUASAR or BRIGHT MODE AGN driven emission from sources close to Eddington limit X-ray bright sources (e.g. Di Matteo+05) RADIO MODE Mechanical Origin Jets on small/large scales Outflows and winds (e.g. Croton+06)

4 The XMM-Chandra/SWIRE Survey in the Deep SWIRE Field The Deep SWIRE Field  Lockman Hole North  RA = 10 h 45 m, DEC = 58 o 58 ′  Area: 0.2 deg 2 The Multi- Data  VLA @ 90 and 20 cm (12  Jy@5  )  GMRT @ 50 cm  MIPS @ 24, 70 and 160  m  IRAC @ 3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0  m  UH/UKIRT J, H, K  KPNO Ugriz  GALEX @ FUV (1500Å) and NUV (2500Å)  Chandra @ 0.3-8 keV (3 bands)  XMM @ 0.3-10 keV (5 bands) AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 XMM-Newton RED 0.5-2 keV GREEN 2-4.5 keV BLUE 4.5-10 keV

5 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 The Sample  Count rates and fluxes in 5 bands  3 Hardness Ratios  N H estimated from Xspec or HR  93 sources with Chandra counterpart  71 with spectroscopic z  24 with photometric z  All detected in Optical and/or Infrared (IR) Selection: XMM Detected AGN (95) FUV-Mid IR Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) 38% UNOBSCURED 58% OBSCURED

6 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Criteria for identifying AGN–driven radio activity q 24 <0.21: Radio Loud (RL)/ Radio Intermediate (RI) 0.21<q 24 <1.45: Radio Quiet (RQ) q 24 >1.45: Radio Weak (RW) q 24 parameter q 24 =Log(F 24 μ m /F 20cm ) =0.83±0.31 for RQ and SFGs (Appleton+04) Radio Spectral Index α 20,50 (S ν ∝ ν - α ) α 20,50 <0.15: Inverted 0.15≤ α 20,50 ≤0.5: Flat 0.5< α 20,50 <1.1: Steep α 20,50 ≥1.1: Ultra Steep (Prandoni+09) -1 1 2 inverted ultra-steep

7 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Radio Properties of the X-Ray Sources  RW/RL with typical α (0.2-1)  Steep/Ultra-Steep are mostly RW and AGN1  Flat spectrum are generally RQ/RI  Inverted spectrum are RQ Opposite to UM expectations  Inverted spectrum sources tend to be absorbed and obscured.  Steep/ultra-steep spectrum sources tend to be unabsorbed and unobscured.

8 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Semimajor Axis Distribution Redshift Distribution Radio Semimajor Axis and z Distributions

9 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 A RW, Steep Spectrum Source Radio: synchrotron b=2.2 arcsec Lobes/host? Radio Weak: no SF? α 20,50 =0.7 Absorbed AGN1 (Unobscured) Fossil Synchrotron Emission? Central engine and SF can no longer accelerate electrons (e.g. Barvainis&Lonsdale 98)

10 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Ultra Steep Spectrum Sources α 20,50 =1.51 Unabsorbed Compact Source Lobes/jets? Radio Weak Synchrotron emission from electrons which are cooling down due to the lack of a reacceleration mechanism. (e.g. Barvainis&Lonsdale 98)

11 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Inverted Spectrum Sources Extended Source AGN driven radio emission Radio Weak Free-Free Absorption responsible for inverted spectrum? α 20,50 =-0.07 Absorbed SFG (Obscured)

12 A RL, Flat Spectrum Source RL Compact Beamed QSO? Obscuration from host galaxy? Radio emission indicative of Synchro-Self Absorption α 20,50 =0.31 Absorbed AGN2 (Obscured)

13 X-Ray Absorption vs Dust Obscuration UNOBSCURED: 52% OBSCURED: 45% UNOBSCURED: 52% OBSCURED: 45% UNOBSCURED: 27% OBSCURED: 67% UNOBSCURED: 27% OBSCURED: 67% Most of the absorbed sources are also obscured (e.g. Tajer+08) Almost half of the unabsorbed sources are obscured AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010

14 X-Ray Variability (Chandra vs XMM) Chandra (Sep. 2004) vs XMM (Oct. 2008/Apr. 2009) A source is variable if |F CXO -F XMM |>2x( Δ F CXO + Δ F XMM ) i.e., more than 2 σ flux variation in any band. 35% of the sources show variability, either in FLUX, SPECTRAL SHAPE or BOTH.

