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Service Delivery Quality Management SDQM. © British Telecommunications plc Agenda Intro / Why do we need to further define Quality check standards? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Service Delivery Quality Management SDQM. © British Telecommunications plc Agenda Intro / Why do we need to further define Quality check standards? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service Delivery Quality Management SDQM

2 © British Telecommunications plc Agenda Intro / Why do we need to further define Quality check standards? What are we doing? How will we use quality checks? What does look like / Example Report Employee Feedback Performance Management Communications Next Steps

3 © British Telecommunications plc Why do we need to further define Quality check standards? Within the newly formed UK Data & Voice teams there is a requirement to standardise processes. To support Lean manufacturing in pursuit of continuous improvements across UK Voice & Data Service Delivery. This new quality check process - Service Delivery Quality Management (SDQM) - will be used to improve RFT, sustain best practice and reducing rework. Does not change normal practices; automates an existing manual processes As part of The two-way performance deal – supporting effective and fair job standards

4 © British Telecommunications plc What are we doing? Trialing the use of an existing system called ROSITA –In use for 10 years with Retail and GS –Simple to use and transparent –Comprehensive suite of reports –Adaptable to new products / demands Current 5 Teams involved in a trial across UK Data Service Delivery –Building example quality check documents –Carrying out trial checks & reports –Testing system functionality

5 © British Telecommunications plc How will we use quality checks? A quality check form will be built for each function in the process flow for a specific product. As part of the normal process, Managers will carryout at least 1 check per quarter with each team member. The results will be collated and used to identify –Process deficiencies –Generate Lean manufacturing improvements –Coaching opportunities

6 © British Telecommunications plc What does it look like?

7 © British Telecommunications plc Example report

8 © British Telecommunications plc Employee Feedback Following our existing trial key feedback from our weekly review calls is: –Good and simple system –Takes same time spent as at present - takes 30 – 60 minutes to complete with the manager depending on complexity. –We know own result Managers feedback - Comparison of the checks is needed to ensure continued consistency and fairness across UK Data and Voice

9 © British Telecommunications plc Performance Management In line with existing practices and measurements Change is from manual to automation processes Individual has better sight of checks than previously which enables a better flow of communication with the manager Quality contributes to the “What”, as well as Output Supports consistent job standards Helps ensure fairness SDQM results are a factor when assessing performance* * further work required to include quality check definitions into job standards

10 © British Telecommunications plc Communications Overview at Director level Process overview to senior managers Pilot feedback to CWU Detailed operational level communications and training with team members and their managers

11 © British Telecommunications plc By 03/09/2011 By 30/09/2011 Appoint leads across all process flows & share ROSITA By 30/11/2011 Q4 Build initial quality checks Check for consistency Put in place pilot quality check programme Take onboard feedback, make adjustments, feed back to CWU & launch Ongoing system & process review Next Steps Review results Gain wider feedback across team members Check for consistency

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