15 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 X-Ray Variability vs Obscuration and Absorption The fraction of unobscured and unabsorbed sources increases in the variable sub- sample Var. Sources All Sources Unobscured53%38% Obscured44%58% Var. SourcesAll Sources Unabsorbed53%44% Absorbed47%56%

16 Summary Radio properties and X-ray variability of a sample of 95 X-Ray detected AGN in the deep SWIRE field. AGN-driven radio activity identified through q 24 parameter and radio spectral index α 20,50. Examples of peculiar radio sources. X-Ray Absorption vs. Dust Obscuration. X-Ray Variability vs. X-Ray Absorption and Dust Obscuration. AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010

17 Conclusions Radio properties and X-ray variability of a sample of 95 X-Ray detected AGN in the deep SWIRE field. Efficiently radiating (X-Ray Bright) AGN are mostly RQ with typical radio spectra and contain only a few sources (3%) with AGN-driven radio activity. A certain number of X-Ray Bright AGN are RW, suggesting that any radio emission is the relic of a past AGN or SF activity. Inverted spectrum sources tend to be absorbed and obscured. Steep/ultra-steep spectrum sources tend to be unabsorbed and unobscured (is this in contraddiction with UM predictions?). AGN-driven radio emission is rare among X-Ray bright sources, suggesting that the quasar and radio feedback modes require different conditions and occur in AGN with intrinsic differences. AGN-driven radio emission is rare among X-Ray bright sources, suggesting that the quasar and radio feedback modes require different conditions and occur in AGN with intrinsic differences. Evidence of dying activty (radio-weak) in some AGN 1 : last phase of evolution? Evidence of dying activty (radio-weak) in some AGN 1 : last phase of evolution?


19 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Conclusions q 24 and α 20,50 provide good diagnostic tool for identifying “peculiar” sources Different kinds of radio emission processes related to different evolutionary stages, ages and physical properties of sources. Peculiarities observed in radio domain only Almost half of the unabsorbed sources are obscured Most of the absorbed sources are also obscured The fraction of unobscured and unabsorbed sources increases in the variable sub-sample Absorbed sources have flat/inverted radio spectra, while unabsorbed sources have steep/ultra-steep radio spectra, opposite to what expected from UM

20 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 X-Ray Variability Variability vs SED Class Variability vs X-ray Absorption Flux Variability  10 Unobsc. AGN (36%)  11 Obsc. AGN (64%)  1 NA (4%) Spec. Variability  4 Unobsc. AGN (66%)  2 Obsc. AGN (34%) Flux+Spec. Variability  3 Unobscured AGN (83%)  1 Obscured AGN (17%)  44% AGN1  9% SY 1.8 53% UNOBSCURED 47% OBSCURED  31% AGN2  12% SF Log(N H )<22 53%  76% Flux  6% Spectrum  18% Flux+Spec. Log(N H )>22 47%  60% Flux  33% Spectrum  7% Flux+Spec. Variability is NOT related to SED Class As expected, unobscured sources tend, on average, to be more variable than obscured ones

21 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Radio Properties of the X-Ray Sources Lx<10 44 erg s -1 obsc. AGN unobsc. AGN Lx>10 44 erg s -1 obsc. AGN unobsc. AGN Median Obsc. = 0.76 Median Unobsc = 0.73 Unobsc. AGN have slightly flatter radio spec. indices. KS test suggests subsets might belong to same population of sources. Median Obsc. = 0.58 Median Unobsc = 0.85 Unobsc. AGN have slightly flatter radio spec. indices KS test suggests that the two subsets belong to different populations.

22 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Radio Properties of the X-Ray Sources Is there a correlation between SED type and radio spectral index? Vir Lal & Ho (2010) find, in a radio-selected sample, a prevalence of sources with flat and highly inverted radio spectra. They also suggest that flat radio spectra are more frequent in type 2 quasars than in type 1, challenging UM.  Bimodality in distributions  Unobscured AGN peaking at around 0.6 and 0.3  Obscured AGN peaking at around 0.7 and 0.2  Are Obscured and Unobscured AGN from the same population of sources? KS test hints at a different population  Obscured AGN also seem to have slightly flatter radio spectra than unobscured ones.

23 AGN9 – Ferrara, 24/27 May 2010 Multi- λ Analysis Are “peculiarities” observed only at radio frequencies? YES! Peculiar sources do not occupy any specific region in the plot

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